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“Please,” I mutter, fear coursing through me. “Why are you doing this?”

His expression darkens. “I let you go, Luca will kill you.”

“What? Why?”

“He’s found out I’m obsessed with you.”

“You’re obsessed with me? Since when?”

He ignores the question. “That’s why he wanted the meeting here. I bet he wanted to leave my body where you’d find it. I let you walk away now, you’re dead. Stick with me and I can protect you.”

“What about Lily? Will he go after her?”

“Your housemate be looked after as long as you come with me willingly.”

He leans closer, his voice becoming a low rumble. “Why fight me? I know you want me. I saw the message your friend sent you yesterday. I’ve seen the way you look at me during staff meetings. You want me as much as I want you.

“Come with me and your friend is protected. Your father never finds out where you live. Refuse, and I leave her to die.”

I look at him, feeling my blood turn to ice. “You’re a monster,” I say as he continues to smile at me.

“That is true,” he replies. “But I’m the monster you’ve been lusting after since the day we first met. Now, are you walking out to my car, or am I dragging you out?”



“Welcome to your new home,” I say.

Emma remains silent, her gaze taking in the grand staircase and the intricate paintings that line the walls of my mansion. The soft light from the crystal chandelier above casts shadows that dance across her face.

I watch her closely, gauging every flicker of emotion.

“You live here?” she asks, impressed despite her anger.

“When I’m in the area, I do.”

A small smile plays on her lips. “I hiked out here as a kid. I always wondered what was behind those massive walls.”

“My father built the place to have somewhere to stay in the country. It’s why I opened Quantum Innovations out here. You like your new home?”

“My home is five miles that way.” She points behind her. “In Willow Creek, with Lily.”

“Your housemate isn’t there anymore. She’s already been picked up by my people and put somewhere safe. Your things are being bagged up as we speak. They’ll be here shortly.”

“You’ve been through my stuff? What do you think you’re doing?”

“Keeping you safe is what I’m doing.” I step back from her, resisting the urge to kiss those defiant lips of hers. “Let me give you the tour.”

“I don’t want the tour. I want to go home. You killed a man right in front of me. What makes you think I want to stay here with you?”

I glance at my watch. “I’ll make you a bet. If you can make it out of here in ten minutes, you’re free to go. I’ll even give you your million dollars. Call it prize money for escaping.”

Her eyes meet mine, a mix of defiance and curiosity shining back at me. “Why should I trust you?” she asks, her voice steady yet betraying a hint of the adrenaline I know is coursing through her veins.

“I’m not a liar. The clock’s ticking. Nine minutes forty. If we hit zero, I’m fucking you until you’re pregnant with my child. I’m ravaging those curves of yours, making you come so hard you forget your own name. But you should know this—I never make a wager without knowing the outcome. I bet you can’t get out. Nine minutes ten. You want to be here when the timer runs out?”

She hesitates for a moment longer, then turns and grabs the door handle. “Locked,” I say as she sets off running down the corridor. “Keep trying. I’ll give you a head start. Count to ten before I come after you.”
