Page 90 of The Initiation

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When Gemini turned it on at the serving area - my reaction wasn’t because I was about to orgasm. It was sheer surprise. The cock fills me, and the pulsing makes my pussy clench around it. As I zone out, enjoying the rhythm of the pulsing, I figure I’m going to end up frustrated as hell unless I can help myself along.

Maybe I won’t orgasm, but that’s probably going to piss Syn off just as much.

I lean forward to grab my glass of orange juice, and as I do, the hard nub rubs over my clit. My hand jerks out like it’s controlled by someone else, and I only just stop myself from knocking the glass over.

Standing, it’s not an issue. Sitting, it’s pressed against my clit, and I’ve been so focused on not reacting, that I’ve barely shifted an inch. Despite my best efforts, my body shudders at the pleasure as I sit back with my drink.

Now that I have a glass in my hand, I raise it to my lips to make it look like I’m taking a sip, but no liquid enters my mouth. Beside me, Gemini is sniggering as I lower the glass to the table.

“How’s the Oh-jay?” he asks.

Before he can answer, the little nub bursts into life, vibrating against my clit. As I somehow swallow my gasp, I grab the edge of the table, holding so tightly that my knuckles go white.

My lips are clamped together, but the breathes that leave my nose are short and broken. Moving even an inch only drags the vibrating nub over my clit further, making it worse… Worse in the sense that it’s making everything feel so much better. The best position to take the edge off is to lean forward, but that only makes the device touch my chair. When it does, the vibrations become loud enough that if the room was any quieter, or if people were closer, they’d hear it.

I shoot a glare at Gemini, only for him to grin, shrug, and point to the black screen of the phone in front of him on the table. Instantly, I turn to Syn, making the nub attack my clit.

He grins as I smack my hand against my mouth and fake a cough.

Fine. I can handle this.

Sucking in a deep breath, I lower my hands to my lap, clutching my thighs. The cock continues to pulse as the vibrations assault my clit. While I sit still, I start to relax instead of tensing up, giving me hope that maybe I can control this. We’re getting towards the end of the breakfast service, and general curiosity at my presence at Syn’s table means more people have stuck around than usual. But they’re all going to need to leave soon.

Sure enough, people start to get up and staff start moving around to clean up. I feel good. I feel in control. I feel ready to…

“Tori, is everything okay?” Penny’s standing at the end of the table, staring straight at me.

Taking care to only move my head, I nod. “Fine. You should go to class.”

I only have a couple of classes with Penny, but the first isn’t one of them.

Penny narrows her eyes, but she doesn’t move. “Well, I was going to ask you, if it was okay—”

Beside me, acting like Penny isn’t there, Syn picks up his phone. In the next moment, the vibration intensity seems to double.

“—Finals start next week, so would you like to study with me in the library tonight?”

“No,” I practically yell before I can stop myself.

“Oh, don’t worry, I think you’re free tonight,” Syn says, clearly. “Have some fun with your friend.”

I can feel it. The orgasm. It’s as close as Penny is.

And then, everything stops.

Syn’s response must have been weirder than my behavior, because Penny is staring at him and not me. I don’t want to move, or breathe, in case Syn sets the thing going again. And I need him to.

“I’ll message you,” I say, dragging Penny’s attention back to me.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asks, frowning.

She knows I’m going to say I’m fine regardless, and I can see she’s trying to decide if this is the moment that I need her to rescue me.

From the corner of my eye, I see Syn raise his phone again.

“Not used to all the attention from sitting up here.” I barely get the words out of my mouth before everything is bursting into life again. The smile I give her is hiding the fact that I’m biting the inside of my cheek, and if she truly hasn’t figured out what’s going on—and it really seems like she hasn’t—then she will if I open my mouth again.

Thankfully, Penny gives Syn one last suspicious look, then tells me she’ll catch me later. As she walks away, I slump back in my chair and close my eyes to let the orgasm free.
