Page 31 of On the Ropes

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Chapter Seven

Abbey stood in place at the banquet room entrance doors, waiting for the evening’s festivities to begin. Young Amy would be first to enter, followed by Leah and Heath, her and Luke, and finally the happy couple. She had a little buzz going but was looking forward to dinner. She hadn’t sampled the delicious-looking hors d’oeuvres being served during cocktail hour. With nothing in her stomach but the pastries she ate earlier in the day, she was starving.

Cassie stood behind her, looking as beautiful as she had for the ceremony. The makeup bags they were each given were a godsend. She’d thank Angel again at her next hair appointment. “Oh look, Jake found Luke.” Cassie pointed down the hallway.

A few feet away Jake and Luke stood talking. Apparently, it was now Luke’s turn to wear the top hat. Abbey was annoyed at herself for thinking the top hat looked good on him. He turned to her and winked. Her traitorous body warmed, and she felt her center get wet.

Stupid body.There are plenty of other available men here tonight.

Abbey was still angry at the spectacle Luke had made of himself in front of Mrs. Antonetti and Carlo. Pulling that best man crap. He needed to give that shit a rest already.

You liked the attention though, didn’t you? Luke acting all possessive and caveman-like.

She looked away, not liking the direction her thoughts were taking. Whatever game Luke was playing, even if Cassie was right and Luke and Brenna weren’t together, Abbey wasn’t playing along. That didn’t change the fact that Luke had betrayed her. She couldn’t trust him.

Love is complicated.

What? Where did that come from? Abbey didn’t love Luke anymore. That was the alcohol talking, right? Before she couldexplore her thoughts a little deeper, Jake and Luke stood before them.

Luke grinned at her like he didn’t have a care in the world. “You miss me, princess?”

Yes. “Of course not. Don’t flatter yourself. Did you at leastapologize to Carlo Antonetti for your childish behavior?”

Luke shrugged and waved at Amy. Amy giggled and enthusiastically waved back. “We had a good conversation. Met the head chef, took pictures with some of the staff, you know, the usual stuff. Best of all, Carlo’s son CJ had a great idea for a fundraiser we’re going to do for the children’s foundation. The Antonetti family, they’re good people. And they know how to cook!”

Despite all her misgivings and anger toward Luke, Abbey’s heart ached for him a little. Having lost his own parents at ten years old, Luke put his heart and soul into the foundation. Sometimes, she wondered if the work the foundation did for disadvantaged children meant more to him than his baseball career.

Luke reached out, took a lock of her hair, and spun it around his finger. Abbey’s heart skipped a beat and her skin warmed. How could he still have such an effect on her after all this time? And especially considering how he’d tossed their love aside ten years ago?

Luke waggled his eyebrows at her. “I think maybe you missed me a little. I don’t mind that you don’t want to admit it. I’m man enough to admit I missed you. Have for a long, long time, princess.” He leaned in closer.

Luke was going to kiss her, right there in the banquet area hallway of Cucina Antonetti’s. Abbey should have pushed him away, but she couldn’t find the will. Just one kiss wouldn’t hurt anything, right? She could be angry afterwards. It’s reboot weekend, right?

Luke was closing the distance between them and was going to kiss her when Hannah emerged from the banquet room. “All right guys, the DJ is ready to announce everyone and dinner is ready to be served.”

Abbey pulled away from Luke, startled back to reality. She hated to admit she was a tiny bit disappointed at Hannah’s timing. It was just as well. She didn’t know which way was up where Luke was concerned.

“And you promised my wife you would relax and enjoy yourself, right?” Jake asked. It was too sweet to hear Jake refer to her Cassie as his wife now.

Hannah smiled and nodded. “Yes I did, and I will as soon as everyone’s introduced. I do find my assigned table interesting.” Hannah blushed prettily. “The DJ will announce we’re getting started and then he’ll announce each of you. Have fun!” She dashed back into the banquet room.

Luke grunted. “That was real bad timing.”

“Welcome everyone,” the DJ bellowed out. “Let’s get the evening started by introducing the bridal party.” The guests and the bridal party applauded.

“Please put your hands together for the pretty little flower girl Amy Tyler.”

The rest of the bridal party moved up in line and the guests applauded for Amy. Leah hooked her elbow with Heath’s and smiled up at him with adoration in her eyes. Abbey was surprised but pleased to see Heath smile back warmly at her. Maybe Leah and Heath will actually get together. Good for them.

“Up next we have groomsman Heath Jackson and lovely bridesmaid Leah Tyler.”

The guests erupted in applause. Abbey clapped happily for the two of them. She and Luke stepped up to where Leah and Heath had just stood.

Luke whistled and clapped. “Go Marines!”

“Go for it, Heath!” Jake shouted from behind Abbey. She turned around and found him and Cassie laughing. Jake shrugged and Cassie winked at her.

Abbey went to hook elbows with Luke, but he took a hold of her hand instead and squeezed tight. Fond memories flooded her. Years ago, they’d always held hands. Luke’s large powerful hand made her feel small and delicate. She tried to let go, the emotions too powerful. Holding his hand now shouldn’t feel so perfect, so right. He wouldn’t let go of her hand though.
