Page 10 of Off the Hook

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Chapter Five

Luke and Abbey startled awake when his alarm blared to life the following morning. He would have preferred a couple more hours of sleep, but he’d never slept better than with Abbey wrapped around him.

After shutting the alarm off, he kissed her forehead. “Sorry it’s so early.”

She snuggled him close, all warm and soft. “Well, we might have had a little extra sleep if you hadn’t woken me up in the middle of the night for more sex,” she teased him.

Yeah, that was on him. But totally worth it. It had been a little awkward for her at first, getting on top, but after a little while she rode his dick like a pro. He’d never come so hard in his life. He thought she came harder the second time around, too.

“Did you like riding my dick, princess?” Luke felt her skin warm. She must have been blushing. Adorable. Although he hoped it didn’t take her long to get comfortable with their sexual relationship.

“I did. You were deeper inside me that way. It felt really good.”

What he would give to spend the rest of the day in bed with her. He wished things were different, but he had commitments. Obligations.

Regretting having to, he disentangled their bodies and got out of bed. Stretching the kinks out, he smirked as Abbey watched his every move. He struck what he hoped was a studly pose, and she giggled. Music to his ears.

“Your man’s got a rockin’ bod, don’t you think?” he kidded.

Her eyes widened. “My man?”

He reached out and helped her out of bed. She winced and stood up in front of him, gloriously naked, hair tousled from sex and sleep. Luke had never seen anything more beautiful in his life, and she was all his. She was probably sore. He’d take care of her. That was his job now.

“Yes. And not because we had sex. Because I care about you. And you’re my woman. If you want to be. You want to, right?”Shit.He hoped he hadn’t read her wrong. Maybe this was all an act. This innocent, sweet routine she had going on. His stomach clenched. If she didn’t want him after last night, he’d feel like an idiot. He already had plans for them.

The smile that lit up her face warmed his heart, and he sighed in relief. She squeezed his hands and nodded. “Yes. I want to be your woman. I care about you, too, Luke. Even before last night.”

He brushed his lips against her forehead, grateful he hadn’t misjudged her. It would be all right. “Let me run you a warm bath. It’ll help with the soreness, and I’ll take a shower. The master bath is huge. There’s plenty of room for both of us.”

“Thanks. I’ll go get my toiletries real quick from my room.” She dashed out of his room, and he got great view of the perfect globes of her ass.

In his master bath Luke laid out a fluffy white towel on the floor by the large clawfoot tub and got Abbey’s bathwater running just as she returned with her toiletry bag. Carefully, he helped her until she was submerged in the soothing bath water.

“Thanks, Luke. A few minutes in the tub and I should be good as new,” Abbey said as she leaned back and closed her eyes.

Feeling satisfied, Luke started the shower but not before he glanced around the bathroom. He needed to find a new place. He felt like a guest in his own home. From the antique wallpaper, to the fixtures, and even the tub and shower. What he wanted was something more modern. Contemporary. Especially now that he had Abbey. He’d see what other properties Stryker Real Estate Holdings had to offer.

The warm spray soothed his own aching muscles. He needed to be in top form for practice and every time he stepped onto the field.

“So, Abbey, now that we’re a couple, with the traveling I have to do there will be times that in order for us to see each other, I’ll have to fly you out to where I’m at.” He was met with silence. “It’s not realistic to ask your folks for money to cover airfare and stuff. Your man’s loaded, you know.”

He washed up and heard water slosh around in the tub. “I don’t care that you and your family are rich, Luke. I like you foryou,” Abbey called out.

Shit.He knew that. He was fucking this up, and they were just getting started. Cassie was a nice girl. From what Jake had told him, the Jaynes were good people.

“I know, princess. But be realistic. Practical.” He shampooed his hair. “Our circumstances are unique. And when classes start in the fall, flying you out for the weekend might be the only chance we have to see each other for a while. You can bring your laptop, study on the flight out and back. Can you be flexible for me? For us? Please? My money gives us options.” He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, hoping he could convince her, face to face.

She’d already finished her bath and was drying off, her hair in a towel with another wrapped around that luscious body of hers. Although she had a worried expression on her beautiful face, he loved seeing her in his bathroom. In his space. She belonged there. With him.

“I know, Luke. You’re right. This is all new to me. I’ve never had a boyfriend—a man before.”

He strode to his woman and held her tight against him. “I’ve never had my own woman before either. But we’ll make it work. You trust me, don’t you?” he asked. He hoped like hell he wasn’t lying and they could actually make a relationship work. He knew it wouldn’t be easy.

“I do. I trust you, Luke.”

Hope bloomed. That was all he needed to hear.

