Page 19 of Off the Hook

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Sunday, October 28th

103rdWorld Series—Game 4

Chicago Cobras vs. Colorado Rockies

Abbey picked at her fingernails as she paced in the Cobras’ dugout. Darren, Jesse, and the rest of the team hadn’t said a word. Even asshole Earl had shut the hell up for a change. She felt a rolling, fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach. The rest of the team was silent because they were as worried as she was.

The Cobras were closing in on the end of game four against the Colorado Rockies. They’d won the first three games, with Luke pitching a few innings in each game. But if they won tonight, they’d win the World Series outright. The decision had been made to start Jeff Norten, a more seasoned and experienced pitcher.

But Jeff had pitched a long, hard game. He was getting tired, and it showed. The Cobras were leading two to one. It was the bottom of the ninth, the Rockies had a man on first and second with two outs, after just scoring. They were minutes away from winning the series or having to play at least another game.

“I need to pull Jeff out. He’s done. Luke’s warmed up and ready to go,” Jesse announced to everyone in the dugout and signaled to the pitcher’s mound.

“But Pete Myers is next up at bat. We’re fucked. Sorry, Abbey,” Evan Williams, one of the Cobras’ best batters, said.

By now, Abbey had become pretty used to the guys on the team swearing. She didn’t want them changing how they talked or acted on her account. They had been respectful of her, many of them bringing their wives and girlfriends on the road, too.

“We arenotfucked. Luke’s a big reason we’re here, and you all know that. He’s worked his ass off for this team. I don’t give a shit that Darren’s down here with us, but I sure as hell expected a little more from all of you.”

Evan looked at his teammates for support. “We know he’s worked hard. Hell, he’s a natural. Maybe a few of us are a little jealous. But this rivalry with Myers. Luke’s been trying to strike him out for weeks. He’s up to two strikes and that’s amazing, but all we need is a ground ball to get the third out and win this thing.” The rest of the team nodded but remained silent.

“You’re right. That’s what we’ll tell him to do. But he if goes off on his own and tries to strike Myers out anyway, you’ll just have to deal with playing another game.”

The entire dugout moaned and threw their hands up. “That’s enough!” Darren shouted.

It was the first time Abbey had ever heard Darren raise his voice. A chill ran down Abbey’s spine, and she took her place beside him. She reached for his hand, relieved when he took hers in his and squeezed gently.

“I don’t give a shit that he’s my boy, and neither should you. He’s proven his worth to this team over and over again, and treated you all with more respect than you’ve shown him. Not once has he complained. He’s just worked harder. You all get paid plenty, and if you have to play another fucking game, so be it. But you won’t have to. He’ll win this thing, and if you don’t show him the respect he deserves after that, then maybe this ball club doesn’t deservehim.”

Abbey got goosebumps, and all the players, Jesse, and Earl were stunned silent.

Jesse nodded and made quick work of heading to the pitcher’s mound. The crowd roared as Jeff waved his ballcap to them and headed back to the dugout. The team clapped him on the back, offering their support for his efforts so far. He’d pitched a good game.

“It’ll be all right, Abbey. You’ll see,” Darren whispered in her ear.

She nodded, hoping Darren was right. The crowd leaped to their feet when the first guitar licks of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” began to play. A thrill shot through her as the stadium shoutedThunder!along with the song. It had yet to stop being amazing.

Luke reached the pitcher’s mound from the bullpen and acknowledged the crowd briefly and glanced toward the dugout. Those infamous butterflies took flight in her stomach when their eyes met.I love you, she mouthed, still holding Darren’s hand. Luke touched the brim of his cap and nodded slightly. His special sign for “I love you, too”.

Pete Myers took his place at bat, and Luke visibly sighed. She didn’t blame him. Pete was an asshole, and everyone knew it.

Abbey watched as everyone else did when Luke looked up at the night sky and closed his eyes. Darren squeezed her hand. “I told you, Abbey, it’s going to be all right. You’ll see,” he repeated to her.

After a few moments, Luke smiled and nodded. Opening his eyes, he focused his attention on Pete Myers, who was smirking back at him. With a murderous expression on his face, he pointed to Myers, and it looked like he said “I’m coming for you”. The entire stadium erupted in cheers and applause, and Myers glanced around nervously, even as he chuckled, trying to play it off.


Luke tuned out the roar of the crowd after telling Pete Myers the asshole, he was coming for him. This game was over. The Cobras were the 103rdWorld Series Champions, and he was about to give Myers the memo.

Luke had been told to let Myers hit a ground ball so they could get their third out, win the game, and clinch the series. He hadn’t been happy about that directive but was willing to “follow orders” for the sake of the team.

But when he’d looked up at the stars, he’d felt the presence of his parents and Grandpa Bradford assuring him he was loved and that he had this. This washistime, not Myers’s. Myers was inhistown, in the stadium Luke would own one day, and Luke’s woman was watching from a few feet away.

No, for the first time in his life he would do thingshisway. Because his family’s spirits had declared he’d be victorious. Tonight, Pete Myers was going down. Luke was going to strike him out. Fuck a ground ball. He would teach Myers a lesson that was long overdue.

Luke threw a ball to the first and third basemen before turning his attention back to Myers and Finley, the catcher. He waited on the sign from Finley. As expected, a curve ball. Luke shook his head. He would throw his fast ball, and Myers would strike out. Finley signaled the curve ball again, and Luke sighed. After a second, he nodded.
