Page 56 of Lust For

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He glares are her before answering, “Princess, I don’t care what you do when the band starts playing, but you will not cause a scene during it. And you will not move seats. You are close enough and where the rest of the security team can look after you. Got it?”

We both stare at him, afraid to say anything. He looks so angry and menacing.

“I need you both to say that you understand in order for me to open this door.” We must not answer fast enough because he says it again. “Say you understand.”

“Yes, sir,” we say at the same time. Emma and I giggle over our identical responses, but he doesn’t seem to care. He just opens the door.

The Aster Theatre looks just as I remember it. The guys played here a time or two, more so when they were starting out. This is a smaller venue than I expected Serena to play in. It makes me wonder if this spot was staged or if it was part of the originally planned tour. But judging from how packed it is, it must have been planned.

Emma is bouncing with excitement beside me. She loves going to events like this and seeing the guys play. I love watching them play, too, but I’m not very comfortable in crowds. Also, if all of these people are here to see Serena, then I’m sure she’ll be all over Derek.

“So, I’m pretty sure you don’t want to talk about this right now, but I’ve been wondering what happens when Derek goes back to LA? Have you guys talked about that at all?”

I sigh and turn toward Emma. She’s right, I don’t want to talk about it. “We haven’t had that discussion.”

“Is this something permanent? Like, are you his girlfriend?”

I flush at the word and Emma grins. I tell her about what he said while she was in the shower, and she nods eagerly and takes in all the details. The area around us fills up, and then we have to start talking in code.

“If D is saying things like that, then there must be some type of a future there, right?”

“I don’t know,” I tell her honestly. I don’t even know how that would work. “I’m not even sure he’s going to tell Aiden.”

“He’ll have to if things move forward.”

“Aiden will kill him. Especially with the media circus involving Serena.”

Emma nods. “I saw that he appeared on your story, and you got some hate for that, girl.”

“I didn’t know so many trolls would come for me with that video. I didn’t even tag him. He commented and some of the haters stopped, so at least there was that.”

“How will you handle it if this is real?”

I lower myself into the chair and think for a moment. Emma joins me in her seat, watching me intently as she waits for an answer that I don’t have. “I haven’t really thought of that because I’m not sure what this is. Or if he’s even serious about me. Or if this is just one of those summer flings. I mean, he says all the right things.”

“Maybe you should talk to him.”

“Maybe that will scare him away.”

“Isn’t it worth finding out?”

I shrug, smiling at her. Just then, the house lights go down and Serena’s opening act takes the stage. They’re pretty good. We enjoy listening to the band play and dance around to songs we’ve never heard before. Then it’s Serena’s turn to come out. After a twenty-minute break in music, she emerges.

Coming out of the smoke, she stands in black platform heels, purple leather pants, and a black leather bra. Her abs are on full display. She looks incredible, with her long black hair straightened and hanging down her back.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat before rising like the rest of audience. I don’t cheer, though. Emma yells out a few Woo’s, but I just stand there, sizing up the competition. Serena’s beautiful and so talented, making her a hard person to dislike. Sure, she’s demanding and works on the guys’ nerves, but man can she sing.

I can tell she’s getting ready to bring the guys out when the house lights start to go down. Serena sits on a stool that was brought out for her.

“I have a very special surprise for you all tonight. There’s a song that has been burning up the charts from me and the boys of Crave. Well, I got them to come out here to Cary, North Carolina, and see you all.”

I shake my head. This is where Aiden and Derek are from. She didn’t get them to do anything. II roll my eyes and look over at Emma. She misses my glance; she’s too busy bouncing up and down in excitement.

I hear the beginnings of “Memories” as the house lights come up, and Derek sits beside her on a matching stool. He’s smiling at her.

“Look who came to visit me?” she croons into the microphone. “Isn’t he just the sweetest?”

Derek just smiles and waves at the crowd. He’s scanning it, and I imagine he’s looking for me. But I doubt it.

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