Page 12 of Unplanned

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We’ve followed her to the grocery store where she comes back out with one bag of groceries or whatever else she’s bought. Other than those two places, Autumn is either at the garage or clubhouse. She turns down every invitation to go out with the ol’ ladies when Quinn asks her to go with them. I have caught her in the pool late at night though. She swims laps before relaxing on her back. Autumn never spends a lot of time in the pool. She’s in and out as quick as she can be after the laps and relaxing for a minute or two. For the most part, she’s been locked in her room and no one sees her.

I have to say she has been cleaning and cooking more at the clubhouse. Again, she does this later at night when most everyone has gone to their room or their house out behind the clubhouse. Most of the club girls are already occupied by the single guys or they sit on their asses and watch Autumn work. I really want to say something to them, but I choose to remain silent on the matter. If Autumn wants help, she’ll ask for it. She’s an adult and knows if she can handle something or not.

When we met with Venom a few weeks ago, I let him know how fucking pissed I was about being pulled in to learn about Autumn when I’m not involved with her. He let me vent and be an asshole before shutting me up. Venom’s not a stupid man and knows there’s some sort of thing between the three of us. So, he makes sure we’re involved in every meeting pertaining to Autumn. It’s annoying as fuck.

Anyway, Goose let us know what he found on Autumn’s background check. There wasn’t a lot of anything if I’m being honest. She was valedictorian in high school with the highest GPA of anyone in the district ever. After high school, she went on to a local community college where she took general classes you would take when you’re not sure what you want to do with the rest of your life. It wasn’t until she tried to add some business classes that she quit attending college for some reason. Like high school, she had the highest GPA out of everyone in her class and most everyone else attending the college.

Since leaving college, there’s really nothing about her. Until the garage, she’s never had a job. She lived at the house with her mother and has two trust funds from her grandparents and father. Her mother doesn’t have access to the money even though she’s tried to get her hands on it multiple times. Autumn has never had a speeding ticket, a fix it ticket, gotten in trouble with the cops, and doesn’t really have social media of any kind. So, there wasn’t really much information for us to get when it comes to her. If we want to know anything about her, it’s up to Ghost and I to get that information. That’s exactly what Venom told us both before dismissing us from his office. I don’t plan on getting close enough to her to ask any questions so I guess it’s up to my best friend.

Goose is still working on the mother and Nolan. He’s finally starting to find information on them that could be dangerous if it got into the wrong hands. By saying that, I mean if the information was to get into the hands of the cops, they’d be in big trouble. He won’t go into details yet, but that’s not unusual for Goose. He likes to have every piece of the puzzle before he turns over anything to the club. That way we’re not constantly waiting for bits and pieces.

“What’s up?” I answer my phone as I sit in the common room alone.

“Goin’ to lunch. Wanna meet me at the diner?” Ghost asks me as I hear others working in the garage.

“Headin’ out now. We need to talk about this fuckin’ situation with Autumn,” I tell him before hanging up and pocketing my phone again.

Leaving the clubhouse, I get in my truck and head toward the diner. I get there at the same time as Ghost. Parking next to one another, we shut our engines off and head inside the diner. Giving Haley a smile, I head for the booth in the back corner. It’s the one we always use if it’s available. Ghost and I take our seats as Haley brings hot coffee over to us.

“I’ll get your orders put in. Do you want soda too?” she asks, knowing we typically get the same thing every time we come in here.

“I’ll take a soda,” I answer her as Ghost nods in response.

Once Haley leaves, I bring up the one topic we don’t want to talk about. Autumn.

“So, what the fuck are we gonna do about Autumn? I don’t want to keep playin’ her fuckin’ babysitter or be around her,” I tell Ghost with a frown on my face. “I’ve been avoidin’ her for a reason. Especially after she caught me with a club girl in the common room. Not that anythin’ happened between us, but she was ready to suck my cock.”

“Brick, I think we need to fuckin’ face reality and realize Autumn isn’t goin’ away. We both feel somethin’ for her, but neither one of us want to act on it. Even I haven’t been spendin’ any time with her and avoid her at all costs. We need to get over our shit and spend time with her to find out what’s goin’ on,” Ghost says, looking at me instead of the table as he’s been doing lately.

“No, we don’t. If you want to spend time with her, that’s on you. Why do I have to spend time with her when we’ve already had sex?” I ask him, not sure what his angle is here.

“You don’t have to be with her, Brick. We can be friends with her and be there if she needs us for anythin’. You’re friends with the ol’ ladies of the club so why is Autumn so different?”

“She just fuckin’ is!” I burst out, knowing I’m showing more than I want to. Even if it is to Ghost who knows everything about me.

“It’s because you want her in your life and that scares the absolute fuck outta you. It does me too. We don’t know anythin’ about her. She doesn’t hand out personal details if she can avoid doin’ so, and she sure as fuck goes out of her way to not spend any time with anyone at the clubhouse. Even at work she doesn’t go out of her way to interact with the guys or anythin’. The most interaction she has is with the customers when they either bring a vehicle in or come pick one up. Neither one of us trusts easily and we don’t let anyone outside the club get too close to us. I think we need to make an attempt when it comes to Autumn though. The more we know, the quicker we can get this situation with her resolved,” Ghost tells me as if he’s put hours into thinking about this situation and that’s all he can come up with.

“I’ll think about it,” I tell him as the door opens and in walks Autumn.

She looks fucking amazing today. Her hair is tossed up in a messy bun with a few loose curls framing her face. A tight tank top covers her chest covered by a large flannel shirt that clearly belongs to a guy. I don’t like the idea of her wearing any man’s fucking clothes. A growl leaves me as I let my gaze wander down to her legs. Today, she’s wearing a pair of leggings and sneakers cover her feet. Looking around the diner, she quickly averts her gaze when she sees me looking at her. Making a rash decision, I stand from the booth.

“Autumn, come join us,” I say loud enough for everyone to hear my invitation. It pretty much makes it impossible for her to refuse sitting with us.

With a look of resignation, Autumn’s shoulders slump and she heads our way. Ghost stands from his seat as I take mine once again. He lets her slide in the booth before taking his seat once more.

“How’s your day goin’?” I ask her, trying to make conversation like a normal person when all I can think about is sliding my cock into her tight, hot, wet pussy.

“It’s going fine. Thank you for asking. How is yours going?” she returns, looking at the table in front of her.

“It’s been borin’ as fuck. I’m not workin’ today anywhere so I’ve just been sittin’ at the clubhouse,” I answer her as Haley comes back to the table.

“Hey Autumn. How are you today?” she asks her, her voice happy as hell.

“I’m doing good. It’s been a busy day so it’s going by fast. I’ll be heading out after work so if you need me to do anything at the clubhouse just let me know and I’ll get it taken care of when I get back,” she answers her, looking at Haley as she speaks.

“Okay. Do you need me to pick you up anything from the mall later on?” Haley questions her as Ghost and I sit back and listen to them.

“No thank you. I’ve got all I need. I just stopped at the grocery store yesterday.”

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