Page 15 of On the Ropes

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Cassie squeezed her mother’s hand tight. “I know it is. But I never doubted Jake. He’s a little old fashioned in that regard. He knows I want to keep working after we start a family and he’s fine with that. He just wanted to put himself in the position to comfortably support us if I wanted to stay home. That’s all. It took him a little while, but I can’t fault him for it. The minute he accepted his position with the Cobras, we set our wedding date, remember?”

Abbey’s mother nodded. “Of course, and you’re right. You’re only twenty-nine, and there’s plenty of time to start of family. But don’t wait seven years, all right?”

Abbey and Leah laughed and Cassie glared at them. “No worries, Mom. We definitely won’t wait seven years.”

Abbey’s mother air-kissed Cassie’s cheek. “I’d better get out there. I’ll see you all in a few minutes. I love you, Cassie.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

Before leaving, Abbey’s mother turned to her and Leah.“I love you too, Abbey, very much. And you too, Leah, welcome to our family.”

Abbey turned to Leah and saw her get misty eyed. “Look up and blink!”

“I’m okay, don’t worry. And thank you, Mrs. Jayne.”

“Leah, we’re family now. Please call me Monica.”

“Thank you, Monica.”

Abbey and Leah went to Cassie after Abbey’s mother left the room. “Oh my God, I thought you two would spill the beans when Mom went on and on about starting a family and not waiting seven years.”

“You know they’re all eager for grandchildren now since you and Jake have been engaged for so long,” Leah commented.

“Yes, I know. They’ll only need to wait about seven months.” Cassie held their hands tight. “Thank you both for all your help planning this day and standing up with me. Oh no!”

Cassie looked up and blinked her tears away.

Abbey and Leah laughed and did the same. “Okay, there’s no time for a touch up, let’s keep it together, ladies,” Abbey joked.

Leah squeezed Abbey’s and Cassie’s hands, a serious expression on her lovely face. “All kidding aside, though. I’m really glad we’re going to be sisters.”

Cassie air-kissed Leah’s cheek, careful not to get too close and ruin their makeup. “We are too.”

After a full round of air-kisses between them, they ended up in a fit of giggles. “Think we can convince everyone to air-kiss us so we don’t ruin our makeup?” Abbey asked.

Cassie frowned and shook her head. “Probably not, but at least we have the makeup bags Angel made up for us. We’ll be able to look amazing for the entire day.”

“That’s true,” Leah agreed.

Someone knocked on the conference room, startling them. “It’s Dad. We’re ready for you.”

“Okay, Dad, one minute. Leah, can Abbey and I have a minute?”

Leah nodded and headed to the door. “Of course.” The door clicked softly behind her as she left.

“Abbey, can you do me a favor today and this weekend?”

“I’m sorry I overreacted at the hotel about Luke. It’s just…”

Cassie squeezed both of Abbey’s hands tight. Her warmth seeped into Abbey. “I don’t really mean Luke. I can tell something’s bothering you. Something other than Luke.”

Abbey desperately wanted to tell Cassie about losing her job. About her nervousness of the future, and yes, of seeing Luke, but she held back. Although Cassie seemed calm and collected, she wondered if Cassie had her own anxieties too. After all, Cassie was getting married, was pregnant, and keeping her pregnancy a secret for now. She didn’t want to add to Cassie’s own worries. Especially today.

“I know you probably don’t want to say anything, especially today and that’s all right. I understand. It’s not necessary, but I understand. Just promise me you’ll give that overactive brain of yours a break this weekend. Have fun. Don’t overthink anything. Just relax and go with the day. Can you do that?”

Abbey scoffed. “I don’t have an overactive brain.”

“Oh, really? You’ve spent the last ten years at OSG working your ass off while going to night school. Your brain needs a reboot—for the weekend at least.”
