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She grinned up at him as he took her hand and led her from the restaurant. Yep, her man was back to his usual self. Making demands and expecting them to be obeyed.

Within minutes, Daniil had them home. And it was their home now. His Julietta had been refusing to discuss moving in with him for over a month, changing the subject every time he brought it up. But now she’d agreed to be his wife? There would be no question as to whether she would be moving in with him or not.

“Yury will come with us in the morning to move your stuff over here.”

She shook her head with a chuckle as she got out of the car.

“What? You think I’m not serious? I’ve made it clear I want you here with me all the time, and now you’re wearing my ring. That means you want that too.”

He’d moved around the car to stand in front of her as he spoke. She smiled up at him like he was a stubborn toddler who didn’t want to go to bed or something.

“You know, at dinner you kept asking me so many questions and acting so worried, I was convinced you were going to break up with me. Now you’re all back to growly demands, and I actually feel more relaxed, because you’re back to normal. Well, normal for you.”

He scoffed. They both knew he could demand all he liked. She would always do as she pleased, and he would let her. She was the only person in the world who held any power over him. His Julietta held his heart and his soul, and there was nothing he would not do for his love.

When she smiled up at him sweetly, he growled low in his throat. He knew how much she loved the sound, and he smirked at her when a shiver ran over her body. As he reached for her, she dodged away from his hands.

“I don’t think so! Tonight, we’re going to actually make it inside. Yury and Viktor don’t need another show.”

That had him growling again. They’d gotten carried away a few weeks ago, and he’d stripped her on the way up the path to the front door. Unfortunately, his friends had been walking back to their guest house at the time and had seen more of his future bride than they should have. At least his property was big enough and the land around his home was filled with enough trees to prevent anyone outside of the property’s fences from seeing them.

When she slipped off her shoes and ran toward the door, he took off after her with a grin. If she wanted a chase, he’d give her one. And when he caught her, he planned on not letting her go. Ever.

He also suspected she would need to call in sick to work tomorrow. She wasn’t going to be able to stand on a surfboard by the time he finished with her tonight.

“You can run, my Julietta, but you can’t hide.”

Her laughter floated back to him as she pushed through the front door. “Now, why wouldn’t I want you to catch me? That’s the best part!”

She’d barely put her foot on the bottom stair when he caught her. With an arm around her waist, he pulled her back against his front and lowered his mouth to kiss and nip at her neck. Her citrus scent filled his head and lungs, and with a wide grin he swung her up into his arms and prowled up the stairs toward their room with his prize.

For the first time he could remember, he was looking forward to his future with a full heart, and with Julietta as his beacon of light to show him the way.

“I love you, wife.”

She’d started undoing the buttons on his shirt as they’d moved but paused at his words.

“Getting ahead of yourself, angel moy, we’re not married yet.”

With a shake of his head, he lowered her feet to the floor beside their bed.

“Semantics, solnyshka moto.”

Then he made quick work of stripping her bare. Damn, but she really was such a beautiful creature, and she was all his. Fumbling in his haste, he stripped himself between kisses. Then, picking her up, he tossed her on the bed before following her down. He let her have his full weight for a moment, knowing she liked to feel caged in beneath him. He kissed her again, dancing his tongue with hers as he stroked his palm down her side, leaning up enough to be able to tweak her already tight nipple.

He released her mouth with the intention of moving down to suckle on her other breast when she caught his face in her palms. Her blue eyes were clear and focused as she stared straight into his eyes.

“You’re my whole world too, you know that, right? I love you, Daniil, and I can’t wait to really be your wife.”

He refused to acknowledge the stinging behind his eyes as he leaned in and kissed his girl deeply again. He really was the luckiest man in the world to have caught such a wonderful, beautiful, quirky woman for his soul mate, lover, wife … and he hoped, God willing, the mother of his children.
