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“I love you, solnyshka moto.”

She grinned broadly. She’d always adored the way he called her his sun. But since her attack and bout of depression, it held more meaning because it was Daniil who had cracked her shell and gotten her to step out of her own shadows so she could begin to shine again.

“And I love you, too, angel moy.”

By the shocked look on his face, she feared her accent was all wrong but she hoped he could work out that she’d tried to call him her angel.

“You’ve learned some Russian?”

Heat bloomed over her cheeks and down her neck as she shrugged. “Only a couple of words so far. I wanted to surprise you. Did I say it right?”

“Yeah, krasivaya, you said it perfectly.”

Suddenly, a dark look passed over his face, and her heart skipped a beat.

“What’s wrong? Is it Viktor? Did he have a complication?”

Whenever she feared something had gone wrong in his world, her first thought was for Viktor. He’d been shot and hit over the head hard enough to give him a concussion while guarding her. The last time she saw him, he’d seemed well, but head injuries were strange things and shit could go wrong down the track after having one.

With a scoff, Daniil shook his head. “No, Viktor is fine. Well, he’s still got that nurse on his case, but he’s healthy.”

One of the nurses from the private hospital he’d been in had taken a special interest in Viktor. It was going to be fun watching how that situation played out. Maybe she should agree to move in with Daniil so she could watch the show from a closer perspective. These Russian men were hard-headed, and often didn’t see what was in front of their noses. She understood how they felt because she was the same way a lot of the time.

He grabbed her right hand and began stroking his fingers along hers, caressing each digit with his own.

“Julietta, these past months we’ve been really good together, right?”

“Yeeah.” She drew out the word, getting increasingly worried. Her mind took a nosedive, and panic had her breath catching in her lungs. Was he breaking up with her? Had someone else threatened her and he’d finally decided she wasn’t worth the effort? “Just tell me what’s happened. Has one of Tony’s friends come for revenge? Are you trying to get rid of me now?”

She hadn’t asked for details, but she knew both Rodger and Tony were dead. Probably out in the ocean somewhere, or in a shark’s belly. She didn’t feel guilty about either death. They’d made their beds when they attacked her and Viktor. Clearly, they had no qualms in hurting or killing others… Basically, in her opinion, they lived by a code—a totally fucked up one, but still, it was a code—and that code bit them in the arse when they got too big for their boots.

His eyes popped wide open. “What the hell?” He shook his head. “Clearly, I’m not doing this right.” Keeping his grip on her hand, he used his other one to reach into his pants pocket. Pulling it free again, he dropped down to the floor onto one knee.

Holy fucking shit. Is he…

“My precious Julietta, I love you. You’re my whole world. Will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?”

He was. He was totally proposing, not breaking up with her. Tears stung her eyes, and she started nodding like a crazy woman.


She couldn’t get any more words out. After she’d left Rodger, she’d sworn off all men forever. Remembering how her mother had lived her life, on top of her ex hitting her, had cemented the idea she would be better off single. But then this glorious man had come barrelling into her life. He’d saved her life more than once, and continued to shower her with love and affection. He was never too busy to make time for her, no matter what time of day or night. It also didn’t hurt that he was the best lover she’d ever had. Her body heated up and grew wet just thinking about the explosive chemistry they had between the sheets. Her man also liked to buy her pretty things all the time, too, and as much as she didn’t need all the gifts, it certainly helped her be sure he wasn’t interested in her for her money, like her ex. Nope, Daniil was richer than God apparently, and he liked to spend it on pretty things for her. Who was she to complain?

She frowned in confusion as he slipped a stunning yellow-gold ring, naturally with a freaking huge solitaire diamond on it, onto her right ring finger.

“Shouldn’t that go on the other hand?”

He shook his head as he rose from the floor to sit beside her again. “In Russia, it’s not tradition to give an engagement ring. It’s not until the wedding that rings are exchanged. However, I figured you’d like an engagement ring.” He shrugged, looking a little sheepish, not an expression she’d seen him wear before. “And I rather like the idea that you’re wearing something that clearly shows others you’re spoken for.” He paused to clear his throat. “I told you how I lost my parents when I was a teen, so there is a lot I don’t know about my heritage, but I remember my mother and father both wearing their wedding rings on their right ring fingers. So, if you don’t mind, I’d like for you to wear it on the right. You know… only if you’re comfortable with it.”

He looked into her eyes with a touch of fear in his gaze, as though he were truly concerned she’d think his request silly or something. And the way he asked proved he was really nervous. Her man didn’t ask for much. Nope, Daniil Mikhailov made demands, and they were met.

She leaned in and gently kissed him, pulling back before he could deepen the kiss.

“I love that you’re wanting to include parts of your heritage in our lives. I’m certain your parents would be extremely proud of you for it. I have no family at all, no heritage to fall back on, so I am more than happy to follow you and learn yours. Maybe one day we could go to Russia, and you can show me where you grew up before you came to Australia.”

For a moment, she thought she saw a sheen of tears over his eyes, but he pulled her in and kissed her long and slow before she could be certain. He kept at her until she melted against him in an aroused mess.

“I’m taking you home.”
