Page 101 of Plan Interrupted

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She sat with the kids until dinner, and then through homework time. She was glad to see that by bedtime, Molly’s interaction with her dad had nearly resumed to normal.

After the kids were tucked into bed, Elizabeth joined Joe, Nick, and Tony’s continued conversation about the events of the day. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for Joe as Nick kept hounding him to recall the details of the attack. He looked so tired, and the pain in his eyes was unmistakable. Even at her slightest touch to his arm, he grimaced in pain. She didn’t mean to hurt him, she just wanted to touch him, feel him, soothe him. Even when she laid her hand over his, his breath hitched. She should have known better than to touch his swollen knuckles.

She sighed. “Is there any part of you that doesn’t hurt, and that I can touch?”

The corners of his mouth turned up, the right side not nearly as much as the left, likely due to the swelling, but he was able to let out the first chuckle of the day. “I never in a million years thought I would say this, but, no.”

The much needed laughter filled the room until interrupted by the ringing of Nick’s cell phone. She listened intently to the one side of the conversation she could hear.

Nick disconnected the call. “Well, it seems the airport has record of several private jet charters from New York, landing last night between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and midnight. And the flight that came in at 7:16 p.m. did a return flight at 5:00 a.m. this morning. The guys are working on getting the passenger information as we speak. Also, they were able to verify that Mr. James’ credit card was used at a downtown New York restaurant last night at 9:20 p.m., Eastern Time. Not to say for sure that he’s the one that actually used the credit card, but they’re working on getting a signed copy of the receipt in hopes to substantiate whether or not he actually signed it. We know Mr. James placed a call from his office to Mr. Kent at 8:00 a.m., Eastern Time this morning. With that said, I doubt Mr. James was on that flight, but of course, a scumbag like him doesn’t do his own dirty work anyway. And as for Patrick, we’ve got nothing on his whereabouts last night or early this morning as of right now.”

It was getting late. Joe looked spent, and in dire need of rest. Both scared for herself, and his family, she wanted to stay with him, rather than go home. Plus, he’d probably need help with the kids in the morning. She hoped he’d want her to stay as well.

Elizabeth rose to her feet, and yawned dramatically hoping Nick would get the hint, and call it a night.

“Where are you going?” Joe asked.

“I’m tired, I need to get some rest, and besides that, you need to get some rest also.”

He winced as he reached up and grabbed her hand. “You’re staying here, right? He stated, more than asked. “We don’t know what’s going on here. You could be in danger.”

Relief sifted through her veins. “I suppose I could cozy up on the couch,” she replied, considering the kids, though she’d rather be cozying up with him in his big warm bed.

“I’ll get some sheets and a blanket and make it up for you.”

“Jeez, what part of the doctor telling you to rest didn’t you understand? Tell me where the stuff is and I’ll get it and make up the couch,” she replied.

Nick rose to his feet. “I’m going to head out. I’ll call you in the morning.”

Joe nodded at him. “Okay. Thanks.”

Tony turned in for the evening as well, taking the futon in the office.

Elizabeth helped Joe into his bedroom. Though his words indicated he wasn’t feeling totally awful in terms of pain, his lethargic steps and slow movements deceived him. The grimacing she caught out of the corner of her eye didn’t help to substantiate his ‘I’m fine’ statement either.

After slipping into one of Joe’s T-shirts, she returned to the living room and slid between the sheets on the couch. The cool fabric felt soothing against her weary skin. Upon closing her eyes, images of Joe’s battered face and torso sifted through her mind. She’d never seen such deep purple bruises in her life. Her heart bled for him, and poor Molly, who was so scared at the sight of her own dad.

Tears seeped from the corners of her eyes. This is all my fault.
