Page 68 of On the Ropes

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The next day, Monday—1:00 PM at Chicago Cobras HQ

Abbey stood in the lobby of the Chicago Cobras’ headquarters, holding on to Luke’s hand for dear life. Although the press turnout from television, print, and the Internet was a much more organized and civilized affair than the onslaught at the Fairchild Hotel the previous afternoon, her stomach still fluttered and her heart raced. Will I ever get used to this?

Brenna Sinclair stood at the podium, poised and graceful. A star who had just admitted to lying about her relationship to Luke for the last three years and lying about her sexual orientation. The press ate the news up, but to Abbey, they didn’t seem all that shaken up or scandalized. For that, she was grateful.

“So in conclusion, I’d like apologize from the bottom of my heart to my fans for not being truthful with you and with myself. I’ve always tried my best to be a good role model and in this instance, I’ve failed. I’ll work hard to regain your trust and I assure you I will not betray your trust again.”

Brenna turned to her and Luke and gestured for them to join her at the podium. “I’d also like to publically apologize to Luke and Abbey for the stress and embarrassment I’ve caused. Yesterday’s fiasco at the Fairchild Hotel just proves that sometimes I really need a script.” Many in the audience laughed.

“Luke, I can’t apologize enough. You’ve been an incredible friend and I didn’t treat you like I should have. Our friendship means the world to me and you have my word moving forward I’ll do my best to be as good of a friend to you as you’ve been to me. I hope you can forgive me.”

Brenna and Luke hugged while the press’s cameras went into overdrive. It was Abbey’s turn next. She hoped she didn’t embarrass herself. She took a couple deep breaths to steady herself.

“Abbey, I hope that after all of this, you and I can find a way forward as friends. From what I’ve gotten to know about you so far, Luke is a lucky man. Congratulations on your engagement. I hope you can find it in your heart to invite me to the wedding. I would be honored to be there to support the both of you when you become man and wife.”

Brenna opened her arms and Abbey hugged her tight, shaking. “You’re doing fine, Abbey,” Brenna whispered.

When Abbey and Brenna ended their hug, they were barraged with questions about their upcoming wedding. Abbey had memorized everything Luke had told her they would tell the press. Most of it lies to maintain their privacy.

Luke smiled his million-dollar dimpled smile as camera flashes nearly blinded them. He held out her left hand so pictures could be taken of Abbey’s engagement ring. “Only the best for my, princess. Flawless and colorless, everyone. Flawless just like my girl.” Luke kissed her as the cameras continued to click.

“We’re thinking a destination wedding, next spring,” Abbey announced. “Somewhere tropical, most likely.” She hoped she didn’t sound nervous.

“My fiancée and I want to enjoy our engagement a little while before we get busy making wedding plans,” Luke added and waggled his eyebrows. The press laughed, shaking their heads. Abbey’s cheeks heated.

“In all seriousness though, I want to bring my uncle Darren Stryker, or rather my second dad and owner of the Chicago Cobras organization, including Stryker Field, up to the podium so we can get on with the important Cobras business we called this press conference to discuss.”

Luke and Abbey moved aside as Darren stepped up to the podium’s microphone. “Thank you, son,” Darren began. “As you all know, the Chicago Cobras organization was started by my father Bradford in 1927. His love of baseball and the city of Chicago, as far as he was concerned, went hand in hand. He passed the love of the sport down to me and my late brother James who was an Army veteran and a member of the All Army Sports Program for softball.”

Luke squeezed Abbey’s hand. It had been twenty years since Luke’s folks had passed away, but talking about them still wasn’t easy for him.

“When my brother James and sister-in-law Marianne were taken from us twenty years ago, it was my honor to assume guardianship of their only child and my ten-year-old nephew Luke. I can honestly say I do not consider Luke my nephew, but my son. It has been a privilege to watch Luke grow from a devastated little boy to the amazing young man he is now. My boy has taken his love of the game and helped bring Chicago four World Series Championships in the last ten years and has won three Cy Young awards. In addition to that, he’s earned his degree in Business Management and his MBA, in preparation of continuing the Stryker legacy and inheriting the Cobras organization as I did.”

Luke put his arm around Abbey’s waist for support. This was it. The paperwork had already been signed and executed. This announcement was a public courtesy.

“Effective immediately, the Stryker legacy has been passed on to Luke. The ownership of the Cobras organization, including Stryker Field and the children’s foundation, as well as Stryker Real Estate Holdings, has been transferred to Luke. I have full faith and confidence in Luke’s ability to lead the organization moving forward. Luke’s number, twelve, will be retired.”

The press hurled question after question at Darren. They waited patiently for the commotion to die down. “Are you all right, Luke?” Abbey asked.

“I’m fine. It’s a relief in an odd kind of way.” Luke kissed her and they waited for Darren to continue the press conference.


Later in the day Monday—6:00 PM at Office Supply Galaxy HQ

Luke followed closely behind Abbey as they were let into the Office Supply Galaxy headquarters lobby. He carried the box she’d put her personal belongings in. He fumed over how OSG was treating his princess. Like she was a criminal. She’d worked her fucking ass off for ten long years and deserved better than this. It doesn’t matter, she’ll be working for the Cobras from now on.

Luke wanted to get this ordeal over with so he and Abbey could join the rest of their family and spend time with Darren before his surgery the following morning. Darren had insisted they all carry on with their plans and let his surgeons and doctors take care of his him. The rest of the week would be busy with truck shopping for Rocco, wedding plans, and Darren’s immediate recovery from surgery.

OSG’s HR rep, a dark-haired woman Luke guessed to be in her late twenties, wearing a black pencil skirt and white blouse, widened her eyes in surprise when she recognized him. The fit middle-aged black security guard grinned and extended his hand.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Stryker. I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle’s condition. I’ll be praying over his surgery tomorrow,” the security guard, Calvin Hudson, according to his name badge, said after shaking Luke’s hand.

Luke’s stomach knotted. He was anxious for Darren’s surgery to be over so his recovery could begin. He was grateful for all the well wishes and prayers. They’d come pouring in since the press conference ended earlier that afternoon. He and Darren heard from the mayor of Chicago, the governor of Illinois, as well as the entire Cobras’ organization, many other MLB and MILB teams, and most of the sports channels. Even Brenna Sinclair had changed her schedule so she could join everyone at the hospital in the morning.

“Thank you, we’ll take all the prayers we can get,” Luke replied.
