Page 21 of On the Ropes

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No, you imagined it. Luke’s fine and he’s not your problem. He’s got Brenna Sinclair to take care of him now. Reboot weekend.

“Great idea, Luke. I like it,” Abbey’s father said.

Luke beamed back at her father and she wanted to roll her eyes again at her brown-nosing ex. “Thank you, sir. I thought since the men are in traditional black tails today, escorting the ladies down the aisle would gel with the classy vibe Cassie and Jake put together for the wedding.”

Abbey’s father, God love him, wholeheartedly agreed. Two peas in pod, those two. Always had been. “I agree completely.”

Luke kneeled down in front of little Amy and kissed her cheek. The sweet little girl giggled. Was Luke laying it on thick or what? “Look at you, Amy. You’re even prettier than the bride.”

“Yeah, well, she’s not getting married until after she becomes an astronaut,” Abbey blurted out. She needed to pull herself together. Fast. Was she jealous of a five-year-old getting Luke’s attention?

Luke tilted his head to the side and frowned at Amy. “Is that true, Amy? You’re going to make me wait until you’re in the space program to marry me?”

Amy giggled and blushed back at Luke. Abbey had to admit, their interaction was adorable. Luke was really dialing up the charm. “Yes. You’ll have to wait.”

Luke kissed the little girl’s forehead. “I can respect that. You’re a smart girl to want to want to get your career all set up before you marry me. I’ll try real hard and be patient and wait for you.”

Amy thought a moment before answering Luke. “You don’t have to wait for me, Luke. Maybe I should marry another astronaut so we could go to Mars together one day.”

Abbey snickered. Take that Mr. Charm. If the tabloids were right, not that Abbey cared, not really, Luke and Brenna Sinclair had recently gotten married in secret and would announce their marriage and Brenna’s pregnancy at the premiere of her upcoming film in the next few weeks.

She needed to get over the sting of Luke not loving her enough or of her not being enough to be the one he wanted to marry. She needed to get over not having the fairy tale wedding with the designer Bellatoni couture gown that Luke would drool over her wearing. Yes, there had been a time where Abbey had been foolish enough to believe she and Luke would go all the way. She had secretly put together ideas, clippings and the like to prepare for what she knew would be their amazing wedding day.

Look how well that turned out.

With renewed resolve and determination, Abbey stood up straight and pulled her shoulders back. She promised Cassie she would reboot this weekend and she would do her best to do that. Her interaction with Luke would not deter her from going with the flow and having her fun. There would be plenty of single men at this wedding. Abbey would take her fun where she could. With whomever she wanted. And if it felt right, she might take someone back to her hotel room tonight too.

So what if Luke was gorgeous? Abbey could still look her fill like all the other ladies attending the wedding would. It didn’t have to mean anything.

Luke rubbed his jaw, seeming to contemplate Amy’s suggestion of marrying another astronaut rather than him. “You know, I think you might be right, even though you’re breaking my heart right now.”

Poor Amy believed Luke and started tearing up. “Um … well, you could marry Leah or Abbey?”

Leah, who been openly drooling over Heath, chimed in. “Sorry, Luke. No offense, but I’ve got someone else in mind.” She winked at Abbey and Heath blushed, shaking his head slightly. Apparently it was on.

Good luck, Heath. You’re going to need it.

Luke stood and turned to Abbey, those baby blues nearly able to see into her soul. He regarded her briefly and turned back to Amy. “That’s a wonderful idea, Amy. Thank you so much for helping me heal my broken heart. Maybe you could be mine and Abbey’s flower girl when we get married?”

Amy’s eyes widened in excitement. “Okay! It’s a deal. Thanks, Luke.”

Abbey felt herself blush. The thought of marrying Luke had her skin feeling tight, her nipples pebbling, and her pussy getting slick. She would need to change into a new pair of panties if this kept up. She chided herself for getting excited. Luke was full of it. It would be easier on her emotionally to be angry at him this weekend. It wasn’t like she didn’t have good reasons to be.

Before Abbey could speak up and inform Amy and Luke she wouldn’t marry him even though this was all a ruse, Hannah stepped up and addressed them all.

“All right everyone, we’re just about ready. Let’s get you all in your places. Leah and Heath are first.” Leah eagerly led Heath by the hand to their place in front of the vestibule doors and hooked her arm around his. Huh… Heath shot a heated glance Leah’s way before he turned his head to face front.

“Next we have the best man and maid of honor.”

Luke took a hold of Abbey’s hand, his hand so big and warm, and led her behind Leah and Heath. Holding onto his strong hand brought back too many memories and had Abbey getting aroused all over again. She pulled her hand out of Luke’s and scowled at him. The jerk had the nerve to smirk at her.

Hannah placed Amy behind her and Luke. “Okay, Amy, after Abbey and Luke take their place up front with Leah, Jake, and Heath, you’ll walk down the aisle slowly and sprinkle your rose petals along the way. Just like we practiced at rehearsal, remember?”

Amy nodded her head. “Yes, I remember. And when I get to the end the aisle, I’ll go sit with Mommy and Daddy.”

Hannah nodded to Amy and proceeded to Cassie and her father. “All right, Cassie, Phil. After Amy takes her seat with her parents, that’s the cue for the bridal march to start. When it begins playing, then you both start down the aisle. I’ll be behind you to make sure your train looks beautiful, just like you do. Then after you’re in place up front, I’ll poof it up.”

Cassie and her father both nodded. Hannah and her assistant each took their places by the vestibule doors, waiting for their cue to open them.
