Page 53 of On the Ropes

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“Jake, it’s going to be all right. You have my word. There’s no reason to get upset. You just married your beautiful bride. You’re leaving on your honeymoon tomorrow. Focus on that. It’s what’s most important.”

Jake blew out a frustrated breath and Cassie reached out and laced her fingers through his. “I’m really tired of this shit, you know? All damned weekend with secrets.”

“Everything’s going to be all right,” Cassie said. Jake nodded sadly and pulled her close for comfort.

“Your bride is right, Jake. I didn’t mean to dampen everyone’s happy mood, but I wanted the family to know before the press conference was announced. It will be later this afternoon,” Darren added softly.

Luke suddenly stood up, surprising everyone at the table. He looked down at Abbey tenderly. “I’m going for more dessert. Would you like more cheesecake, princess?”

Abbey nodded and Luke kissed her lightly on the lips before heading to the dessert tables. She sighed when she heard the click of cell phones behind her. After a little more dessert, I’m ready to get away from all these prying eyes. Abbey wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to the attention. She wondered how Luke did it. He never seemed too bothered by it.


Outside the restaurant entrance, Luke stood with everyone from their table, chatting after they’d all stuffed themselves. He’d been ravenous, but he was still distraught his Uncle Darren had scheduled their press conference for the following afternoon. Too soon. He was pissed that some brunch diners had paid too much attention to their group.

He held Abbey’s hand tightly, comforted by her support. He was eager to get back to his room, not only so he could fuck her until they were both worn out, but for some much needed privacy. He was tired of having his every move watched. He needed a break. He needed to get the focus back on him and Abbey and their plans for the future.

Jake checked his watch. “Well, Darren booked us a couple’s massage, so we really should get going to the spa.”

“Oh, that sounds so nice,” Abbey commented and looked at Luke with a gleam in her eyes.

He’d get them a couple’s massage since his princess liked the idea. Maybe they could get a private massage in his room so they wouldn’t attract unnecessary attention at the spa.

“Abbey! There you are. What the hell?” Luke and his family turned to find some angry, dark-haired, bad boy wannabe dressed in black jeans, a black Harley Davidson t-shirt, and tatted-up arms storming over to them.

Abbey flinched and that pissed Luke off. Was she afraid of this asshole? He didn’t give a shit who this dude was. No one fucked with his woman.

“What are you doing here, Tom? I told you to I didn’t need you as my date this weekend,” Abbey told the asshole. She had considered this douche as her date for the wedding? No fucking way.

Tom gestured at his and Abbey’s linked hands with disgust. “Oh yeah, I got that after I saw at all the pictures of you posted on Facebook.”

Shit. Luke had hoped very little of their time together ended up on social media. So much for everyone’s word they wouldn’t post anything. Regardless, what business was it of Tom’s if Abbey had refuted his attempts to muscle in as her date? Fuck him and his attitude.

Luke held on to her as she slumped her shoulders. “I had no idea we’re on Facebook. I turned off my phone.”

His family checked their cell phones, including Grandma Ruth and Grandma Beverly. Even in their late-seventies those two were fairly computer literate. They were all probably looking for news or posts about him and Abbey. This was not good.

He hadn’t heard from Brenna since last night. How was this revelation going to affect their Mission Abbey plans? Brenna hadn’t told Luke how she was planning on making the news of their split public.

Tom threw his hands up in frustration. “No shit. Since when do you turn your cell phone off? Your ticketing system was down. Tim and I kept trying to reach you, but you never picked up or responded to our calls and texts. What the fuck, Abbey?”

An angry Grandma Ruth went right up to Tom and poked him in the chest. “Don’t you talk to my granddaughter like that, you jerk!”

An angrier Grandma Beverly was right on Ruth’s heels and in Tom’s face. “Ruth’s right. You leave our Abbey alone. She’s a smart, good girl and she doesn’t have to listen to your crap.”

Tom stepped back and put his hands up in surrender. Abbey let go of Luke’s hand and group hugged the upset grandmothers. “I’ve got this,” Luke heard her tell them.

Abbey turned to Tom with anger in her pretty eyes. Good, she’s going to let this dick have it and I’ll be her backup. Unfortunately, their confrontation drew a bit of attention and three of his security detail including Rocco, were at the ready, waiting for Luke’s direction. He wanted Abbey to have her say before he let them get rid of this asshole.

“First of all, it’s not my ticketing system anymore. Tim Webber made it abundantly clear that my responsibilities and skill set were no longer required when he fired me Wednesday afternoon. But I’m sure you already know that, don’t you?” Abbey crossed her arms under her chest, exposing more of her tempting tits in her pretty sundress. Luke didn’t miss Tom the Douche ogling her.

“You got fired?” the entire family, including Luke, asked. Everyone looked stunned. Abbey worked her ass off at that shit hole Office Supply Galaxy. They were too cheap to hire additional people to help her,leaving Abbey with the workload of at least two people. From what Luke understood, Abbey was the only person supporting OSG’s ticketing system. The system was considered mission critical and they fired her? It made no sense.

Tom redirected his gaze to Abbey’s face, looking remorseful. “Abbey and about fifty others were laid off, not fired. And I didn’t know. Not until the system went down Saturday night and Tim called me when he couldn’t reach you. You should have called one of us back. Tim’s really pissed off.”

Abbey shook her head. “I don’t give a shit what Tim or you are. I no longer work at OSG, so the ticketing system is no longer my problem. Let Tim be pissed off. So am I. I worked my ass off for ten years and what did I get for it?”

“Abbey, think about it a second before you ignore Tim. He’s making noise about going to HR…”
