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Instead, I let him have my body, fully and without hesitation. When he finally decides I’ve had enough edging, he lets me come, and I climax so hard I see stars, crying out his name with tears streaking my cheeks.

I don’t know how much time passes before I open my eyes again and make my way back into my body. Tei is still kneeling between my legs, watching me with so much intensity it feels like his gaze alone could peel back my skin and leave me out in nothing but blood and soul.

“You’re beautiful,” he says with his voice dripping in worship. “You’re so beautiful, you’re a balm to the soul.”

I scramble to sit up. Everything in me itches to be closer to him, to kiss him, to reduce any distance until we’re one, and we don’t know where I end and where he begins. He leans back, and when his hands fall from my thighs, we both spot the burn marks he left there.

They’re subtle — no angry welts or blisters, just reddened skin in the shape of his handprints. I trace one with my finger, and find that aside from being extremely hot, it’s not painful.

“Fuck,” Tei hisses. His clawed finger chases mine around the burn. “How fucked up is it that I like it?”

His hand travels up my body again, over my belly and chest, squeezing my breasts, until his fingers are wrapped tightly around my neck. “I want marks like that everywhere on you,” he whispers in my ear. “Make your body look as owned by me as my soul feels by you.”

He doesn’t give me a chance to process his words before his mouth is on mine, our tongues battling. When he pulls away, he squeezes my neck again in warning. “If you don’t want any more marks, Esmeralda, say —”

“Mark me.” Maybe that’s foolish of me, but how bad can a few burns on my skin be, when he’s already brandished on my heart?

I reach for his shoulders to bring him back to me. It shouldn’t surprise me, and yet somehow still does, that Tei doesn’t just look like stone — he feels like it, too. His skin doesn’t have any tenderness to it, he’s all heat and hardness. Mesmerized, and with his fingers still wrapped around my throat like a necklace, I trace the planes of his body, every hard ridge of muscle.

“You’re incredible,” I murmur as my fingers explore every inch of him I can find access to.

“I’ve told you before my human glamour is far too soft for my liking.”

Yeah, he wasn’t kidding about that, all right. “I want to touch all of you.”

“That can be arranged.”

He removes his fingers from my neck, admiring his handiwork. Judging by the smug look on his face, he seems satisfied with whatever mark he’s left behind there. When something slithers around my back and wraps around my waist, I yelp, but it coils quickly and tightly. Tei has a tail, too — reptile-like, thicker than my leg at the largest part but ending in a point roughly the size of my wrist. Unlike his smooth, stone-like skin, the tail is covered in scales.

Before I can explore any further, Tei stands. His tail brings me with him, hurdling me through the air. We’re standing face to face now, my feet dangling a good two feet off the ground. My hands reach for his chest, running over the sharp peaks of his nipples, to his jutting collarbones, to the back of his neck, finding strands of silken hair. His tail brings me closer to him so he can claim my mouth again. One of his hands finds my ass, squeezing it, before sliding down the back of my leg and raising it to rest against his side, opening me up to give his knuckles better access to my pussy. I let my hips rock against his hand at the same rhythm his tongue sets inside my mouth as my hands leave his hair and venture lower and lower, down the carved planes of his abs. But my monster is too big, and though I have a very clear destination in mind, I’m finding a bit of a logistical challenge.

“It’s my turn for worship,” I say, though the gentle rub of his knuckle against my slit feels too good, and I don’t want him to stop. “Do you think you could set me down at your altar?”

Tei’s smile is downright wicked. “I have a better idea.”

His tail is in motion and before I know it I’m flipping through the air, hanging upside down. He holds me up so our faces are still level, though I’m hanging like a bat, and sets a quick peck on my lips. “Work your way down. Worship.”

From this vantage point, I notice a few things I’d missed before. For example, the fact that Tei’s feet are taloned, covered in the same smooth and hard scales as his tail. Or — and I should’ve expected this one — that his cock is also monstrous. Long and fat, carved in dark onyx, it has the same twisting ridges as his horns and ends in a slightly pointed bulbous head.

My surprised swallow must’ve been more audible than I thought — either that, or something in my scent gave me away, because Tei chuckles. “You’re not going to back out on me now, are you?”

Absolutely not. His appendage may look intimidating, but I have every intention of ending the evening impaled on it. I promised worship, and worship I shall. Reaching my hands around his back, I pull myself closer to him and let my trailing kisses be the answer. Anywhere his body dips into a ridge, I let my tongue follow the shape of. I suck his nipples in my mouth, rolling them between my teeth. Tei lets his tail guide me lower, holding me suspended as if I weighed nothing.

When I finally make my way down his naval, it takes me both hands to be able to wrap my fingers around the girth of his cock. Tei hisses a breath when I stroke him; unsurprisingly, he’s just as hard down here as he is everywhere else.

Getting my mouth around him is going to be a challenge, but that doesn’t stop me from tasting him, sticking my tongue out to feel the ridges of his swirled shaft against it.

“Fuck, yes,” he groans as his tails coils tighter around me. “Suck me down, little witch. I want to be deep down your throat.”

“You’re big…” I protest.

“And you’re good for the ego,” he says with a chuckle. “But you can take me. How about a little incentive?”

The tip of his tail uncoils from my waist to snake down my belly and naval, and then I feel it against my clit. It’s a completely different sensation than his fingers or tongue — the texture of his scales is bumpier, and the temperature lower than the rest of his body. He oscillates it against my clit fast, like a rattlesnake, and the vibration mixed with the texture feels divine.

“Fuck me with your mouth and I’ll fuck you with my tail,” he offers. “Let’s see who can make the other come first.”

I have no doubt I’m going to lose this wager, but I’m desperate to feel him inside me, and the prospect of finally being filled is too good to be passed up on, so with a deep breath I open my mouth wide and guide the tip of his cock inside, swirling my tongue around it.
