Page 9 of On the Ropes

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Jake went to the mini fridge near the desk, retrieved a bottle of water, and handed it to Luke. He popped the pain pills in his mouth and drank half the bottle of water. He hoped he’d feel relief soon.

A knock at the door had everyone turning to look. “Hey, it’s Rocco. Can I come in?”

Hannah let Rocco in and Jake and Heath greeted him with man hugs. “Guys, you’ve got to get dressed. Time to get serious, all right?” Hannah put her hand to her ear piece. “Thank you. I’ll be right there to take a look. All right, I’m going to take a look at the flower arrangements while you all get dressed.”

Luke didn’t want to risk it. “I think I need help getting my t-shirt off.”

Rocco raised a brow. “What’s going on?”

Hannah quickly filled Rocco in on Luke’s accident and subsequent shoulder injury. She stood by while Jake and Heath helped Luke take his t-shirt off. Luke was relieved somewhat. His shoulder didn’t hurt too badly. He knew it didn’t look good though.

Hannah was first to comment. “Oh my God, Luke, that looks awful. Do you need a sling? I don’t think anyone on my team has one. There’s a Walgreens nearby, I’ll have someone get one for you.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Luke said. “I brought a shoulder support. It’s in my garment bag. No way am I wearing a sling for everyone to see. No one is supposed to know about this injury.”

“When did this happen?” Rocco asked.

Jake seemed upset. “Wednesday night. Luke, this doesn’t look good. Do you need surgery?”

Heath frowned, shaking his head. “It’s still pretty early in the season. If you get surgery after the wedding, you should be finished with rehab fairly quick, right?”

Theoretically, Heath was right. Luke didn’t need surgery though. He hadn’t dislocated his shoulder or broken any bones. He was badly bruised, and his shoulder looked much worse than it was. He’d just hit the ground really hard.

Luke would need time to heal before he could return to play. During his brief hospital stay, his uncle had shared news so devastating and unexpected, he still couldn’t quite believe it.Hadn’t fully processed it yet. And it was that news that had Luke reconsidering returning to play at all.

Luke was thirty. For a pitcher, he was getting old. Although he was still one of the fastest pitchers in the MLB, over the last couple of years, his fast ball had slowed. He needed more recovery time between games compared to three or four years ago. In a year or two, he would probably be traded to another team if it weren’t for the fact that his uncle owned the Cobras and would never let him go.

The truth of the matter was Luke was tired. Ten years of non-stop Major League Baseball, coupled with going to college online to get his business degree then MBA, and everything else that being a professional athlete entailed—Luke had no more to give. The farce that had been Luke and Brenna for the last three years didn’t help either. Thankfully that was coming to an end this weekend.

It was time to focus on what mattered most, getting Jake and Cassie married. And Abbey. Luke’s sweet, beautiful Abbey. Just thinking of her made his cock twitch. God, how he missed her. Her soft silky hair, the feel of her warm skin against his, and that body that fit so perfectly with his.

Luke should have fought harder to convince her to stay with him after she walked in on him in his hotel room with that groupie his former manager and all-around asshole gave him to celebrate his first World Series win.Other than his teammates, there were only two people he had wanted to celebrate with, his Uncle Darren and his girl Abbey.

Christ, he’d never forget the look on her face when she walked in on him and whatever the hell her name was. He’d been drunk for the first in his life. The groupie was naked and had gotten Luke’s shirt off. He had been drunk, sure, but he’d had enough sense to know he didn’t want some random chick with bleached-out hair, fake tits, and who smelled like cigarettes anywhere near him or his dick. Luke had been trying to push the groupie off of him when Abbey had walked in. It must have looked like he was encouraging her rather than trying to fight her off. She’d taken one look at them, hurt and betrayal in her bright blue eyes, cried, and ran off.

That was it. That was the last time Luke had seen Abbey. She’d effectively frozen him out. For ten years. She told him over the phone the following day that it was better if they weren’t together. She was letting him go so he could focus on his career and whatever else he wanted without her getting in his way.

Luke wanted Abbey by his side while he focused on his pitching career and everything that went along with it. But she wouldn’t hear of it. She refused to listen to anything he had to say. Refused to believe that he hadn’t cheated on her. He assumed Abbey needed time to calm down before he could make her see reason. Months went by and she never allowed him to explain what happened the night she walked in on him and never forgave him.

That was then, and this was now. Luke would not allow her to push him away any longer. No. This weekend he’d have his say and he’dprove to her that they belonged together. Always had. Mission Abbey was on.

Luke watched Hannah dig through that magic travel bag of hers. “Okay, no more shoulder talk, all right? It’s crunch time.”

Hannah held up a white jar in her hand, smiling brightly. “I think this will help, too. Let me put a little of this on your shoulder before you get dressed. You can keep the jar in case you need to apply more.”Hannah scooped some cream onto her fingertips and touched his shoulder.

Luke hissed when the cream made contact with his skin. Rocco grabbed Hannah’s wrist so fast he startled everyone. “You’re hurting him,” he growled.

“No, she’s not, Rocco. Stand down. The cream is cold, that’s all. I wasn’t expecting that. What’s in this?” Luke wasn’t interested in some crazy potion or tricks. He just needed to get through the weekend before meeting with his orthopedic doctor and surgeon.

Hannah pulled her arm away from Rocco. Both of them stared at each other a little too long. All right, that was interesting. Rocco and the lovely Hannah Hailey. Yeah, Luke could see them together. Rocco needed someone tough like Hannah. Someone who wouldn’t put up with any shit. Someone who was their own person. Who might soften the tough Italian guy up a little. Smooth out some of the man’s rough edges.

Hannah gently rubbed the cream all around Luke’s shoulder. It warmed up as she did. It had a light pleasant smell. Not medicinal. “It’s natural, don’t worry. It has healing botanicals and emu oil in it. It’ll help with the soreness and the bruising. If you need relief later in the day, I’ll apply more.”

Luke had to admit, she was right. As she continued to work his shoulder, he was feeling better. Add in the fact that the pain reliever started kicking in, and he was confident he could get through the wedding and the reception with little trouble.

“Thanks, Hannah. It’s helping. We’ll get ourselves ready. You go and do whatever you need to do. We’re good here.” Luke moved his arm up to the side, thankful there wasn’t much soreness at all. It would be all right.

Hannah put the lid back on the jar and shoved it in Rocco’s chest. A little blush stained her cheeks. “Think you can hold on to this for Luke?”
