Page 14 of Taz's Guards

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I groaned. “Jacie! Seriously?”

She winced. “I thought it would be a nice surprise this time. And it’s just in time for my niece’s birthday. Hey, Lolly, got some love for Auntie Jacie?”

Jacie held her arms out, and Lolly happily went from me to her aunt, who cuddled and cooed over her.

“You need to make sure to tell Taz I didn’t know you were coming… not that he’s been around long enough for me to have told him.” I mumbled the last part as I turned away, but I didn’t get far because Jacie grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

“What do you mean, he’s not been around?”

Those damn tears I hated so much were back, tracking down my cheeks no matter how fast I dashed them away.

“He just needs more time.”

She growled. “No, he doesn’t. He needs a kick in the arse. And I intend to give it to him. Do you know where he is?”

I took a deep breath before I could speak. “I think he’s been sleeping at the clubhouse. Not sure what he’s been doing with his days.”

Or his nights. He’d been such a damn manwhore before we’d gotten together. I prayed he hadn’t fallen into old habits these past weeks.

Fire flashed in her blue eyes that were so like her brother’s, my heart ached all over again.

She pressed a kiss to Lolly’s cheek then handed her back.

“I will go find my dipshit brother and get him sorted.”

I cuddled Lolly in close, taking comfort from her sweet baby scent and the way her little fingers clutched at me.

“Her party starts in two hours at the clubhouse. If you could make sure he gets there at least, I’d be grateful.”

Then unable to hold myself together any longer, I turned and headed upstairs. I’d give Lolly a nice long bath before I got her into her pretty party dress.

* * *


Frustration had me driving faster than I normally did as I raced from my brother’s place to the Charon MC clubhouse. It wasn’t until I pulled past an open gate and parked beside the three other cars that I started to question my decision to come here. A young guy sauntered over to me from where he’d been leaning against the building when I rolled up.

“Hey, pretty lady, somethin’ I can help you with?”

I ran my gaze up and down his lean body. Not bad. I mentally shook my head. I was not here to scope out the sights, no matter how pleasant they might be. Since I didn’t remember seeing this bloke the last time I was here, I doubted he’d know who I was. Great. Hopefully I could convince him to let me through.

“I’m looking for my brother, Taz. Flick thought he might be here.”

With a frown, he stood straight and pulled his phone out. Naturally, he’d have to ring someone to get permission. I tapped my fingers over the steering wheel while I took in the yard around me. Carefully focusing in on the several bikes that were parked in a neat row, I couldn’t see the green Harley I knew Taz normally rode. Did he have more than one bike? Dammit. If he wasn’t here, I had no clue where to go looking.

Lost in thought, I jerked when the man came back to my window.

“Keys said he’ll meet you inside.”

With that, he wandered back to lean against the clubhouse near the door. A lazy panther on guard duty. With a sigh, I rolled my shoulders and got out of my car. With my head high, I marched over to the entrance and headed in. I paused in the dim interior, allowing my eyes a moment to adjust.

“Jacie, didn’t know you were back in town. When’d you get in?”

Keys spoke as he came out from a hallway and headed straight to me.

“Just got in. Went to surprise my brother, but he’s not where he should be. You know anything about that?”

With a sad smile he shook his head. “He’s not here. Not sure where he is. Follow me back to my office and I’ll see if I can’t track him down. I know he wouldn’t knowingly miss his girl’s birthday party today.”

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