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I shake off the mental fog feeling her against me has caused and I turn my head back to the bartender to order our drinks.

“Hey, there you are,” Tom says, moving up to my side. “We wondered where you ran off too. Thought maybe you took off.” His eyes move to Emery who’s against my side. “Who’s this?” He grins and holds up his hand to shake.

“This is Emery. Emery, this is Tom. We work together at the station.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” she says, shaking his hand while I order our drinks. “So, you’re a Police officer too?”

“Yeah, Linc and I went to the academy together. He’s a good guy.” He pats my shoulder before giving me a smile and walking away.

I pass Emery her drink as I take my beer. “You want to sit down? Maybe talk and get to know each other?”

She sips from the straw. “Where? I think every table down here is full.”

I glance up at the VIP section before taking her hand. “Follow me.”

I lead the way to the stairs and the bouncer doesn’t give me any problems about bringing up someone who wasn’t previously invited. He moves the rope and lets us walk up the steps. The VIP area is more busy than before, but I find a seat in the back corner where we can talk. The two of us sit on the sofa next to one another.

“So, you like kids, I take it?”

She holds her glass in her lap as she nods. “I do. Kids are great. Who doesn’t like kids?”

“I agree.” I nod. “You have any?”

“Kids?” Her brows lift. “No, no way. I couldn’t imagine having kids at my age. I’m only twenty-three.”

I swallow down a gulp of beer. I hope she doesn’t ask if I have kids because I won’t be able to lie, but we’re the same age and not only do I have a kid, I’m raising her on my own. What woman would want to get involved with something that complicated?

“So, do you like your job?”

I nod, happy to change the subject from kids. “I do… For the most part. I mean, every job has a down side, but I like it. I like the people I work with and I like the pay and the benefits.”

“That’s good. I’m really hoping to open my own daycare one day.”


She nods, offering the smallest of smiles. “I have all of the schooling I’ll need in order to do it. Now, I’m just trying to save up the money I’ll need. Starting up a business is expensive.”

“I’m sure you’ll do it. And if you’re anything like me, putting in all the hard work will make you appreciate it that much more.”

Her brown eyes move up to mine. They narrow slightly like she’s studying me. “You’re not what I thought you’d be.”

I can’t help but to frown at that. “How’s that?”

She shrugs. “It’s just that…” She bites her lip and looks down at her drink. “I kind of assumed that you’d be a total player.”

I laugh at that. I couldn’t be any further from that if my life depended on it. “Why did you think that?”

She returns her eyes to mine now, shrugging. “I mean, you’re good looking, you have a nice body, dark tattoos. I just figured you do this kind of thing all the time.”

I laugh. “No, not at all.”

“Not the hookup type?”

“No, not really even the dating type.” I take a drink. “What about you? Are you the hookup type?”

She laughs, shaking her head. “No. I actually just got out of a really long relationship.”

“Ahhh, so that’s why you’re talking to me. You’re on the rebound.”
