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His mother looks up at us. “He’s having a rough day. Someone didn’t want to wake up this morning, did they?”

The little boy refuses to answer his mother.

She bends down, cups his round cheeks, and presses a kiss to his head. “I love you. I’ll pick you up after work, okay? Have fun.”

Stevie opens the half door and the boy runs in, going straight for a toy box full of action figures.

The place starts to fill up. Other employees come in and they help with greeting the kids and getting them to the section of the playroom where they’re supposed to be. Stevie leaves to get some work done in her office while I stay behind the counter, greeting parents and making sure they all sign in.

The door opens and my eyes move up to see who’s walked in. I freeze when my eyes lock with some very familiar blue ones: Lincoln.

He walks in, holding his daughter in his arms. He freezes briefly when he realizes who I am, then he pushes forward, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. “You have got to be kidding me…” He grabs the pen on the counter to sign in. “This is the new job you got?” His blue eyes leap up to me.

I nod. “Sure is.”

“Great,” he mutters. He drops down to one knee and puts his daughter on her feet. “I’ll pick you up this afternoon,” he tells her. She hugs him and he kisses the top of her head. Then Stacy holds out her hand for the girl. When she takes it, Lincoln stands and turns for the door without another word. He pushes through, keeping his eyes on the ground as he slides his hands into the pants pockets on his black uniform. I thought he was good looking in a t-shirt and jeans, but that’s nothing compared to seeing him in uniform. My thighs squeeze together as I remind myself of how big of an asshole he is being.



I keep myself busy with work for the better part of the day and it makes it easy to forget about my new neighbor and our fucked up connection. In fact, I haven’t thought about her since I walked out after dropping Ava off this morning. That is, until I’m walking back in to pick her up.

Emery is behind the counter once again and I can’t help but feel like she did this on purpose. Who is checking people in and out always varies. What are the chances that she gets this job both times today? Of course, they may just be wanting to make sure she meets all the parents. Either way, I grab the pen and sign Ava out for the day.

“Ava, honey,” Emery calls out, getting my attention. “Dad’s here to get you.” She waves her over.

My brows pull together as I watch Emery talk to my daughter. Of course, I knew that she would have to talk to her given that she’s now employed by the daycare, but when I hooked up with her Saturday night, I never thought I’d hear her calling my daughter’s name. The whole thing just feels weird, it’s hard to process.

“Daddy!” Ava cheers, diverting my to attention from Emery.

“Hi, princess.” I open the half door, letting her through.

She holds her arms in the air, jumping up and down for me to pick her up. She jumps and I catch her, pulling her up to hold her against my chest. Ava looks at Emery as she gives her a smile and a wave.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ava,” Emery tells her, leaving another frown on my face.

“You ready?” I ask Ava.

“I played with Emery today,” she says as I turn for the door.

“You did?” I ask, feigning excitement. In all honesty, I’d prefer it if she never saw my daughter again. I mean, what if she’s a stalker? What if she saw me the day she moved in and then saw her chance when we met in the club? What if she’s planning on using my daughter to get to me?

Ava nods. “Yeah, we had fun.”

“Good, good.” I mumble, strapping Ava into her car seat while I tell myself to calm down. Emery isn’t a stalker and she isn’t using Ava to get to me. This is all just a…fucked up twist of fate or something.

The night passes quickly. Ava keeps me busy with dinner and picking up the house after she scatters her toys from one end to the other. I get her into the bath, we have a snack, and then I tuck her in for the night. With the house dark and quiet, I’m finally able to unwind from my busy day. I pour myself a glass of whiskey and sit on the couch, sipping it in the darkness. The TV is off so there’s no sound. This is how I unwind in the dark with the tv off---no lights, no noise, just me, my thoughts, and a glass of whiskey to help me fall asleep.

I sip the warm liquid and take a deep breath, leaning my head against the back of the couch. My eyes close and I move my free hand to pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. The only thing on my mind is Emery. But I’m not thinking about how she’s magically appeared next door or at my daughter’s daycare. What I’m thinking about is taking her back to that hotel in the city. I relive the moment where I pushed her dress over her hips, and took a step back to look at her perfect body.

I wet my lips when I remember how heavy her breasts felt in my hands. I remember the way her nipples hardened under my gaze and goosebumps prickled across her skin. I remember running my hands down her flat stomach and the softness of her thighs against my hips. I remember how sweet she tasted as I licked and sucked her clit. I can practically hear her moans, whimpers and labored breathing. My body starts to come alive just thinking about her.

It had been years since I’d been with a woman. And almost as long since my body had demanded attention in a sexual way. Now that I’ve been with Emery, it seems my body wants more attention from her, but I refuse to give in. I finish off my whiskey and put the glass in the dishwasher before starting it and heading up to my room. I strip and take a long hot shower. I try to keep my mind occupied long enough that my erection will go down and I can forget about it. But apparently that’s not something I have the willpower to do.

My left forearm rests against the shower wall and my head dips down, my eyes closing. With the water raining down on me, my right hand wraps around my cock and squeezes. My dick throbs in response. Behind my lids, I imagine myself back in that hotel and my hand starts pumping, base to tip. Slowly at first but then faster and faster as I move through the memory of being with her. It doesn’t take long before I’m emptying myself on the shower floor. My eyes open, watching my load twirl in the water and wash down the drain. For only a moment I feel relief but it’s quickly replaced with anger and annoyance.

This isn’t how this was supposed to go. I went to the city an hour away and I met a gorgeous girl. I opened up to her. I made her want me. And then I sealed the deal without a worry in the world because I thought I’d never see her again. Now she’s my fucking next door neighbor? Some may ask what the problem with that is, and I’ll tell you: Being with her was amazing. It was better than I ever could’ve imagined. That’s why I’m jacking off to the memory of it. Having her right next door is a fucking tease. My body wants her again but my mind knows it’s a bad idea. Things would get way too complicated.

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