Page 33 of The Worst Mate Ever

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I marveled at her beauty as I moved again, slow and steady, deeper and deeper. I took my time with her, thanking The Fates each time for sending her to me. For allowing me to hold her. For giving me the opportunity to save her and have this moment with her.

I swore to all the gods above that I wouldn’t waste any time with her. I would cherish each moment and relish every breath I stole from her.

She was everything to me. And as I thought all of these thoughts, I sent them directly to her.

Her brows rose and her eyes softened as she looked back up at me. Love filled the bond between us, and I bent back down to her, pressing my lips against her and quickening my pace once again.

Our bodies melded together as one, and with a last thrust, I felt her body clamp onto me, warmth spilling into her as we both froze in time.

I looked back down at her, brushing blonde strands from her face as I mentally pinched myself, fearing that this moment was all just a dream.

“I love you, Madilyn,” I whispered to her.

“I love you too, Brady. I’m so sorry I almost didn’t get the chance to tell you.”

I shook my head, our noses rubbing together as I did. “All that matters is that we have the chance now. I thank The Fates that they let me get to you in time.”

Her eyes widened with curiosity as she searched my gaze, finding the answer she sought in a simple nod.

“Like I said, Tinkerbell. It was always you.”

I rolled from atop her, pulling her with me as I laid my head against the pillow and pulled what was left of the sheet and blanket over us both. Madie nestled her head into the crook of my arm, her hand resting on my chest and leg over my hip.

I could feel her frown without looking, my arm nudging her playfully.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sensing her contemplation.

She looked up at me, the frown I had sensed still etched on her face. Her brows furrowed, she narrowed her eyes slightly. “Why do you keep calling me Tinkerbell?”

The question caught me off guard, and I couldn’t help but laugh, my head tipping back against the pillow as I held her close to my chest.

“Well, aside from the obvious similarities in looks,” I teased, enjoying the lightness of the moment. “It’s quite simple, really. I call you Tinkerbell because you’re my happy thoughts. Just thinking of you lifts me, makes me feel like I’m walking on air. You’re my pixie dust.”

She paused, processing my words, then her face broke into a laugh, the sound a melody to my ears. “Does that mean I can call you Peter Pan?”

I grinned at her playful retort. “Only if I’m wearing green tights, Tinkerbell.”

Chapter Fifteen


The fresh air was supposed to alleviate the nausea that had been plaguing me for more than a week, yet relief proved elusive. Concealing it grew increasingly challenging, particularly due to the rigorous early morning patrols that Edwardo insisted upon.

Since I accepted my fate as Brady’s mate, I had to forgo my position of Beta to Nyte’s pack. It wasn’t possible for me to serve his pack while my mate was destined to lead his mother’s coven. However, the Rigel Pack gave me the rank of Gamma, which meant Edwardo was still training me. In the absence of Beta, I had to shoulder some of his responsibilities as Gamma, and he was now pushing me twice as much as before.

I was a pack member now, though not everyone in the pack was fully accepting of that.

Since accepting Brady, I realized he didn’t hold as much respect within his family’s pack as I had originally thought. Many of them often seemed to forget he was a wolf. They focused on his stronger connection to magic and his future role as the leader of the Crete Coven. Due to that, they didn’t fully see me as a pack member either. To them, I belonged to the Coven.

“Madie! Watch this!” Diego’s voice interrupted my thoughts. He was by the swings, gesturing excitedly. Taking the children outside had been partly an excuse for me to seek some fresh air. The pack’s nannies needed a break, and I volunteered, hoping the open air would mitigate my discomfort. Nonetheless, the nausea persisted.

“Watch what?” I forced a smile, keen to engage with Diego’s enthusiasm. I didn’t want Deigo or the other kids to think I wasn’t interested in their games or whatever they wanted to show me.

“I can jump off the swing ten feet!” he declared, swinging higher before launching himself into the air. I flinched as he landed, the grass beneath his feet slick from the sprinklers and causing him to slip.

“Are you okay?” I asked, rising to my feet.

“I’m fine!” He brushed off his pants, laughed, then dashed back to the swing, his friends following his bold example.
