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She smiles. “I guess technically, I am. You have a problem with that?”

“None whatsoever,” I say around a smile, making her laugh.

She leans forward, setting her glass on the table in front of us. Then she turns her attention to me. “Straight up, what is it that you’re trying for here?”

You have to admire her no bullshit attitude. “Honestly?”

She nods.

I am wondering if I can say this so bluntly, but she asked for the straight truth and I’m not one for lying anyway. I move my eyes back to hers. “I want us to get out of here. I don’t live in the city. In fact, I didn’t even drive here. But I have a wallet full of credit cards. We can grab a cab, go to a hotel. Spend our night together, outside of this loud club.”

“And then what?”

“And then what?” I repeat, unsure of what she means.

“Say we do leave together, and we do go to this hotel…What are you hoping to achieve?”

I let out a nervous chuckle. She’s going to make me say it, isn’t she? I wet my lips. “It’s been a…” I swallow, “while… since I’ve gone to bed with anyone. I feel drawn to you. There were at least five hundred people on that dance floor, yet my eyes found yours automatically. There’s a reason for that. I think it’s the universe’s way of pushing us together.”

She laughs and gently shakes her head. “You want a one night stand?”

I wet my lips.

“And then tomorrow, we both just go our separate ways?”

“That’s usually how this works.”

“You don’t even know if we have a connection yet.”

I can’t hold back my smile as I nod. “Oh, we have a connection,” I assure her.

Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. “How can you be so sure?”

“Not long ago, you refused to even tell me your name. Now I have you sitting next to me in as we talk about leaving together. That’s how I’m sure.”

She smiles, yanking her eyes away. She quickly turns back to face me. “What kind of cop are you?”

My brows pull together. “Huh?”

“You know…Are you the kind of cop that drives around in his police cruiser, pulling people over and writing traffic tickets or are you the kind of cop that that does investigative work? The kind that has to interview witnesses and grill suspects?”

I rest my elbows on my knees. “I guess I’m a little of both. I live in a small town. There’s not a whole lot of hard crimes that happen there, so it’s not like what you see watching CSI.”

She wets her lips and I watch the way her tongue drags across her lower lip, making it glisten under the dancing lights.

“What does that have to do with anything anyway?”

She starts winding her long blonde hair around her finger. “I was just wondering if you used your police training to profile me, to pick the woman in this club who was most likely to go home with you.” She giggles, making me laugh.

“Criminal Minds fan?”

She smirks and shrugs as her eyes fall to her empty glass.

I pick it up and stand. “Be right back.” I start toward the bar, getting us both a refill. I’m back within a few minutes, handing over her drink. She takes it and moves the straw to her lips, having a long gulp before putting the glass on the table. She crosses her legs and turns her body so she’s looking at me directly.

“I don’t do this kind of thing,” she confesses.

I swallow the beer in my mouth. “I’m sorry?”

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