Page 116 of Lust For

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“I can’t wait until you and I are on the same coast again.”

“Me too. Bye, baby. Have fun at practice.”

“Bye, sexy. I’ll talk to you soon.”


The process of getting my butt to LA is surprisingly easy. I let Emma and my mom know that I’m headed to LA to attend some event with Derek. Apparently, my mom has already been made aware of this fact because Aiden called and told her all about it. I love that he did that. I’m glad he shares these things with her. Emma is another story. She just snickered and said she would need my mailing address in LA.

I tell myself over and over again that that’s not what’s happening here. I don’t want to move to LA. I like my life in Cary. I think it’s easy and simple. The two bodyguards Derek assigned to me follow me everywhere I go, but I don’t think they’re necessary. No one approaches me or causes a scene. I’m a pretty perceptive person, and I don’t notice anyone slyly taking my picture or staring at me. Then again, I never noticed anyone taking that picture outside of Derek’s apartment. But when I’ve checked online, the only pictures I can find of me in Cary are the ones with Serena at the Courage game. There are more of Derek in LA and people speculating where I am. It makes me laugh because if they were paying attention to the date of the game, they would have known I was in North Carolina. But they would rather speculate that there’s trouble in paradise than be factual.

I head down the escalator at LAX and see he’s standing there waiting for me, wearing all black and a baseball cap drawn over his eyes. There are three security men standing around him. I walk quickly down the moving steps and rush into his arms. I crash into him, and he takes a few steps back to keep from falling over.

“I missed you too, baby,” he croons into my ear. A bit of laughter escapes out while he pulls back to get a look at my face. Laughing, he pulls the NC Courage cap that I’m wearing up a bit. “You’re using my way of getting around now, huh?”

I smile up at him. I’m so happy to be here in his arms. “I am. I thought it might be a good idea once we’re in LA.”

“Well, the Carolina blue may make it stand out just a bit,” he points out.

I giggle. “I didn’t have a black one like yours.”

“We can get you one. I’ll get you one made that says, The Love of Derek Walsh’s Life.”

My whole-body heats at his words. “If I knew we could, I would take you into an airport bathroom right now. But I’m pretty sure you don’t want to do that in front of both of our security teams.” Although, looking around, I could see that mine has disappeared. Finally able to catch a break, I assume, because Derek’s team is on duty now.

He chuckles darkly. “I really wish we could, but no, that would not be a good idea. I think too many people would walk in on us or hear us. You have no idea how busy LAX can be.”

“Oh, I noticed, but I just don’t care. It feels like a long time since I’ve been near you.” In reality, it’s only been about three and a half days. Maybe it’s because our relationship is so new. Maybe that’s why it’s harder to be away from him. Or maybe Emma is right, and I’ll be moving out to LA, and she’ll need my address here. I push the thought away and allow Derek to lead me to baggage claim.

“You know, if you just gave them your ticket and a description of your bag, they could pick this up for you,” he tells me, gesturing toward his security team.

“I know, but I wanna pick it up. It’s not nice to make them big up my bag.”

“They have to come along anyway, babe,” he reminds me.

While we wait for my bag, he stays close to me. Our bodies are welded together, his arm draped around my shoulders. I’m holding his hand too. He seems to want to keep touching me; the same way I do him. I guess the time away from me was hard on him too.

“Jesus Christ, how much shit do you need?” he asks when he pulls my suitcase off the conveyer belt. It’s heavy. I brought the largest one I had and almost exceeded the weight limit.

“I wasn’t sure how much to bring. Plus, I have essentials to help me get ready for the event, like my hair stuff, makeup, some jewelry, and maybe some shoe options.

He smirks and shakes his head. “You know we’re being dressed for the event. They’ve even agreed to dress you. So, you don’t need any of this. Shoes, hair, makeup, and jewelry will all be covered.”

“Oh,” I say. I hadn’t realized they would take care of me that much. “I can make myself look nice for you until we go,” I quip, trying to make light of it.

“I don’t give a shit if you look like a hobo during your time here. I just want to stay as close to you as I can. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“I love you,” I reply. He’s so sweet and caring. This thing between us isn’t at all what I expected. You would have thought from our gruff first encounter that he wouldn’t be saying these types of things. But once you chisel away at that hard exterior, there’s a soft, kindhearted man in there.

“I love you, too,” he replies, leading me out of the airport and to a waiting car that will take us to his apartment.

I spend a few days hanging out with the guys in LA. I try to spend some time with Aiden, when Derek doesn’t have me locked away in his bedroom or when they’re not at band practice. And then we’re off to the event in LA. I am a bundle of nerves. I can’t imagine walking a red carpet.

“It’s not going be a big deal,” Aiden assures me. He must see the anxiety written all over my face.

The stylist is dressing the band in dark gray suits and black button-down shirts, with motorcycle-type boots on their feet. They look so freaking hot. My hair is half-up, half-down, with loose curls. I have more makeup on than I normally would, but I like the final product. Derek stares at me hungrily, and I’m not even in my dress, just wearing a black silk robe.

“We’ll get you into your dress soon,” the stylist, Anna, tells me. She has a thick accent. French, maybe. But I just know I love to hear her talk. I could listen to her bark orders all day.

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