Page 69 of On the Ropes

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“Oh, congratulations on your engagement,” the HR rep exclaimed. “Do you mind if I see your ring? It looked pretty on TV but…”

“Of course, Pam.” Abbey proudly extended her left hand and showed off her ring. Pam gazed at it in awe and Calvin nodded his head and whistled.

“Very nice Mr. Stryker. You know, I played ball back in the day. Earned myself a full scholarship to Northwestern. I was good too. Not quite good enough to go pro, but I earned myself a degree in finance and accounting. With honors. My boys got the numbers bug too, they’re both in college earning their degrees.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Pam added. “Calvin’s working here several nights a week to help with those high college costs. You’re a great dad, Calvin. I hope your sons appreciate you. I didn’t get any support from my parents. Barely any encouragement at all. But I did what I had to and didn’t incur too much debt since OSG’s tuition reimbursement program paid for my last several semesters.”

Luke knew Abbey’s entire college education, including her MBA, had been paid for by OSG’s tuition reimbursement program. Calvin and Pam weren’t the asshole corporate heads that treated Abbey like shit. They were just dedicated employees like Abbey had been. Working hard, doing their best. The Cobras organization had a similar policy, if not even more generous. They encouraged their employees to seek higher education.

Abbey looked at him, a gleam in her eyes. “When you went over the organization particulars with Darren, weren’t there openings in accounting and HR?”

Shrewd, princess. Abbey was right, there were. The Cobras organization was rated one of the best places to work in Chicago every year. They had an abundance of applicants for every open position, even custodial and Stryker Field maintenance jobs. They paid well, offered outstanding benefits, and expected the very best from their employees. And they got it.

“Abbey’s right. If you’re interested, email Abbey your résumés.” From the excited looks on Pam and Calvin’s faces, Luke had no doubt they’d email Abbey.

“Oh my God, thank you,” Pam cried. “That would be amazing!”

“Thank you, Mr. Stryker!” Calvin enthusiastically shook Luke’s hand, smiling from ear to ear.

The three of them rode the elevator to the fifth floor where Abbey’s cubicle was located, as well as the support desk analysts. Pam and Calvin eagerly saved Abbey’s email address on their cell phones. Luke hoped that asshole Tom Murphy wasn’t lurking around and waiting on Abbey’s arrival.

Luke followed as Abbey made her way through the cubicle rat maze until they reached her space. He much preferred the Cobras’ open concept to OSG’s cubicle wall prison. He’d expected better from the office supply giant. OSG created modern, ergonomic office space for large companies but kept their own employees housed like rats. Luke was grateful that after tonight, Abbey wouldn’t ever have to come back.

Calvin and Pam stood back along a hallway several yards away. “We don’t need to hover and watch your every move, Ms. Jayne. Take your time packing up. It’s company policy that we have to be present.” Calvin frowned and shook his head.

Abbey’s cubicle had been stripped of her company laptop. Luke placed Abbey’s box on the cheap desktop surface while she went through her files, deciding what to take.

Luke smiled when he saw a couple of framed pictures on her desk. One was from Christmas and featured a large group shot of the Jayne family happily smiling in front of a brightly decorated tree. The other was of Abbey’s graduation from graduate school.

Abbey stood in her cap and gown with her good friend and third bridesmaid, Karla Collins. Six months ago, Karla had opened her own coffee shop, Karla’s Koffee Klatch and from what Abbey had told him, served coffee so delicious, it was nearly a religion.

Abbey had just finished putting all of her things into her box when that asshole Tom Murphy skulked into her cubicle. Oh, hell no.

Luke walked right up to Tom, stopping inches away from the dickhead’s face and clenched his hands. “What the fuck do you want?”

“Is everything all right, Ms. Jayne? Mr. Stryker?” Calvin called out.

“Yes, everything’s fine. I’m just finishing up, thank you,” Abbey replied, glaring at Luke.

Tom held his hands up and stepped back. “I know you’re pissed. I just want to apologize, all right? Abbey, your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed. The CIO was really pissed that Tim let you go. I wouldn’t be surprised if they ask you to come back.”

That wasn’t going to happen. No way in hell. “Abbey works for me or rather with me now, so OSG can go fuck themselves.” Luke nodded and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Abbey nudged him with her elbow. “Stop being such a caveman for a minute, will you?”

Tom frowned and shook his head. “Looks like the rumors are true, Abbey. Walmart’s looking to acquire us. With OSG’s extensive retail footprint, the lucrative business accounts, and government contracts—they see a lucrative opportunity.”

Luke had no idea OSG had been in play. He supposed from Walmart’s perspective an acquisition made sense.

Abbey nodded. “So that means this layoff is most likely just the first with more to follow. Update your résumé and email it to me, okay?”

What? What was Abbey doing? She expected him to hire this jerk? Luke had news for his princess. Luke scoffed.

“Stop it, Luke. We’d be lucky to have Tom. You need to trust me on this one. He and I make a pretty good team, professionally, that is. So put your personal issues aside and do what’s best for the organization.” Abbey went on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips, smiling sweetly up at him.

Damn it. Luke didn’t want to disappoint her, but Tom? Really? Luke trusted her. Completely. He grunted and shrugged. Fine, he’d consider Tom Murphy for his princess.

Tom had the decency to look surprised and grateful at least. “You won’t regret it. I promise. I know my reputation isn’t the greatest when it comes to women. That’s why I was trying to so hard to win you over. I’m looking to settle down. Looking for more stability. A family too. I thought since you and I worked together so well professionally, maybe we’d work personally too.”
