Page 13 of Off the Hook

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He dried his hands, thinking back to the stunned expression on Abbey’s face when he’d asked her to join him on the road. It was a huge ask, but one he hoped she’d agree to. With Abbey by his side, Luke was confident he could transition into his new position on the team with ease. His main concern was her mother’s reaction. She’d be a tough sell.

Luke was just about to rejoin Abbey at their table when Earl came barreling into the men’s room. Luke sighed, preferring Abbey’s company to his agent’s. There were times when he wished he and his Uncle Darren had chosen Glenn Milner’s agency instead of Earl’s. Earl’s personality was a lot to take at times, even though his agency’s representation was exceptional. The Milner Agency was just as good if Luke needed to make a change at some point.

“Luke, I’m glad I caught you. I wanted to talk to you alone for a minute,” Earl said as a few diners exited the men’s room.

“What is it? I want to get back to Abbey.” Luke replied. They needed to get back to Abbey’s house, smooth things over with her folks, and get her packed for the road.

Earl sighed and shook his head. “About Abbey. You should reconsider taking her out on the road with you. She’s going to drag you down, Luke.”

Luke gasped. His muscles tightened, and his head drew back stiffly. “What are you talking about? Ofcourseshe should come with me. She’s my woman. She won’t drag me down. Just the opposite.” Earl was pushing it, butting his nose in Luke’s personal business.

“Listen to me. I know what I’m talking about.” Earl stepped up a bit closer, but Luke stepped back, needing distance between them. “She’ll be in the way.”

“No, she won’t. A lot of the other guys bring their girlfriends or their wives and kids on the road with them. Back off, Earl. If Abbey agrees, she’s coming along until she starts classes in the fall. It’s not your decision to make, it’smine.” Luke made to leave the men’s room, but Earl grabbed his arm. Luke yanked him off, his stomach tied up in knots.

“You’ve got to trust me on this. It’s what you pay me for. You’re a young, good-looking guy. Your career is about to take off. You’ve got your pick of lucrative endorsement deals because of me. You can fuck women from models, to actresses, pop stars, and other professional athletes. Play the field.” Earl laughed as if he’d just made the funniest joke in the world.

“No way. Abbey’s the one for me. Discussion over.” Luke really hated Earl sometimes. He could be such a pig. Abbey was so much more than just “a fuck”. He cared about her.

Earl’s face reddened, and his nostrils flared. “Listen to me, you spoiled little shit. I didn’t work this hard to have you throw it all away over some groupie—”

Luke shoved Earl, his anger boiling over. “No. You listen tome, asshole. I’ve worked damned hard to get where I am, and you fucking know it.I’mthe talent, and you work forme, not the other way around. I should fire you right now.”

Earl’s eyes widened at the threat, the greedy prick he was. He raised his hands in surrender. “All right, all right. No need to be hasty, Luke.”

Luke’s heart raced, and his breath caught. “I don’t want to hear another word about Abbey, and I expect you to treat her with the respect she deserves or I’m finished with you.”
