Page 92 of Lust For

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“He did?” Shock is written all over this face. “Why didn’t he tell me?”

“I think he wanted to let us figure this out. He just said the same thing as Brent, that he wouldn’t lie.”

Emotion plays all over Aiden’s face—more shock, betrayal, and anger. “Brent knew?” he yells.

Brent comes over to where we’re talking and glances from me to Aiden. “You told him?”

“It slipped out,” I say, wringing my hands in worry.

Derek places his hand on the small of my back. “It’s okay, Aud. Aiden will cool off.”

“I can’t believe that everyone I trust and love in this world was keeping a secret like this from me. Are you fucking kidding me, Brent? Why wouldn’t you tell me?”

“Because it wasn’t my secret to tell. I also kind of figured it would just run its course while they were at the beach house, and we wouldn’t have to worry about it here in LA.” Brent shakes his head. “You don’t get to get all pissed off at me because you’re pissed off at the world. Enough is at fucking stake here. We might not even still have a contract with the record company. Dale told me about that a little bit ago. He’s coming here soon to talk to us. I suggest we all quit our bitching and moaning about who knew what when and get back to rehearsing.”

“Dale’s visit doesn’t sound like a pleasant one,” Aiden remarks, shooting daggers at Derek.

“Bitching doesn’t change it,” Brent says, shaking his head. “Let’s just start rehearsing so he doesn’t have concerns about us and our ability to do our jobs when he gets here.”

I move over to the sofa that’s set up near where they rehearse.

As I’m walking over, Brent mumbles to Derek, “I hope she’s worth it.”

I look back and see Derek nod. I want to think that nod is a yes, but I’m only guessing at this point.

The band takes their places and begins to warm up.

“Is any of the new music ready?” Aiden asks.

“Yeah, I have some arrangements together that I sent over to Brent,” Derek replies. He looks at Brent like he’s going to save him from some of Aiden’s wrath. But I think it’s past that. I think Brent is just sick of being the peacemaker, and he hates that his world has been shifted over this bullshit. I want to believe he’d be on Derek’s side, but Aiden has made it perfectly clear how he feels about his friends touching me. It’s annoying.

I sit there and zone out on the discussion over arrangements and think back to when Aiden almost came to blows over me when we were sixteen. That was the moment I realized Aiden was going to go nuts if I dated anyone he knew. The trend continued all throughout high school, so I dated guys from other schools. Aiden only intimidated them, and I learned to keep them away from him.

I lost my virginity in a car because I was afraid to go into our house or his. I thought for sure Aiden would show up wherever I went. It was weird and bumpy, but it was the one experience that Aiden didn’t ruin. I shake away that memory and of all the crap I’ve dealt with over the years. Some things never change.

The guys have played a few of their hits. I like watching them play—whether rehearsing or playing live, they’re something to watch. I hope the relationship Derek and I have doesn’t ruin that. Derek is strumming his guitar and singing the chorus to “Incredible Sin.” His eyes are closed, and he’s getting lost in the music. He truly has an amazing voice.

Aiden is backing him up on vocals and playing his bass, dancing, and swaying to the beat of the music. He looks so happy up there. So does Brent. His head is bopping along to the beat as he plays the drums. These boys are so talented, and I don’t just feel that way because one is my brother and the other I’ve known for forever and am now sleeping with.

Please let this all work out, I pray silently.

The song ends and Derek huddles close to Aiden and Brent. All I could make out was that they wanted to try something. The boys talk for a few moments, and then there’s some agreement made. The guitar chords are soft, and so are the drums. Brent is only using the high hat and a cymbal. I’ve heard it before, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

It’s not until the chorus really kicks in and the version of the song turns more rock that I pick out “I Want to Know What Love Is” by Foreigner. Crave doesn’t do covers very often. A few are thrown into their shows from time to time, but none have ever made the album. I get the feeling that Derek chose this song on purpose. He’s looking over at me while he sings.

I love the song he’s chosen to give me this message. I know that he hasn’t had it easy. He used to act out a lot as a teenager, stealing little things and cutting class. He would take girls home just the for the heck of it. That behavior has continued into his twenties, but he’s never felt he deserved loved. And he’s telling me that now, through song.

I see out of the corner of my eye that Aiden is staring at him. He doesn’t look angry anymore. He’s just watching him sing and stare at me, brow furrowed. Aiden doesn’t join in on the song. I think he realizes what’s happening here, and he doesn’t want to step on his toes. I kind of love him for it. As long as he doesn’t punch him out when it’s over.

Just as the song is about to end, Dale walks in. Oh good. This should be fun.

“He changing genres or singing that for you?” Dale asks me.

“I think it’s for me,” I tell him. I refuse to look over at him or encourage him to talk about this anymore.

The song wraps up, and Dale claps. Derek, however, comes walking over to me and drops to his knees in front of me.

“I do love you. There isn’t another woman in this world that is more tempting to me than you. No one holds a candle to you, and I will be true to you until the day I die.”

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