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After parking the car in the barn behind the house, I go inside. I’m already pulling out my cell phone when I fall into the old suede couch and send Dimitri a message.

The moment he says it’s safe for me to come back to the city, I’m going after my pretty little undercover agent. I will get her back!

What a fucking mess. I rub my forehead and run my hand through my hair.

And she will learn the price she pays for trying to fuck me over.

Chapter 13 - Hazel

Maybe jumping out of a car in a cocktail dress wasn’t my greatest idea ever.

Even as I’m loaded into the back of a police car, I still don’t know what I’m thinking. I lean forward and look out the windshield. The taillights of Nik’s car shrink as he drives off into the night.

Guilt gnaws at me as I watch the red and blue flashing lights chase after him. The two different worlds I’m caught up in, one racing away and the other leaving me behind with the police.

Maybe I should never have told the security guard to call the police. Maybe I should have just enjoyed the night. I could have sat back and let Nik’s plan play out.

The bandage on my shoulder is slipping. When I get home, hopefully, a hot shower will soothe the rash a little. I grind my teeth and lean back in the uncomfortable seat.

“Tom wants to talk to you.” The driver of the car, who is also a colleague, looks at me in the mirror. His eyes shine with joy as he slaps his hands on the steering wheel. “I've always wanted to see the day when you finally get your ass kicked, Hudson. I hope today is the day.”

“Fuck off, Carpenter. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m working on an undercover operation — which is very fucking high above your clearance level.”

Officer Carpenter scoffs and takes a turn a little too sharp, sending me flying into the door. “Shit. I guess I should be a little gentler. Wouldn’t want old Tom to think that there was a problem getting you back to the station.”

“Just shut up and drive, Carpenter. In case you forgot, I outrank you. So, if you want to spend the rest of the drive making my night miserable, just think about what I could do to your career.”

His mouth snaps shut on another response. Hate burns hot in his eyes as he takes one last look at me before focusing on the road.

The car speeds up, taking the first exit off the highway and heading toward the station. I get myself as comfortable as I can and allow my eyelids to flutter shut.

Nik is never going to forgive me for doing this to him.

I should not want him to forgive me. He is a bad man who deserves to be locked away for the rest of his life. He has committed numerous crimes. He is the kind of man I should feel nothing but hatred for.

Except that hate isn’t part of the equation at all. Not now. Not after he's kept me safe in his house and protected me from Yuri. Especially not after he looked at me like I was the only woman in the world he cared about.

But things must be like this. I have a job to do and that includes putting the Orlovs away. Am I kidding myself? No police force has ever managed that.

The patrol car slows down and I open my eyes. The precinct looms over us, the dark brick building even more intimidating than usual. Officer Carpenter parks the car and gets out. When he opens the door for me, he has a smug look on his face that I want to wipe away immediately.

I keep my cool even though I feel like exploding. I say nothing as he leads me up the stone steps and through the bulletproof glass doors.

My heels clack on the tiled floor with every step, attracting the attention of every official in the building. It's not often that one of us is escorted through the halls, but after a chase in which the suspect has escaped, you immediately become an accomplice.

I gasp softly as I’m led down the corridor to the interrogation rooms. My entire body tenses and my purse slips down my arm a little as Officer Carpenter opens the door to one of the empty rooms.

“Take a seat, Hudson. Someone will be with you shortly.”

A dull ache throbs in my body as I make my way to the metal table in the middle of the room. There are three chairs around it—one on one side and two on the other. I’m usually on the side with the two chairs, but not today.

I glance at the large mirror on the wall and wonder if anyone is already behind it. There is no doubt that several officers will be listening to the interrogation.

This is going to be anything but pleasant.

I take a seat, the cold metal seeps through the thin material of my dress. My shoulder aches, but I know it’s nothing compared to what it’s going to feel like in the morning. I’ll be lucky if I’m not completely stiff and spend all of tomorrow in bed.

There is nothing but silence for the next several minutes. The only sign that something is happening is the camera in the upper right corner of the room. It moves to be pointed directly at me. The camera whirs as it zooms in on me.
