Page 38 of On the Ropes

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Luke was exactly that to her. Unforgettable, even though she’d tried hard to forget him over the years. Abbey was aware she and Luke were getting knowing looks and smiles from the dance floor and from wedding guests.

The feel of Luke in her arms after so many years apart, so strong and warm and perfect, had her not concerning herself with what anyone else thought. She’d announced her reboot weekend, so everyone most likely assumed Luke was a part of it.

Abbey placed her cheek against Luke’s chest and inhaled. Luke’s own musk mixed with the exotic scents of sandalwood, rosewood, and oud wood from Tom Ford’s Oud Wood which he wore had her happily drifting off to a sensual place as they slowly swayed to the music. Like an addict, she’d pined over Luke when she’d seem him in many Tom Ford Oud Wood commercials over the years. Tom Ford was one of Luke’s many and lucrative endorsement deals.

She couldn’t miss the feel of Luke’s erection pressing against her belly. Was he bigger than she remembered? Her body simmered with anticipation, knowing later she’d have Luke’s long, thick dick inside her once again. No one had elicited the kind of mind-blowing pleasure that Luke had. Not that she had had many lovers since she and Luke had broken up. But every sexual encounter after Luke had left her unsatisfied and wanting.

“You’ve been unforgettable to me, princess,” Luke whispered.

Abbey looked up at Luke, surprised. He gazed at her with such tenderness she wanted to believe him, but how could she? He’d cheated on her just as his baseball career had taken off. Abbey stayed silent, not trusting herself to speak. Luke didn’t really mean it, she reasoned. It was a wedding. Everyone was emotional. That was what happened at weddings. Everyone became sentimental. Single guests wanted to hook up. He was just caught up in the moment.

The song ended and she extricated herself from Luke, feeling a little off kilter, but missing his touch immediately. Damn him. After the applause died down, the DJ announced the dance floor was open to everyone.

Abbey needed a drink. That would take the edge off. Calm her down so she could enjoy the reception and go with the flow of whatever the evening held in store. A quick dance number began playing and Abbey made to head to the bar, but Luke took a hold of her arm.

“Look, Abbey, can we go somewhere quiet to talk for a few minutes? Just to clear the air about that night? Please?”

Not this again. Luke was like a dog with a bone. Why couldn’t he let it go? What difference did it make now, anyway? After all this time? There were supposed to have a good time this weekend, not dredge up the past. After the weekend was over, who knew how long it would be before she even saw Luke again.

“Luke, it’s not necessary, so drop it. We’re supposed to be having a fun reboot this weekend right? So let’s do that.”

Luke pulled a face and just as he seemed ready to argue the point, little Amy came up to them and tugged on Luke’s jacket sleeve. “Wanna dance with me, Luke?” Amy looked up at Luke expectantly.

His face softened. “Of course. It would be my pleasure.” Amy dragged a reluctant Luke deep onto the dance floor and Abbey made her escape to get some dollar bills from her evening bag.

Thank you, Amy.

At the bar, the bartender gave Abbey the champagne that had been served to the guests. Why not? Today was a celebration, right? Jake and Cassie’s wedding day. Her reboot weekend.

Abbey took a small sip, the bubbles hitting her tongue and tickling her nose. It was dryer than the head table champagne. Very good, but she preferred the Moët & Chandon Dom Perignon White Gold they’d drank at the head table.

Abbey giggled and took a long sip. Now I’m a champagne snob. She watched Amy keep Luke on the dance floor longer than he’d probably expected. Amy was dancing, or rather bouncing around like little girls did, with Luke showing off his best moves. He could move all right. Abbey could attest to that.

Lost in memories of past sexual exploits with Luke, she hadn’t noticed she was no longer alone until a man spoke to her.

“Jake really did things up right today, didn’t he?” The man on her right, whom Abbey didn’t recognize, was about six feet tall, and had dark-blond hair styled with a little too much product and calculating, deep-brown eyes. His nose was slightly crooked, possibly from being broken. He was a decent-looking man in his tailored gray suit and a deep-red tie, holding a tumbler with a finger of scotch. He’s no Luke though.

He extended his hand and she shook it. Firm enough grip, but his hands weren’t as large or powerful as Luke’s. Touching him left Abbey feeling cold. “I’m Mel Johnson. I’m a corporate attorney with the Cobras. I work with Jake.”

Attorney. Abbey should have known by his demeanor. “I’m Abbey Jayne. Jake’s new sister-in-law. Nice to meet you. Yes, Jake wanted today to be special for Cassie. I think he’s done a great job so far.” Abbey wanted to be cordial to Jake’s co-worker, but she wasn’t the least bit interested in Mel Johnson, corporate attorney for the Cobras. Mel was at a wedding, for Pete’s sake. He could turn the attorney off for a few hours, couldn’t he? Abbey appreciated when Jake wasn’t “lawyering”, he was a laid-back, easy going guy. Not like his pal Mel.

Mel took a business card out of his jacket pocket and handed it to Abbey. Wanting to be polite, she accepted it and then noticed Luke gracefully pass Amy over to Heath and Leah to continue dancing with.

“It’s obvious that Luke Stryker is a part of your rebootweekend, but after the weekend is over and he’s left, give me a call. Let me take you to dinner sometime.”

Abbey tucked Mel’s business card into her evening bag as Luke stalked toward them. His determined, purposeful strides made quick work of eating up the distance between them. He looks more than a little angry. She held her breath.

“Johnson. I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Luke’s tone dripped with sarcasm and disdain.

Mel’s eye grew wide and he shook his head. “No, not at all, boss. I was just introducing myself to the maid of honor, and enjoying a celebratory drink together, right, Abbey?” Mel looked nervously to her for corroboration.

A little part of Abbey got turned on by Luke’s alpha male behavior, but she didn’t care for Luke’s intimidation tactics toward his employee. There was no need for it. Mel was harmless.

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be an ass, Luke.” Abbey saw Mel wince. Poor guy. He’d probably never consider of insulting the great Luke Stryker.

Luke raised a brow, glaring hard at her. He turned to Mel, who downed his scotch in one gulp. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was an ass. Was I an ass, Mel?”

“Shit,” Mel muttered under his breath. He glanced down at his shoes like they were the most interesting things in the world. He looked up at Luke and shook his head. “No, of course not. Not at all.”

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