Page 102 of Plan Interrupted

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Elizabeth woke early Friday morning to the eye-opening aroma of coffee brewing. Though the French Roast smelled wonderful, it wasn’t nearly as tantalizing as Joe’s masculine scent escaping from the fabric of the T-shirt she had borrowed to use as a nightgown. She buried her nose under the neckline and inhaled deeply. She’d never tire of that smell. After a few moments of indulging, she flung the covers back, rose from the couch, and headed toward the kitchen where she found Joe and his dad sitting at the table sipping coffee while discussing the events of the previous day. She poured herself a cup and took a seat.

Gazing over the top of her coffee mug as she took a sip, she couldn’t help but notice that Joe’s face had taken on more of an eggplant color around his eyes, and his cheek was now a deep gold color, splashed with dark red streaks. On a good note, he was now able to open both his eyes. The miracle of rest and time.

“Has your headache subsided any?” she asked.

“Yeah, it’s not throbbing nearly as bad as yesterday, and I can actually think somewhat this morning.”

“That’s good. Especially considering that the doctor mentioned it could take days, possibly weeks for the headaches to disappear altogether.” She cocked her head to the side and raised her brows. “Hence, why you need rest.”

She hadn’t intended that her last comment sound like a scold, but it did. Knowing he probably would ignore the doctor’s recommendation that he rest, because he’d insist upon taking care of everyone else’s needs before his own, she easily dismissed her shame for scolding him.

“I know. Rest. You’re beginning to sound like my dad.”

Tony chuckled. “It’s two against one.”

“I see I’m outnumbered,” Joe replied with a smile, and a glint in his eyes.

As he spoke, his voice sounded nasally, and he took quick, shallow breaths. She imagined his swollen face didn’t allow deep breaths through his nasal passage.

Her gaze drifted to his mouth. His lips that once kissed her soft and tenderly looked dry and hard. His upper lip was swollen and cracked near the center. But none of that mattered, she still felt the need to kiss him affectionately.

He caught her gaze and slowly reached toward her, resting his hand on her arm. This simple touch caused her heart to flutter. She flashed him a smile.

His gaze intensified. “You have the most beautiful smile.”

If Tony hadn’t been sitting at the table with them, she would have likely pulled the T-shirt over her head and thrown herself at Joe. But instead, she took notice of the time. “Oh my gosh, It’s almost 6:00 a.m. I have to get home and get ready for work.”

“I’ll walk you home, and check out the house to make sure everything is okay,” Joe said, grimacing as he pulled himself up off his chair.

He moved slowly, but not nearly as lethargically as the day before. The benefits of rest and good pain medicine she supposed.

“Take your time. I’ll get the kids up and going in a little bit,” Tony offered.

Elizabeth slid into her coat and boots. Joe did the same, but it took him a while. He wrapped his hand around hers and led her out of the house. His eyes scanned the neighborhood as he led her around the hedge between their yards.

She unlocked her front door and stepped inside. He followed. Everything appeared normal downstairs. She gripped the stairway handrail before spinning to face him. “I think everything is okay here. Why don’t you go home and get some more rest. I’ll be fine. I’m just going to get ready for work.” Judging from his gingerly gait, she imagined climbing the stairs would be a difficult task for him.

The corners of his mouth twitched upward, and he raised his eyebrows. “I’m good. I’ll rest later, after the kids are gone to school, and after I touch base with Sam.” His eyes darkened, and his lopsided grin turned wicked. “Exactly how much time do you have before you need to leave for work?” he asked as he dipped his head and brushed his lips across hers.

As dry and cracked as his lips looked, they were surprisingly soft as they touched hers.

She pulled back, placed her palm to his chest, and shook her head.


“You can hardly walk, yet you expect to make love with me?”

His uneven grin widened. “Well, my spirit is willing.”

She returned his smile. “That’s great about your spirit, but every time I touch your body you grimace. I think, perhaps, you should just go home and rest.”

“Not until I check out the upstairs.”

It was of no use to argue with him, he was adamant about making sure she was safe and secure. His sluggish steps followed her up the stairs.
