Page 89 of The Initiation

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There hasn’t been a single meal, that I’m aware of, that he hasn’t been waited on.

Which is why I have to fight to hide my confusion as we walk back down towards the service area. Judging from the number of people who actually have their mouths open as they watch us, I’m guessing this isn’t a common occurrence.

To make matters even more confusing, we stand at the end of the line.

I barely managed to eat my Thanksgiving meal, and I don’t have much of an appetite as it is, but I refuse to let Syn think I’m affected by any of this. So even though I’d rather grab a coffee, I stand in the line for a hot breakfast.

Then, as I’m about to place a spoonful of scrambled eggs onto my plate, the cock starts pulsing.

“Holy fuck,” I yelp, my hand dropping so sharply, that the spoon smacks against the metal tray containing the eggs. The metallic bang rings out across the room that’s already much quieter than usual as people are more focused on us.

The strong pulses stop as abruptly as they started. When I turn to Gemini, he’s grinning like a lunatic, and he’s also holding his phone.

He leans towards me, turning his head so his hood acts like a shield. “Looks like you connected to my Bluetooth successfully.”

“Oh, god, please, no,” I whisper.

“You’re going to have to beg a lot louder than that,” Syn tells me, as though I was talking to him.

But I wasn’t talking to him. I wasn’t even talking to Gemini.

I was talking to myself.

Because the one thing that rushed through me wasn’t shame, desperation, or even panic.

It was excitement.



The Gemini-controlled vibe remains still as we take our seats at the table. Aside from me being there, Syn acts like normal, eating scrambled eggs on toast, drinking coffee, and pretending I don’t exist.

On the other side of him, Royal’s attention is fixed on his own plate. It’s been a while since he’s eaten here, but he’s always favored a large, cooked breakfast, his plate usually piled with sausage patties, biscuits, bacon, and eggs. Today, despite the number of times his knife and fork have moved across that plate, the pile of food is still barely changing.

Gemini’s drinking a coffee. Instead of food, he’s just got his phone in front of him, angled so I can’t quite see what’s on the screen.

Aside from when I first sat down and hurriedly mouthed to Penny that I was okay, while praying she decided today was the day she would just leave early, my gaze remained locked onto my plate. Every time I look up, I catch the eye of someone as they stare at me, and I have to force myself to focus on my food.

There has to be something wrong with me, because the longer I sit here, the more I want Gemini to turn it on. The very idea that someone could be watching, and not only work out what’s going on, but that I could come in front of them, should horrify me. And it does.

But it also excites me.

Strangely, I don’t sense maliciousness from Gemini. This is a game to him, and he’s getting off on it as much as me.

Syn’s acting like he doesn’t give a shit, but he’s read a physical copy of the paper every day from cover to end until now. He might have the paper in front of him, but he’s barely looked at it. He’s completely aware of everything going on, and I can almost feel his anticipation.

What’s getting him off is the thought of me coming in front of everyone and being able to revel in how much I’m going to hate myself. He’s probably hoping I’ll literally die of embarrassment.

If he only knew…

The idea of having an orgasm in front of all these people is embarrassing, sure, but the idea of doing so and no one knowing? That’s as much of a turn on as the knowledge that it will completely piss Syn off when this whole thing clearly backfires.

Forcing myself to act like I’m hiding nerves instead of excitement is harder than I thought. I pick at my food, cutting everything into small pieces before I put any of it in my mouth.

Every time Gemini’s thumb moves, I brace myself, so when the cock finally starts to pulse, my reaction is minimal.

My grip tightens around my cutlery, and I swallow the food in my mouth, but otherwise, I don’t think anyone but the three guys at my table can tell.
