Page 9 of Dangerously Kept

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Logan rounds the kitchen island and pulls me out of my stool so I’m standing in front of him, flush against his body. “You gonna keep up the silent routine, Princess? Because I gotta tell ya, I liked it better when you were yelling.”

I still don’t say a word and instead roll my eyes.

“That’s fine,” he drops his head so it’s right next to my ear, and I flinch as his lips touch my earlobe. “I can think of a few other ways to make you scream.”

Yeah, fuck this.

I square my shoulders and look him dead in the eye. “One, you’ve probably never made a girl scream out in pleasure in your miserable life. Two, any time you are anywhere near me, all I want to do is vomit. And three,” I manage a maniacal smile, “you’ll be the one screaming once they come for me.”

Logan squeezes my arm harder, but I make sure not to react. His breath is coming out in hard pants. Clearly, I struck a nerve.

“What’s the matter? Not used to women fighting back? Gotta make sure they’re drugged up enough to let you into their pants?”

“Baby . . .”

This isn’t smart. I know it’s not. But I’m not the type of woman who’s just going to stand by while someone continues to threaten her. Never have been, never will be.

“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I don’t, huh? Tell me, Logan. When’s the last time a woman willingly slept with you.” His eyes immediately dart away from mine—interesting. “A man?”

The minute the words leave my mouth his head snaps back toward mine, his dark brown eyes filled with anger. “I am not fucking gay.”

“Then why are you so offended, Logan?”

“You better shut the fuck up right now.”

“Is that what happened? Declan found out you were fucking someone you weren’t supposed to?” I watch regret take over his face momentarily, but then he blinks, and it’s gone. “I was wondering why you haven’t made good on your threats since we’ve been here. That’s why, isn’t it? Pussy doesn’t do it for ya?”

Holy shit. That’s it.

“Who was it?” I ask, poking the bear even further. Instead of answering, he drags me across the room and toward the hallway. “There’s no reason to be ashamed, Logan. I like a good dick, too.”

In a split second, I’m being thrown across the room and into the wall, knocking the wind right out of me. “Shut the fuck up! You stupid bitch! You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!”

I manage to catch my breath and sit up against the wall. If I can get him to just come a little bit closer, I can drive my fist right into his tiny package, grab the keys he stupidly left sitting right on the counter, and get the hell out of here. “You top or bottom, Logan?”

In two long strides, he’s right in front of me. I don’t miss a beat, rearing my fist back and slamming it into his crotch with every bit of strength I can manage. Hitting my target, Logan drops like a bag of rocks.

“Run, Baby.”

I get to my feet as fast as possible and sprint towards the keys on the counter. Grabbing them, I run for the front door, stopping dead in my tracks when I see the giant deadbolt and padlock keeping me in.


I spin around to assess my options. The back door is on the other side of the kitchen, right where Logan is lying, groaning like a baby. My only option is a window. I run toward the window next to the large stone fireplace and try to open it. It won’t budge. I reach down to pick up a log from the stack next to the fireplace to smash it open, but just as my fingers wrap around the bark, Logan’s strong hand grabs a fistful of my hair.

Without hesitation, he throws me, yet again, this time causing me to crash into the solid wood coffee table in the middle of the living room. My head smacks the edge of it, and immediate pain courses through me. The room spins around me, rendering me unable to get up from the floor. I feel the back of my head growing wet with blood where I hit it.

“Get up, Harper. You have to run.”

I try to get up, but the second my head lifts off the ground, the dizziness knocks me right back down. Before I get the chance to move again, Logan grabs another fistful of my hair and begins dragging me across the floor. I reach up with both hands to grab his wrist, trying to lessen the pressure on the cut, but it’s no use. The pain is excruciating. “Let me go!”

Logan pulls me down the hall and into the room, all while I’m kicking and fighting with everything I have. He throws me onto the bed, and I immediately try to sit up. I see it before it happens, though. His hand curled into a fist as it flies toward me, hitting me right on the side of the head. I crash back onto the bed with a cry, and his fist lands another blow on my side. A crack of my ribs rings through the cabin.

I lay on the bed crying out in pain, unable to move, as he ties me back onto the bed. “You dumb fucking whore. I was being nice to you, you know? I was taking it easy on you because I know what Declan has planned once he gets his hands on you.”

“Just let me go, please. They’ll kill you when they find us. Just let me go, and you can live,” I plead between struggled breaths. He definitely broke a rib, and I can feel the pillow growing wet with blood from the back of my head.
