Page 1 of Lovers and Lace

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Chapter One

February, 2013

Olivia Wilson couldn’t believe she had screwed up her future before it had even begun. Having not been able to get much sleep from being wound up after the Fashion Week Kickoff Party the night before, it had been dreadfully late by the time she’d gotten a few hours of precious sleep. Now it was Friday afternoon, mere hours before the Delcinia lingerie fashion show was due to begin, and she was scrambling to get herself together – on time. Why had she thought she could pull this off?

Olivia had wanted to be early. Make a good impression to her new employers, Henry and Vera Delair, founders of Delcinia, an American made, premier luxury lingerie brand. Henry and Vera had sought Olivia out on her family’s dairy farm in Orrville, Ohio after seeing her in a local commercial for their super premium ice cream shop. The Delairs had been in town for a friend’s wedding, and after seeing her, knew Olivia needed to be a member of the Delcinia family.

Not just any member of the Delcinia family, oh no. Olivia had been taking business classes, intending to earn her MBA. She’d never cared much for being considered a pretty face and had business plans outside of the family’s Wilson Dairy. Thankful she had her parents’ support.

So, after much discussion about Olivia’s plans and ambitions for the future, sitting on a blanket in the pasture with her pet cow Betsy, Henry and Vera had offered Olivia the position of lead Delcinia Darling, the new face of the brand, with plans to bring her off the runway when the time came. She would become part of Delcinia’s management team, with a possible investment interest in the company if everything went according to plan, after she’d earned her MBA.

And now here she was, a stupid, overconfident twenty-year-old, who couldn’t even arrive to her first event on time, expecting the world from the Delairs. Olivia should just go back to Ohio, where she belonged. What had she been thinking?

“Liv, I wish you had let us, or at least me, be there with you today. I would have made sure you were up in time,” her mother said, trying to be helpful, and failing miserably.

Olivia glared at her cell phone on the bathroom marble vanity countertop. The Delairs had put her up at the Grand Walhstrom Hotel in Manhattan. She’d never been anywhere so fancy before.

“Mama! I’d be even more nervous if any of you were here. I assured the Delairs I was mature enough to represent their company, now I have to prove it. Although I’m not off to a great start, but at least I gave myself some leeway for time.” Olivia tossed a few essentials in a small backpack she was bringing with her to Lincoln Center and pulled her golden blonde locks up into a loose ponytail. She’d been instructed not to wear any makeup, not that she wore much on the farm anyway. She wore a simple pair of jeans and a blue T-shirt, a shade similar to her eye color.

“It’s going to be fine. Just calm down and have the lobby call you a cab. Everything’s going to be fine. I promise. It’s going to be an amazing day. You’ll see,” her mother assured.

The warmth of her mother’s love flowed through Olivia, and she calmed down just a bit. “Thanks, Mama. And don’t worry, I’ll make all of you proud today.” The pressure to make her family and Orrville proud weighed heavily on her. She couldn’t mess this up.

“You’ve already done that, honey. Long before signing with Delcinia. Seize every opportunity that comes your way from this new chapter of your life and make all your dreams come true.”

That was her intention, but tears threatened. Olivia couldn’t have red, swollen eyes, not before her first runway show. She inhaled deeply, trying to center herself.

“Thank you, Mama. That’s exactly what I intend to do.”

Olivia raced to the hotel lobby desk after a quick goodbye to her mother and enduring what had to have been the slowest elevator ride in history. She was in near full-on panic until she reached the lobby desk. Stunned stupid by the most handsome man she’d ever seen before, she stared at him like a fool. Why couldn’t she ger her act together today?

Dark wavy hair, perfectly coiffed. Neatly trimmed goatee. Deep brown, soulful eyes stared right back at her, then began a slow stroll down her body. Heat pooled in her stomach and radiated outward under his sensual gaze.

Dressed to the nines in what Olivia suspected was a designer navy blue suit, the gorgeous man, perhaps Hispanic but light skinned, had been chatting up the hotel staff behind the customer service counter as she’d arrived.

Olivia mentally shook herself. She didn’t have time to concern herself with the handsome stranger as much as she might have wanted to. And she wanted to. She wondered for a moment if he was a model himself, as he carried himself with style, elegance, and confidence.

No matter. Olivia had things to do and places to be. “Excuse me. I’m terribly late and I need to get to Lincoln Center. I’m in the Delcinia lingerie fashion show. Can I ask you to call a cab for me please?” Olivia directed her question to the older, refined woman without a name tag. She gave Olivia the impression that she was in charge.

The woman’s warm smile reminded Olivia of her mother’s and that eased her anxiety some. Everything was going to be all right, just as Olivia’s mother had promised. She’d make sure of it.

Sergio Martinez stood dumbstruck and mute as the blonde-haired angel with full kissable lips who had practically floated from the elevator banks to the customer service counter asked his mother Justine Walhstrom to call her a cab to Lincoln Center. The beautiful creature before him would be gliding down the runway for Delcinia wearing the finest lingerie.

She was obviously young, possibly in her late teens, but heaven help him. The image of her walking the runway in the finest silks, satins, and lace made Sergio’s heart gallop against his ribs. What he wouldn’t have given to attend Delcinia’s show that afternoon, but Sergio was expected to attend the Martinez Designs show, the international women’s clothing company owned by the Colombian side of his family. The Walhstrom hotel, resort, and real estate empire was owned by the American side.

Grinning like an idiot, Sergio remained silent, not listening closely, as his mother and the blonde beauty discussed her transportation to Lincoln Center. When had he ever been rendered speechless when it came to a woman? Simple answer. Never. Until now.

He jerked his head toward his mother when he heard his name called and raised a brow.

Sergio’s mother smiled brightly at him with a gleam in her eyes. “I was just telling Olivia you should take the car and bring her to Lincoln Center.”

His mother as his wing man? It was a first, but he’d take it. Except for one important detail she must have overlooked.

“Don’t worry, I’m attending the Martinez Designs show anyway. It’ll be fine,” his mother assured him and winked. It wasn’t his mother he was concerned about though.

Olivia’s face flushed and her eyes widened. Did she find him attractive? Did Sergio want her to? Yes, he most certainly did.

Olivia smiled nervously and shook her head. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m new in town and to Delcinia. I think it would be best if you called me a cab or an Uber, please.”
