Page 30 of On the Ropes

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CJ’s smile was infectious. “Oh my God, did you and Brenna Sinclair get married? Are we doing your reception?” CJ was nearly bouncing out of his shoes with excitement.

Carlo put the camera on his desk and came around the desk to CJ and Luke. “No, son. Luke’s not with Brenna Sinclair anymore.” Carlo looked to Luke. “I take it that’s not common knowledge though, is it?”

Luke was beginning to like Carlo Antonetti more and more. He was a decent man. “That’s right. But please don’t say anything, okay?”

CJ nodded. “I won’t say anything, I promise. But what’s with the tuxedo?”

“I’m the best man for the Tyler and Jayne wedding here tonight.”

“Oh, great. I hope you enjoy your time with us,” CJ replied professionally. All right, Luke liked the young Antonetti too. “So the camera is for a few pictures for the restaurant?”

Luke and Carlo both nodded.

“Before we take pictures, can I run a business proposition by you, Luke?” CJ asked, a hopeful expression on his face.

Carlo’s brows furrowed. “What kind of business proposition, son?”

CJ grinned at Carlo and Luke, keeping them both in suspense. “I was thinking of a fundraising event at our three restaurants for the Cobras’ Children’s Foundation.

Luke definitely wanted to hear what CJ had in mind. He was a whore for the foundation. Whatever he could do to raise awareness for the wonderful work they did, he was all for it.

He made his way back to the banquet entry doors with a few minutes to spare before introductions were due to begin. He’d taken pictures with Carlo, CJ, and some with Carlo’s staff, and signed menus, napkins, and blank restaurant survey cards. What he was most pleased about was CJ’s idea for a fundraiser. He had a signed copy of their discussion in his pocket. They would arrange a time to get together soon with each of their attorneys to hammer out the details. Carlo was a lucky man. He had a great son. Luke hoped that one day soon, he’d have some of his own. Daughters, too. He needed to get Abbey on board. Fast.

Jake approached him with the top hat in his hand. He handed it to Luke. “Your turn.”

Luke put the top hat on and smiled. He was in a great mood. Ready to get the evening started and successfully complete Mission Abbey.

“I was just coming to find you. We’re ready to get started. You must be starved, man. You only had some fruit in Fellowship Hall.”

“Carlo had them give me a few of your hors d’oeuvres when I was in his office. Fucking awesome. But I’m ready for chicken carbonara and chicken marsala too.” Luke rubbed his stomach and laughed. “How’s Abbey? Is she pissed?”

Jake shrugged. “She doesn’t seem to be. But she’s had a couple of strong Long Island Ice Teas on an empty stomach, so make sure she eats well tonight, okay?”

Luke nodded. He intended on staying very close to his princess tonight. “I’ll take care of her, don’t worry.”

Luke and Jake joined the others already in place for the introductions. Abbey seemed calm and had a serene smile on her face. His heart swelled with a love that had endured for the last ten years.

Time to get this party started.
