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The car spins around and skids sideways, I manage to avoid the barrier on the side of the road. She unbuckles her seatbelt and throws open the door.

“I’m sorry, Nik. Leave! Keep going, please!” She gives me a sharp look and throws herself onto the hard shoulder while the car keeps rolling slowly.

What the fuck just happened?

In the rearview mirror, I can see her hit the ground. Hazel rolls out of the way and staggers to her feet as I release the handbrake and tighten my grip on the steering wheel.

For a moment, I consider reversing and grabbing her. She has betrayed me. She will have to answer for what she’s done.

Fucking hell! Letting her get away is a sign of weakness.

But I can’t turn back, those cops were out to get me, and having one of their own in my car doesn't look good. I could go to jail and jeopardize the Bratva, my family.

I must get away from this shit show as fast as I can.

It’s going to be one hell of a drive.

I press harder on the gas pedal and swerve out of the way as one of the police cars tries to ram me. More cars appear behind me, and Hazel disappears completely from view.

The needle on the speedometer creeps up higher and eventually, the cop cars start to fall behind. I keep driving, heading out of the city. The last cop car finally drops off as I cross the city limits.

The only thing I can do is head to the safe house and wait until Dimitri runs a sweep of the city. Once he can ensure that it’s safe, then I can go back.

“Fuck.” I slap a hand against the wheel and turn onto one of the back roads. “Why the hell are they coming after me now? How did she contact them?”

I’ve managed to keep the police away from us for so long, but with Hazel around, life is getting more complicated. They've never been after me like this before, which means they must have had a reason to be sure to do it.

And that reason threw herself out of the car to get away from me.

But how? I haven’t let her out of my sight for a moment tonight.

Until …

The realization dawns on me as I walk through the event in my mind. Though she carries an obvious disdain for the event we were at, she must have been able to signal to someone that she needed help.

Sergey may have been kind to her, but he never would have helped her go against me. He would have told me if she were trying anything. Yuri would have killed her.

So, who the hell did she feel comfortable enough with to ask for help?

The only time she left my side tonight was to get her earring when she dropped it. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel, trying to remember everyone who was at the entrance to the mansion when we were there. The one person who looked at her was the security guard.

The earring had been right in front of his feet. She had bent down to pick it up, I had watched them together, I thought she was just thanking him for trying to help her.

Did she tell him that I kidnapped her?

Did she ask him to get in contact with the authorities?

I turn down the music until it's barely more than a whisper. The lights that line the street become fewer and fewer the closer I get to the safe house.

Fuck, malyshka, what have you done this time?

Hazel is a smart woman, and she is trained for situations like this. She knows what she’s doing and could screw me over if she is interrogated.

What’s your plan, Hazel? Why did you apologize to me?

Images of her face, her eyes, when she threw herself out of the car keep flashing in my head. The sadness and pleading me to leave. She’s at war with herself, her nature doesn’t want me, but she can’t resist.

I turn off the side road onto a long dirt path, most of which is hidden by overgrowth. The road disappears behind me as I make my way to the small cabin at the end of the path.
