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drop your glamour


Tei’s eyes widen as if I’d asked for the keys to his kingdom. “Are you certain?”

I trace a finger along his sharp jaw, curling it upward to his cheekbone, and on and on until I’m swirling around the spot on the crown of his head where I know his horns to grow, wrapping the long strands of his hair around my fingertip with each motion.

Truth be told, I don’t doubt my lust and desire and… affection, as he called it, are still all here. It feels like Tei feeding from me brought them all to the surface, like a fresh bruise, and they’re simmering just under the veneer of my skin, making me tender and achy. I don’t need to test anything, I just want him — as bared, unmasked, and unfiltered as I’m certain he’s just seen me. And if he won’t let me have that for his soul, at least I want to have that with his body.

“Drop your glamour, princeling. I seem to remember you offering a powerful creature worshiping between my thighs, at one point.”

With embers glowing in his eyes, Tei snakes down the bed in sinuous movements. His large hands grip my hips. As he sinks to his knees on the floor, he drags me with him, positioning me until my ass is barely hanging on the edge of the mattress and he’s kneeling between my legs. I prop myself on my elbows to look at him.

He steals glances at me from under his long eyelashes as his fingers make quick works of his shirt, then his pants, until he’s completely naked before me, cock already standing to attention and weeping. “I like those clothes. Ripping them would be a shame.”

There’s no world in which he misses the absolutely embarrassing yelping sound that dies in my throat. At this point, any questions about the presence of my arousal have been answered, and as he inhales deeply, then runs a knuckle down the soaked seam of my pants, making me whimper even more, I have all the proof I need that he knows it, too. But we’re both too far into this game to stop now. Personally, I might combust if we don’t see this through.

The change in him is slow. First his hands, already large against my legs, grow even larger, bracketing my entire thigh with ease, claws scratching me gently. His pale skin turns darker, from his fingertips to his forearms until the whole of him is stained a deep onyx.

Just as his hands have grown larger, the rest of him begins to do the same. From his arms, to his shoulders, to his torso, down his legs. As the darkness inking his skin spreads, his size expands, and it just keeps going. In his true form, Tei has to be at least seven and a half feet, and wide enough that I have to push my legs further apart to make room for him. His obsidian skin shines as if he was carved out of agate by the hands of a master sculptor. The circular tattoos I’ve observed on him before turn glowing, and if I had any question of their magical nature before, I’m certain now. Could they be sigils?

The deep planes of his face get more angular, his cheeks hollow out, his ears elongate and become pointed. He’s sharp enough to cut glass. Those glowing red eyes are burning embers in a pile of coals. Even his hair is longer, skimming his shoulders, and those twisting horns of his add another two feet to his absolutely towering frame.

I need to tip my head back to take in all of him. I have no doubt he could crush me, destroy me, with little to no effort. And yet his touch is careful and reverent. His hands, hot enough to leave my skin reddened, skate up from my thighs to my sides, under my shirt, bracketing my ribs and wrapping all the way around my waist.

“Does this match your expectations?” Even his voice has dropped lower, and it now sounds like it’s echoing within his own chest.

I spread my legs wider, finding the button of my pants and undoing them. “Why don’t you check for yourself?”

Tei growls and springs into motion. My pants slide off my legs in seconds, and a long claw rips my underwear down the middle. He lifts my shirt, and I raise my hands up to help him get it off me, and then my bra receives the same treatment as my panties. Once I’m standing there as naked as he is, he leans back to admire me. I feel powerful and beautiful in a way I’ve never experienced before, watching Tei come undone at the sight of me.

He runs a finger along my absolutely dripping seam, and I moan. “It’s clear your lust hasn’t gone anywhere. I’d say we’re good here.”

I can tell he’s teasing, but if he actually stopped now, I might murder someone out of frustration. Springing forward, I fist his horns and bring him closer to my spread legs. It’s obvious Tei is letting me manhandle him — mountainous as he is, if he didn’t want to move, I wouldn’t be able to budge him an inch. Instead, he follows like an obedient puppy, sitting back on his heels, and licks his lips with that long tongue of his as his eyes land on my glistening pussy.

“We’re absolutely not good,” I groan.

“Then tell me what you want. Use your words, little gem, and I might satisfy you.”

I stroke my hands up and down his horns, because if I have to suffer through this torture, he might as well do too. “Eat me out. Make me come. Worship between my thighs.”

The searing palms of his hands press to the sensitive skin at the junction of my thighs as he lowers himself closer to where I need him so desperately. I’m so over-sensitized, even his ghosted breath over my clit threatens to send me over the edge. “Your wish is my command, witch.”

And with that, he closes his lips over me, long forked tongue wrapping around my engorged nub, drawing it out more. I throw my head back, tightening my hold on his horns, and let out a long, choked moan.

It’s unfair how quickly he gets me to the edge. I try to hold on with teeth and claws, enjoy the sensation as long as possible, but he’s got the unfair advantage of his devious tongue, and before I can stop it, my body seizes and I fall down the precipice screaming his name.

When he tries to pull away, I keep my hold on his horns firm. “No, please, more.”

I feel his smile against my pussy, exposed fangs scraping my lips. “Greedy,” he tsk’s.

I don’t have enough shame to deny it, and I’m not above begging. That first orgasm was barely enough to take the edge off, and his mouth is still right there, and I want more of it. “Please, Tei, don’t stop.”

He gives my pussy one long, lazy lick, from my opening to my clit, that makes me jolt. “Fine, one more,” he says with a kiss to my mound. “But only because you asked so prettily.”

And then his tongue is deep inside me, curling against my g-spot while his lips close around my clit, and I have no more room for thought. This time, Tei edges me closer and closer and then pulls me away, with the precision of someone who commands my pleasure as if it were his own. After he’s been so deep inside my emotions, I’m not sure that’s far from the truth. Does he know nobody has ever made me feel the way he does? So wanted, and owned, and safe, and powerful, all at the same time.

A part of me wants to tell him. The other part of me is afraid he doesn’t really want to know. That feelings like the ones that clenches my chest in a vice grip are irrelevant to a creature like Tei.
