Page 22 of On the Ropes

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“You know that was a real asshole move to change up the procession on Cassie like that,” Abbey whispered to Luke. “And what was that shit about asking Amy to be our flower girl? You can’t say those kinds of things to kids if you don’t mean them.” Luke hooked their arms. The heat emanating from his body seeped into hers.

He shrugged. “Tsk, tsk, princess. You shouldn’t swear in church, you know.”

Abbey’s heart ached a little at hearing Luke’s term of endearment for her. When they had been together, she felt like a princess. What the heck was wrong with her? He was probably married to Brenna Sinclair and was calling her a princess? Abbey grew angry all over again.

Luke continued, “First, the procession changes weren’t a big deal to Cassie, your father, or Leah. Second, who says I didn’t mean what I said to Amy about being our flower girl?”

“Oh really? Don’t you think your wife Brenna might have something to say about that?” Abbey countered. She felt Luke stiffen beside her. Ah ha! She knew it! Luke was married and flirting with her. Did he think she’d be his little piece on the side or something? What nerve!

Luke glared at her. “Don’t believe everything you read, princess. You should know better.”

So if Luke and Brenna weren’t married, they were still dating at least. That meant to Luke, Abbey was nothing more than some easy piece of ass. Nope, she wasn’t going along with his two-timing plans. He’d have to find someone else to cheat on Brenna with. It didn’t matter that the thought of Luke hooking up with someone else made Abbey’s stomach clench up in knots.

“Whatever, Luke. Whatever game you’re trying to play, I’m not interested.” Abbey saw Hannah and her assistant touch their earpieces and nod to each other.

Pachabel’s Canon in D started to play and the vestibule doors opened. This was it. No time to argue now.

Abbey watched as Leah and Heath walked down the aisle. She and Luke stepped up, waiting for their turn. Abbey’s heart swelled with love at the sight of the church pews filled to capacity with friends and family sharing in Cassie and Jake’s special day.

“Smile pretty for the cameras, princess,” Luke whispered.

“Shut up, jerk,” Abbey snapped.

Abbey elbowed Luke in the ribs and Hannah indicated they should begin down the aisle. Abbey did her best to smile pretty as she and Luke made their way down the aisle. Luke, being used the spotlight, had no problem flashing his sexy dimpled grin and nodding to several ceremony attendees, acting as if he owned the place. Jerk.

Abbey smiled at Jake and Heath as she and Luke arrived at the front of the aisle. Jake was wearing a black top hat?

Luke held on to her arm a little too long. “You can’t get away from me, princess. Don’t even try it.” Luke let go of her and took his place beside Jake. Abbey stood there, stunned for a moment before taking her place beside Leah.

Leah leaned in close to Abbey with an amused look on her face. “What was that? And oh my God does Luke look hot in his tux. Not as hot as Heath of course, but still.”

Abbey glared at her. She didn’t want to think Luke looked hot in his tux. Her body had other ideas, though. Stupid traitorous body. “It’s nothing. Luke’s just being a jerk. I don’t care how he looks or what he does. I’m going to enjoy this weekend and he can go suck it for all I care.”

Leah giggled and glanced at Heath, who was staring right back at her with lust in his eyes. “I’d like to suck a few things on Heath, that’s for sure.”

Abbey chuckled quietly. “Shhh … we’re in a church”

“Makes no difference to me. I’d suck Heath in a church, near a church…”

Abbey turned her attention to the open vestibule doors. Little Amy had begun her ascent down the aisle, smiling brightly and sprinkling white and cornflower-blue rose petals along the way. Folks ahhed and oohed over Amy and chuckled as she waved and said hi to some people she knew in the church pews as she walked past them.

When Amy reached the end of her journey, she turned to Luke. “See, Luke? I’ll be a good flower girl for you and Abbey.”

Luke winked at Amy and nodded his head. Abbey wanted to throttle him for putting that idea in her head. She prayed only the few people close to Amy heard. Amy took her seat with her parents, beaming with pride.

Abbey glared at Luke. He had a smug expression on his handsome face and had the nerve to mouth the word smile at her.

She was about to stick her tongue out at Luke when the music changed to the bridal march. Everyone stood and Abbey focused on Cassie and their father at the end of the aisle, ready to take their place up front. She smiled, but not because Luke told her to. Because she loved her sister, and because she would be an auntie soon, and because she wished all the love and happiness in the world for Cassie and Jake.


Luke watched Abbey shoot daggers at him and plaster a smile on her face as the music changed to the bridal march. He was transfixed by the look of sheer love and affection that crossed her beautiful face as she looked at Cassie and her father make their way to the altar.

Luke was saddened by her hostility toward him. He had hoped that after ten years she would be more even tempered. Softened a bit. But she was still angry. Very angry. And that smart mouth of hers. It had shocked the hell out him and turned him on. When they were younger, Abbey was sweet and gentle and kind. Never losing her temper even when she was upset and certainly never cursing.

Luke couldn’t help but smile. He liked the woman she had become. She was angry, sure, but Luke knew his Abbey. His princess was still the kind, giving, intelligent, and loyal person he’d fallen in love with years ago.

When he first came upon her in the church vestibule, he wanted to carry her off on his non-injured shoulder and fuck her senseless until she was too exhausted to argue with him so he could make her understand he’d never been unfaithful to her and he never would. He’d felt his cock get hard in front of her father and he couldn’t have that, so Luke made himself think of boring baseball stats, the weather—anything that would calm his dick the fuck down.
