Page 99 of Lust For

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“It’s okay. Aud. It’ll all be okay…somehow.” Brent turns and walks away.

“Do you think he’s right?” I ask Derek when we’re alone in the room.

“Brent’s not one to say things like that lightly. He’s not your glass half-full person,” Derek tells me.

“I never knew that. I thought he was a positive person,” I say. He may speak very little, but I’ve never heard him so downtrodden.

“Being on the road as much as we are, can be hard on you. I think it’s weighing on him. He doesn’t have much family to speak of. Just a dad. Mom ran out when he was young. I think he’s lonely.”

“Jesus, Aiden is the only one with a whole family,” I mutter.

Derek pulls me in for a hug. “I am serious about you, you know. Everything I’ve said is true. I love you and I want to make this work. I wouldn’t have thought I would. Aiden’s right about the things he says about me. But there’s something about you, Aud.” His voice trails off and he shrugs. “I’ve never known anyone like you before. I’ve never had someone blindly believe in me the way you do. And I don’t want to screw this up. He’s right about Serena—she may come for us. But I’ll be there every step of the way. I promise you.”

I stand still and let his words seep in. I don’t look up at him, but I feel his arms squeeze around me tighter. “I love you too.” It’s the only thing I know how to say at this point. It’s all I’ve got.

It must be enough, though. Derek pulls away and looks me in the eye, smiling. Leaning in, he presses his lips to my forehead. “Let’s get you home,” he says against my skin.

I allow him to pull me out of the building and guide me to the waiting car.



Crave’s lead singer was recently seen kissing a woman who’s been identified as Audrey Zaks. Audrey is the twin sister of Aiden Zaks, who plays guitar for Crave. Derek was dating Serena at the time of the kiss, and the two have since parted ways.

Derek is extremely sorry for the hurt, pain, and embarrassment he has caused Serena.

Derek and Audrey have known and loved each other since they were kids.

While the timing wasn’t great, they’ve found each other again.

The Zaks family asks for their privacy to be respected during this time, and Derek requests fans to be kinder to Audrey. He takes full responsibility for his actions and wishes Serena well in her career.

Crave looks forward to continuing their collaboration with Serena.

I read the statement over and over again. It’s better than I thought it would be. He’s playing off the angle that we’ve known each other all our lives. Making it sound like Derek has always loved me and I’ve always loved him. Only part of that is true. But I’m not about to argue, because I’m hoping it helps take away some of the hate I’m receiving online.

I have stopped opening up my Instagram account, because when I do, I see message in my DMs calling me a whore or a homewrecker. I wasn’t aware Derek and Serena were in that committed of a relationship, but some think they were. There are pictures online of Serena in a wedding dress with Derek in a tux—all photoshopped by fans. Some of them are downright crazy. Which is why Derek has volunteered to get me security.

As long as I’m with him, I feel like I’ll be okay. It’s when I have to go back to North Carolina that I’m worried about it. I have to head back there in a few days to train the Courage, and that can’t be done from here. And Derek can’t come with me.

He’s at practice right now, but I opted to stay at the apartment to get some laundry done. I feel a bit out of it, and I’m honestly tired of seeing the glaring looks from Aiden. He’s not my biggest fan lately.

My phone rings as I’m lying on the couch. I look over at the caller ID and see it’s Emma. I smile. We’ve texted back and forth, but we haven’t had the time for a call since all of this started.

“Hey,” I say, sinking further into the couch under a blanket that smells like Derek.

“Well, there’s America’s biggest whore. I was wondering if you were going to pick up or if you had other things distracting you.” She giggles at her own joke, and I laugh along with her.

“Very funny, sunshine. I’m here at his place by myself,” I tell her. Then I answer the question before she can answer it. “He’s at band practice.”

“What’s his place like? I’ve never been there, and I’ve always wondered. Are there bondage walls or tables. Does he have a leather couch? Is it your typical bachelor pad?”

I laugh and give her a rundown of his place. She oohs and aahs over some of the upgraded things he has in his apartment.

“So how are you holding up, whore?” she teases me. “I’ve been reading some of those online comments, and people are not happy with you.”

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “I’m okay.”
