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“Adrian, look at this!” Emma calls out, her voice laced with excitement. She’s holding up her laptop, an odd companion for a beach, but one that suits my brilliant wife perfectly.

I stroll over, leaving my fishing rod behind. “What’s caught the genius’ eye this time?”

She giggles, pointing to the screen. “The resort’s booking system is glitching. People are getting double-booked into villas. It’s causing quite the chaos.”

I raise an eyebrow. “And you’re diving into this because?”

“Because I can fix it!” She beams, her fingers already dancing over the keyboard. “I was passing through reception and saw them all panicking. Imagine their surprise when everything suddenly starts working again.”

“And they asked you to help?”

“Nope, but having 1234 as a password wasn’t the wisest decision they ever made.”

I chuckle, admiring her spirit. “Alright, hacker girl, show me what you’ve got.”

As she delves into the code, I can’t help but feel a surge of pride. Here, away from my dark world, she shines even brighter. A smile spreads across her lips, replaced by a frown as her brow furrows. “Fuck it,” she mutters. “Give me a minute.”

I return to my fishing rod, staring out at the ocean, wondering how I got lucky enough to meet her.

“Done!” she exclaims a while later, her cheeks flushed with triumph. “I’ve sent an anonymous tip to their IT department with the solution.”

“They have an IT department?”

“According to Human Resources, he’s called Tony. Anyway, he can fix things easily enough now. The system cut half the rooms, thinks the place is half the size it is and shunted everyone into the remaining numbers. Shoddy work, I’m telling you. Wouldn’t happen under my watch.” She hits a button. “Sorted.”

“Going to tell me how you did it?” I ask, curious.

She shrugs, her smile mischievous. “Let’s just say I enjoy being a secret weapon. It’s fun doing things people don’t understand. Makes me feel like a magician.”

The moment is interrupted by a commotion over near the hotel. “Hold on there,” I say, sensing danger. I head over in time to see a group of unhappy guests arguing with the resort manager about a double booking.

Time to switch roles from honeymooner to the man I was before—albeit temporarily.

I approach the group, my presence commanding silence with a motion of my lands. “Gentlemen, ladies, I believe there’s been a misunderstanding.”

The manager, recognizing me, swallows hard. My reputation precedes me, but in this instance, it’s an asset for him, not a death sentence.

“Mr. Calderone,” he says. “I’m sorry to have disturbed your peace, Sir.”

I turn to the guests. “Their IT department is fixing the problem as we speak. You will all have the rooms you asked for.”

One guy opens his mouth to argue but I give him my coldest look. “Do not raise your voice. My wife is trying to relax. You will not disappoint her or you’ll have me to answer to.”

The manager nods a thanks toward me before checking his computer. He smiles with relief as he sees the problem is fixed.

I head back to the beach. Emma is watching me with an amused grin on her face.

“You didn’t have to scare them,” she teases.

“I didn’t scare them,” I protest, wrapping my arms around her. “I merely persuaded them that yelling wasn’t in their interests.”

She laughs, leaning back into me. “We make a good team, don’t we?”

“The best,” I agree, kissing the top of her head.

As the evening turns to night, we celebrate our little victory with a candlelit dinner on the beach, courtesy of the grateful resort manager.

Emma’s laughter fills the air, light and carefree. “I can’t believe you told the chef to make his best dish, and now we have... what, five dishes?”
