Page 60 of Lust For

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“It just feels like—”

I catch Serena walking back into the room. “Look, your girlfriend is back. Better be a good puppy and trot on back over there.”

He sighs and rises. “This isn’t finished.”

“But it is.” I’m not sure what I’m saying is specifically finished. Is it this conversation? Is it him and me? But the longer I sit here, the longer I wonder how this could have even worked between us anyway.

The rest of the party is uneventful. Emma and I sit alone in the corner and pick at our food. I’m starting to get tired, and I’d like to head home, but I know the boys aren’t quite ready. They seem to be having fun talking to Serena and her band. It’s nice to see them in their element, and I don’t want to be the bratty little sister who says it’s time to go home. But man do I want to.

Finally, around one in the morning, the boys rise and stretch.

“We should get going,” Aiden says.

Thank God.

“It was so nice to have all of you here,” Serena says while clinging to Derek. “If you decide there are other parts of my tour you’d like to join me on, then please do. There’s plenty of room on my bus.”

He smiles warmly back at her. “Thanks, we’ll keep that in mind.”

This doesn’t look like the way I pictured it would. I thought he’d be more annoyed with her. I thought he’d stay further away from her and not let her touch him.

“You ready?” Brent asks after making his way over to Emma and me.

“More than ready,” I say, not bothering to hide my yawn.

“It was so great to meet you, Audrey,” Serena croons. “It was nice of you to come out and support your brother.”

I just nod and gather my things, then Aiden and Brent lead us from the room. I imagine it’s so that Derek and Serena can say goodbye without us watching them.

“I suppose that fake relationship is going well,” I bite out in a low tone.

“Easy there, killer. It’s still just as fake,” Brent assures me.

I’m not sure about that, but I don’t object or say a word. In fact, I’m quiet until we hit the doorstep of the beach house, only pausing to say goodnight to everyone before heading into my room. I don’t even bother to give Derek a passing glance before closing the door.


It’s three a.m. and I can’t sleep. I got tired of tossing and turning, so I left my room and headed out to the kitchen. Now I’m sitting here at the island, cradling a hot cup of tea. I was so tired at the venue, but now in the comforts of home, sleep is the last thing on my mind. Instead, I keep replaying all the images of Serena and Derek together. I’m trying to reconcile all of that with the things he’s told me, but I just can’t seem to.

A creaking comes from down the hallway. From the way the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up, I instantly know it’s him. He either knows I’m here or he can’t sleep either. I turn to him just as he reaches the entrance of the kitchen, shirtless and in a pair of gray sweatpants that are slung low on his hips.

God, he looks incredible. I look away from him, unable to stand his perfection in that moment. I unwrap my hands from the cup of tea and wrap myself in a hug. The stool beside me squeals lightly on the floor as he pulls it out. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch him glancing my way.

“Sorry,” he says.

I don’t say a word. I just look straight ahead.

“Couldn’t sleep either?” he asks. Again, I don’t answer. He sighs heavily. “Are you really not going to talk to me?”

“No, I couldn’t sleep either.” It’s not much but it’s something.

“Thank you,” he says.

I look over and give him a half smile.

“Just how much trouble am I in for tonight? I meant what I said before I left. That was all an act. It had to be the whole time. But I hate that it hurt you.”

I sigh. I’m not sure if I want to tell him what she said. But he beats me to it. “She was nasty to you, wasn’t she?”
