Page 14 of Off the Hook

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Chapter Six

Panic jabbed hard at Abbey’s stomach as she, Luke, and Darren drove back to her parents’ house. Sweat trickled down her neck and beaded up along her spine.

On the one hand she was excited to join Luke on the road with the Cobras. She’d decided she was going to go. She was a legal adult, and her parents couldn’t stop her. But on the other hand, she knew her parents, especially her mother, would freak out. It was going to be an epic argument she wasn’t looking forward to.

She clung to Luke’s hand for dear life as their limo made its way through Elmhurst. “Earl wasn’t exactly jumping for joy at the idea of me coming along for a couple of months until classes start. I won’t get in the way. I promise”

“Don’t worry about Earl, dear. Many wives and girlfriends join the players,” Darren assured her.

Abbey figured that. Why did Earl have to be such a jerk?

“Don’t worry, we’ll smooth things over with your folks. And you’ll have a great time on the road. We’ll fly first class and stay in nice hotels,” Luke promised.

“I don’t care about the money, you know that. I just care about being withyou,” Abbey said, trying to make him understand. It was all surreal. She could only imagine how much it would cost to fly her around the country first class for nearly two months and put her up in luxury hotels for away games.

Luke gave her a soft, quick kiss just as they pulled into her driveway. Her stomach twisted in knots. She grew lightheaded and thought she might pass out from the anxiety she was feeling.

Her parents and Cassie were just starting dessert when she, Luke, and Darren stepped into the kitchen. Abbey saw they were having her mother’s homemade red velvet cake, a family favorite.

After introductions were made and everyone sat around the table with a generous slice, Abbey felt compelled to get the ball rolling. “Luke was moved up from middle reliever to starter today.”

Her mother appeared confused, not knowing anything about baseball. “Hon, that means Luke went from pitching a couple innings per game to five to seven, possibly an entire game, depending. It’s a big deal,” her father explained to her mother.

Abbey felt like a heel when her mother smiled at Luke. “That’s wonderful. Congratulations, Luke.”

“Thank you. I leave for Arizona tomorrow. It’s my turn in the rotation. I’ve asked Abbey to join me on the road until she starts classes in the fall,” Luke said to her mother.

Cassie squeaked. Her father shook his head slightly, shooting her a knowing glance. Her mother threw her hands up in frustration.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Absolutely not.” She turned to her father and glared at him. “Well, don’t you have something to say? Abbey’s worked so hard all of her life. She got into U of I. She’s less than two months away. To throw it all away, just like that?”

“No one’s throwing anything away. Calm down,” her father replied in a soothing voice.

“Yeah, Mom. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime. No one said anything about Abbey not starting at U of I in the fall,” Cassie added.

“Oh, that’s just bullshit, and you know it.IfI let her go on the road, she won’t start college in the fall,” her mother spat out.

Abbey’s temper was simmering just below the surface. Her mother was pushing it. “Going with Luke is my decision, not yours, Mom.”

Her mother gasped. “After everything your father and I have done for you, you ungrateful little…”


Abbey’s mother was being unreasonable. It’s not like Luke was kidnapping her for two months. There would be home games they would be back for before Abbey started school. Heat burned his cheeks, and anger spiraled from the pit of his stomach.

“Mrs. Jayne, I know how important Abbey’s education is. College is important to me, too. I’m attending Walden online. I’m a Business major. Then I’ll continue on to earn my MBA. I promise you, I won’t stand in the way of her starting classes in the fall.” God, he hoped he could get through to her. Make her understand he wasn’t the enemy.

“She’s worked so hard, Luke. You can understand why I’m worried, can’t you?” Abbey’s mother asked him. Luke understood her concern, but Mrs. Jayne didn’t know him well enough to know he’d never do anything to hurt her daughter.

“I do understand. Completely. But having Abbey with me today made a difference. And having her with me for this transition would mean so much to me.” Luke hoped like hell Mrs. Jayne understoodhim. He needed Abbey with him for the next several weeks.

“This would be one last amazing adventure until I have to buckle down when classes start in the fall. And Iwillstart in the fall. Don’t you understand?” Abbey pleaded with her mother.

Abbey’s mother sighed. “Marrying your father. Raising you girls. That’s beenmyadventure.”

Luke’s eyes stung. “That’s beautiful, Mrs. Jayne.”

Mrs. Jayne sighed and nodded. “I understand, Abbey. I do. It’s different for you and Cassie than it was for me. I know times have changed. You’ll take your cell phone and laptop with you so you can stay in touch, right?”

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