Page 1 of On the Ropes

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Chapter One

Luke “Strike ’em Out” Stryker sat quietly in the back of the stretch limousine in the Grace of God Lutheran Church parking lot in Elmhurst, Illinois, with his good friend and part-time bodyguard Rocco Moretti, his “summons” in hand. Even with the shit storm that had just become his life, he couldn’t help but smile as he reread the top secret note.

Top Secret

June 24, 2017

Mission: Tyler Project

Agent: Luke “Strike ’Em Out” Stryker

You have been selected due to your very particular set of skills: skills that you have acquired over the years.

If you accept this mission now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and you will be taken.

Will you be my best man?

Job Description: Remind me again why I love my Bridezilla; make sure my in-laws behave; keep our childhood stories to yourself (I mean it, Luke); last and most importantly, hand me a beer before, during, and after the ceremony.

Luke tucked the mission note in his jeans pocket and scanned the parking lot. “You think we were followed?” he asked Rocco.

Rocco did a visual sweep of the parking lot, the former Marine not missing a thing. “Doesn’t look like it.”

Luke put on his sunglasses, grabbed his black garment bag, and a cooler with his best friend’s favorite beer, and made to exit the limo. He glanced over his shoulder to Rocco before stepping out. “You sure you won’t go up in flames, this being a Lutheran church and all?” he asked and chuckled.

“I guess we’ll find out, asshole.” Rocco scanned the parking lot one more time. “Looks like the paparazzi found you after all, dude.”

Luke felt his blood pressure rise. He turned and looked out the back window only to see a couple of florist vans pull up and he sighed in relief. “Dick. I don’t want any bullshit today. Today is about Jake and Cassie.” The last thing any of them needed was the damn paparazzi fucking up what should be the happiest day of their lives. Luke had hired an entire security detail to make sure of it, with Rocco in charge.

Due to his game schedule with the Chicago Cobras, Luke hadn’t been able to carry out his best man duties as he would have liked. He knew Jake understood. Luke had been pitching for the Chicago Cobras, which his Uncle Darren owned, for the past ten years. The one thing Luke could and would do was make sure his notoriety didn’t ruin the day.

“That’s what you get for Catholic jokes.” Rocco motioned for Luke to get out of the limo as he followed close behind.

Luke stepped out into the warm June afternoon, the limo driver taking the cooler from him. “Beautiful day for a wedding, sir,” he commented.

Luke raised his face to the sun, warmth filling him for the first time since his life took a U-turn two days ago. His right shoulder, his pitching shoulder, ached and throbbed, another not-so-subtle reminder of the major changes that lie ahead.

“It sure is, Ernie. A perfect day.” Luke smiled at his uncle’s long-time driver and friend of the family. He’d known Ernie nearly all his life. He was more like an uncle than an employee. In his mid-sixties now, Ernie was still as friendly, helpful, and loyal as he’d ever been. The years had been kind to him. “It wasn’t so long ago you were walking your little girl down the aisle, was it?”

Ernie beamed. His only child Michelle had gotten married less than two years ago. Luke had been in Houston pitching against the Astros and wasn’t able to attend. Michelle’s wedding had been one of many events he’d missed over the years due to his baseball schedule.

That’s not going to be an issue anymore. I’m going to have a lot of time on my hands now.

Ernie leaned in close like he had a secret to share with Luke. “I’m gonna be a grandpa soon,” he whispered.

Luke smiled and whispered back. “That’s wonderful, Ernie, congratulations. Why are whispering?”

Ernie waved a hand dismissively. “Just me being silly. It’s not really a secret anymore. Michelle just finished her first trimester. We didn’t want to say anything since she miscarried eight months ago. Her doctor says she and the baby are doing great though. What a relief.”

Luke stilled. Michelle miscarried? Shit, he hadn’t heard. Michelle was as kind as her father. It must have been heartbreaking for her. Hell, for the entire family. He’d call her after the wedding weekend was over, and after what he assumed would be the upcoming press conference, which would take place Monday or Tuesday of the following week.

“Congratulations again, Ernie. I’m sure you’rethrilled. First grandchild, huh?” Luke one-armed hugged the man with his shoulder aching like hell. Time for more pain meds. The over-the-counter kind. He took no chances with anything stronger than absolutely necessary. There was too much going on to worry about his shoulder right now.

“Yes, sir. First of hopefully a few!” Ernie laughed and gave Luke the beer cooler. The weight of the cooler didn’t bother his shoulder too much. Thank God. He needed to get through the day without calling too much attention to himself, more specificallyto his shoulder.

He and Ernie turned to see Rocco a few feet away on his cell phone, waving his free hand around as his spoke, a serious expression on his face. “Must be that Italian thing,” Luke joked. He and Ernie laughed and Rocco gave them both the finger.

“Security detail is here.”Rocco ended his call and did another quick scan of the church parking lot. “Go on inside, Luke, and we’ll take care of everything out here.”
