Page 104 of Dangerously Kept

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Emma spins me so I’m facing the mirror. Pulling my hair to the side, she places a necklace around my neck. Looking down, I take it between my thumb and forefinger. It’s a dainty oval-shaped diamond on a thin gold chain that sits right in between my collarbones.

Her hands rub up and down my arms, as she says, “It was my mother’s. She gave it to me when I was a girl before she died. I always knew I was going to give it to one of the boys’ brides. I just didn’t know who would be first.”

I was originally so nervous to meet Emma when she and Pascal flew home a few weeks ago to help prepare for the wedding. I didn’t know how she would react to all of them being with one woman, regardless of how much they all assured me she wouldn’t care. I’m happy to say I was worried for no reason. The moment she laid eyes on me, she embraced me in the kind of hug only a mother knows how to give. She has been nothing but loving and accepting of our relationship.

“Emma, I don’t know what to say. It—It’s perfect.”

Now I’m definitely going to cry.

“I’m so, so happy the three of them found love in a woman like you. It’s all a mother could hope for.”

“I’ll take care of them. I promise,” I whisper as I look at her in the eye through the mirror.

She gently kisses my cheek. “I know you will.”

Taking a deep breath she releases my arms and steps back. “Alright. No more crying!” I laugh as she wipes at her cheeks. “The boys should be upstairs by now. I’ll give you a minute to yourself, and you can meet me by the elevator when you’re ready.”

“Okay,” I smile, still looking at her through the mirror. She softly closes the door, leaving me to myself.

Knowing we weren’t going to have a large wedding, we decided to have it right upstairs on the roof. The only guests we invited were Emma and Pascal, Luca and his team, Ralph, and Patrick.

Ronan brought a company in to put glass flooring over the pool to use as a dance floor, and I had the rooftop decorated just like the night they proposed to me. Nothing but twinkling lights, candles, and white roses. It’s perfect.

Standing in front of the mirror, I take one last look at myself before officially becoming Harper Donovan-McDermott. My usually unruly hair lies in soft waves down my back, with my bangs slicked back and pinned behind my ears.

I chose a strapless, ivory A-line gown with a sweetheart neckline that flares out just above my waist. It’s made of the most delectable satin fabric and has a slit up to the middle of my thigh. Something I know the guys won’t be able to take their eyes off of. I also have on a pair of white strappy heels that are adorned with pearls.

I’ve never felt more beautiful.

“Alright, Harp. Time to get yourself married.”

Gathering the short train of my dress, I open my door and head toward Emma, who’s practically bouncing with excitement as she holds my bouquet of eucalyptus and white roses.

As we take the short trip up to the roof, I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, not out of nerves but of excitement.

Legal or not, I just want to be married to them. To be theirs for the rest of my life.

As the elevator stops on the roof and the doors open, Emma steps out, and the music starts to play. “Marry Me” by Train floats through the evening air, and as the guys turn around from their spot at the makeshift alter, my once-racing heart stalls in my chest.

There in front of me are the three most beautifully dangerous men I have ever known. Three men who are unequivocally and irrevocably mine.

Each of them is dressed in a deliciously tailored black tuxedo. They all match from head to toe, except for the cuff links I gifted them each last night. One’s with the nickname I gave each of them engraved into the silver metal.

As I walk down the short aisle, I watch a tear roll down Mac’s cheek first. His steel gray eyes lovingly stare into mine before giving me a cheeky wink. Next to him, Finn holds one hand over his heart and mouths, “Beautiful.” Finally, my eyes move to Ronan, who I catch looking me over from head to toe, stopping at the spot where the satin splits at my thigh. Knew it. When his eyes meet mine, I momentarily get lost in the deep pools of blue, shining with the tears he’s trying so hard not to let fall.

As the four of us stand in front of our closest friends, the people I now call family, I know that in the deepest depths of my soul, with them, I. Am. Home.
