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It was supposed to be a one and done. If we attempt it again, she could end up getting clingy and Ava doesn’t need that. She doesn’t need to get used to seeing a woman around the house and then wonder why she’s suddenly gone when things go bad. Ava is the reason I’ve gone these last two years without anyone. I didn’t date or even try for hookups. I was always worried that things would get too serious and when things get serious, there’s always a chance for a bad ending. It was easier to just avoid it all together. I thought I was playing it safe going into the city. Turns out, it was the worst decision I could have made.

I finish my shower and climb out, drying off and pulling on some boxers to sleep in. I climb into bed and gather the pillows around me, nuzzling deeper into them. That’s when I start coming up with a plan. I can’t go back and undo meeting her or sleeping with her, but I can avoid her. If we never see one another, maybe I can forget her. Avoiding her around the house should be easy since I always park in the garage and the backyard has a privacy fence. The daycare, that’ll be harder. Maybe, I can see if I can pay my mom to take Ava and pick her up every day. Then I wouldn’t have to see her at all. With a plan somewhat formed, I’m able to relax enough to fall into a deep sleep.

* * *

My plan worked perfectly. My mom was more than happy to get a little time with Ava in the mornings and afternoons. I dropped Ava off with my mom this morning and the two enjoyed breakfast together before mom took her to daycare. I was able to get to work early and the best part is that I didn’t have to see the woman I’m trying to avoid. Having things go my way for once actually puts me in a good mood and when I get sent out on traffic detail, I’m not even pissed about it.

I grab myself a cup of coffee from a local convenience store and then I park at the corner of the busiest four-way in town. From this spot here, you can see all the traffic driving up and down main street and the crossroad is the road you have to take if you’re coming into or leaving town. The people in town know we sit here, so we rarely get them for anything, but the people leaving town in a hurry or passing through tend to overlook us. That and the people coming into town don’t know we’re here and we’re able to meet our quota by handing out speeding tickets, seatbelt tickets, or catching people talking on their phones, or rolling through the stop sign.

I turn the radio on to keep my brain occupied while I watch the steady flow of traffic. I’ve been seen by everyone so they are behaving themselves this morning. I sit in my spot for almost an hour before traffic begins to slow. Now that it’s after eight, more people are already at work. I start the car and steer back onto the road to make a quick patrol through town. Rolling into town, I slow my speed as I approach a stop sign. There’s a car ahead of me and when it stops at the sign, I realize the car has a brake light out. I quickly flash my lights and the car pulls over on the other side of the intersection.

I stop at the sign and then roll through the intersection. I steer to the side of the road and stop behind the car. Climbing out, I make my way to the driver’s window. “Do you know why I pulled you over?” I ask, looking down at…No other than the woman I’m trying to avoid.

She looks up at me, surprise written across her face. Her plump lips are glistening and they’re slightly parted. Her dark eyes wide, innocent. Seeing her look at me this way, it only reminds me of our night together and I feel my cock twitch.

“I…I’m not sure. Did I not fully stop?”

Not only am I now sporting a semi-boner, I’m also annoyed. I avoided her this morning only to run into her now? Why didn’t I recognize her car? It’s been parked in the driveway next to my house. I guess I’ve only really seen it once.

“Your passenger side brake light is out. You should get that fixed before it causes you to get rear ended.”

“Oh, okay.” She nods. “Is there an auto shop here in town where I can take it to get it replaced?”

I frown at her. “What?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know how to do it myself.”

I slide my hands into my pockets and shake my head. “Drive up the road to the auto parts store. I’ll meet you there.”

Her brows lift and her eyes widen. “You’re going to do it?”

“It’s nothing. It’ll take five seconds. Just, meet me there.” I turn and walk back to my cruiser, even more pissed off than before.



My heart is slamming against my chest as I drive down the road toward the auto parts store. I glance into the rearview mirror, watching his white police car follow along behind me. I can see him in the driver’s seat. His left hand is holding the top of the wheel and I swear his knuckles look white even from here. His jaw is cocked and his eyes are slightly narrowed into a frown. He doesn’t look happy about helping me, so why is he? Is it because he’s a cop and he’s supposed to help citizens when he can? Or does it have something to do with the night we shared? I thought he hated me. Since our hookup, he’s barely looked at me and when he does, he seems disgusted. He acts like he regrets the night we spent together. He acts like he wants to avoid me and he seems annoyed every time he runs into me.

I pull into the parking lot of the auto parts store and I park in an open spot in the front. He pulls into a spot on my passenger side and the two of us meet on the sidewalk in front of the store.

“You know the make, model, and year of your car?”

I nod. “I think so.”

Without another word, he turns and walks through the doors. I follow along behind him to the correct aisle. He must come here a lot. Does he know a lot about cars? Is he the type that’s good with his hands? I guess we didn’t get to cover much the night we met.

On the shelf, there’s a book, and he grabs it as he demands to know information about my car. I answer all of his questions which results in a code that he uses to find the right light bulb. He grabs the package containing the light bulb and then he heads to the register with me once again following behind him.

At the register, I pull my wallet from my purse but he holds out his hand while shaking his head. It only costs a few bucks, but still…Why does he feel the need to pay for it? The cashier hands him his change and, he leads the way back to my car.

“Pop the trunk,” he orders.

I open the driver’s side door and pull the latch that pops the trunk. I stand and turn to face him, watching as he opens the trunk and then bends down inside. I walk to the back of the car with my arms crossed over my chest, watching him so that maybe next time, I’ll be able to do this myself.

In the truck, there’s a small panel. He pops it open and it gives him access to the lights and wires of the taillight. I watch him unscrew one light bulb before putting in the other. He closes the panel and looks up at me.

“Start the car.”
