Page 7 of Lust For

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With that, he’s off to the shore. But I can’t stop replaying his words in my head. Derek Walsh thinks I’m hot. The thought brings me more happiness than it should. I don’t second-guess it or overthink it in the water; I just paddle into the shore, staying close to Derek and hoping that when we reapply sunscreen, he’ll be the one to rub it all over my shoulders, back, and maybe even my legs.


Being at the beach for the day has made me sleepy. It always did when I was a kid, and right now is no different. I’m lying stretched out on the sofa, being lazy. My wet hair is fanned out over the back of it, and I’m in sweat shorts and a tank top, sans bra. I’m guessing Derek is gone for the night. It’s only ten o’clock, but it is a Sunday, and the night life tends to quiet down early here in Corolla, even though it’s summer.

“What are you watching?” His voice startles me from my thoughts, and I jump. A tiny squeak escapes my lips. “Easy there, fraidy cat. It’s just me.”

I flush and shake my head. “I know.”

“Sure, you did,” he says with a chuckle.

I turn my attention back to the TV to see what he was questioning. There are two detectives on the screen checking out a dead body. “It’s Criminal Minds.”

“Ah, okay.” He takes a seat on the sofa beside me.

I steal a glance over to see he’s sitting beside me in a pair of gray sweatpants. I’ve seen him like this before but being here alone with him in the beach house is having an odd effect on me. It could just be because it’s been month’s since I’ve been touched by a man. My libido is going crazy.

“Are you not headed out tonight?”

“Nope,” he says, looking over at me.

I sit very still, like I’m afraid any sudden movements will cause him to know what it is I’m thinking.

I don’t say anything for a few moments, wondering if he’ll talk to me. But he doesn’t. Eventually, I groan, stretching my legs out in front of me and finally causing him to speak.

“Stiff?” he asks.

“Yeah. I gotta get to bed soon. I plan on waking up early tomorrow, getting a workout in, and then working on the house again.”

“Always the dutiful daughter,” he says.

I want to ask him why he keeps saying that to me. A flick of irritation wells up in me. I’m not sure if it’s because I know it’s true or if it’s because I’m irritated that my parents would never think to ask Aiden to come here. Although he could have, if Derek is here. But he wouldn’t. It’s a trivial task he would say he doesn’t have time for. His music, his fans, his band—all of that is what’s most important to him. Whether one of his band members is here is beside the point.

“Does Aiden know I’m here?” I ask him. The question has crossed my mind a few times.

“He knows. I talked to him the other day.”

I raise an eyebrow. Not that he would be playing the overprotective brother because I’m here all alone with his hot bandmate. No, he wouldn’t even consider that. I shake my head. “Of course, he wouldn’t come here to help me.”

“I think he’s trying to give me some space,” Derek admits.

“From what? Serena?” I ask.

“No, not Serena. The band knows that it’s bogus. They were naturally jealous that I was picked to do it. She was interested in me, but she would have taken Aiden.” He rolls his eyes.

I’ve turned my body so that I can face him through the shadows. “Well, she sounds just delightful,” I say, a hint of sarcasm dripping from my words.

“Oh yeah, she’s a real peach. Completely and totally bitchy. And do not get her drunk. Then she becomes super whiny and clingy and immature. I don’t have time for that.” He shakes his head and runs a hand though his hair, his muscles flex as they move with his arm.

I take a moment to gawk at the tattoos on his body. He has quite a few—a tribal symbol wrapped around his bicep on his left arm, some symbols and words on his left forearm, the word Crave down his right. All the band members have that same tattoo. They got them together once the band hit number one on the chart. I can’t make out the words on his left pec. I swallow as my eyes keep exploring, but I don’t get to finish.

Derek clears his throat. “Whatcha doing?”

I look over and he’s smirking at me. I’ve been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

“Just admiring your tattoos,” I tell him.

“Admire away.” He holds his hands out so that his chest is in full view.
