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I clenched my eyes shut, my jaw locked as I wrestled with the conflicting emotions raging inside me. Every fiber of my being screamed at me to turn away, to shield myself from the unbearable truth that lay in her gaze. But I knew I could never deny her anything, not when she pleaded with me like that.

With a curse escaping my lips, I reluctantly forced my eyes open, meeting her gaze with a mixture of trepidation and longing. Her features, so achingly beautiful, seemed to glow in the dim light, her smile a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to engulf us both. As I stared into her eyes, I counted the seconds, each passing moment a testament to her presence.

One... two... three...

With each count, my uncertainty lifted slightly, replaced by a growing sense of relief. When I reached ten, and she was still there, standing before me, a wave of emotion crashed over me, threatening to drown me in its intensity. It was as if a dam had burst within me, releasing a flood of pent-up fear and anguish.

In that moment, I didn't know what I needed, but she did. She pressed herself even closer, her lips crashing against mine. The kiss was hard, almost bruising, but it was exactly what I needed. As our lips met, all the ice that had encased me melted away, leaving behind a raw, burning passion.

With trembling hands, I reached out to touch her, to feel the warmth of her skin against mine. My fingers traced the curve of her cheek, the softness of her lips, the contours of her body. In that moment, there was no room for doubt or fear, only the overwhelming sensation of her presence, tangible and real.

"There's my Adrik," she rasped. With a final press of her lips against mine, she held my hand, leading me out of the steam of the shower and into the chill of the room.

Balancing on her toes, she got our robes, draping one over me. It should have been me caring for her, comforting her, but instead, she was the one holding me together.

Guiding me to the bed, she put the bottle of water I had fetched for her to my lips. With a tilt of the cup, she compelled me to drink, the cool liquid going down my throat. I hadn’t realized how parched I was until then.

My angel, my savior, my everything. She always knew what I needed, even when I didn't know it myself. As I lay down beside her, she opened her arms, inviting me into her embrace, and without hesitation, I surrendered myself to her warmth, seeking solace in the shelter of her love.

Chapter 16


?In the suffocating darkness, I stumbled blindly, my heart pounding in my chest, each beat echoing in the oppressive silence. Panic clawed at my throat, threatening to choke me as I groped through the void, searching for any sign of light, any shred of hope.

My name means darkness, I never once was scared of it, and I embody it. But in that moment? I just wanted the light. I reached out, my fingers brushing against nothing but empty air, the darkness swallowing my touch.

In the distance, a faint glimmer caught my eye, a feeble flicker of light in the gloom. With a surge of desperate hope, I stumbled towards it, each step heavier than the last as if the darkness itself sought to drag me down.

But as I drew closer, the light seemed to recede, slipping through my fingers like smoke. I called out, my voice a hoarse whisper in the void, but there was no answer, only the hollow echo of my own fear.

And then, just as I thought all was lost, I saw her. Luna, standing before me, her form bathed in an ethereal glow that seemed to push back the darkness. But as I reached out to her, she began to fade, her image flickering like a dying flame.

I screamed her name, a desperate sound that echoed through the void, but she continued to slip away, swallowed by the encroaching darkness. And then I saw her, a twisted figure emerging from the shadows, Elena. Her eyes were burningwith malice as she reached out for Luna, dragging her into the abyss.

I lurched forward, my hands grasping at empty air as I watched helplessly, my heart breaking with every passing moment. And as Luna disappeared into the darkness, I knew that I was truly alone.

My eyes snapped open, my blood rushing with fear. Gasping for breath, I lurched upright in bed, my hands trembling as they clutched the sheets.

The remnants of the nightmare still clung to the edges of my consciousness. I could feel the darkness pressing in around me, threatening to engulf me once more.

"Luna!" My voice cracked with desperation as I called out her name, the sound echoing through the silent room like a plea for salvation. I needed her, needed the warmth of her touch, the reassurance of her presence.

Frantically, I reached for the bedside lamp, fingers fumbling over the switch in my haste. With a flicker of light, the room was bathed in a soft glow, casting long shadows across the walls.

But even as the darkness receded, the terror remained, a gnawing fear that clawed at my insides. I had knocked over the bottle of water and painkillers on the bedside table in my frantic search for the light.

"Luna..." My voice was barely a whisper now, choked with emotion. And then she was there, sitting beside me on the bed, her presence a soothing balm.

"I turned on the lights, even the ones in the hallway," she comforted. Her hand found my back, fingers tracing soothingcircles in an attempt to quell the storm raging within me. The brightness assaults my senses, but in its harsh glow, I find a fleeting semblance of calm.

The look on Luna's face gutted me. She appeared as broken as I felt, her anguish a mirror of my own. "Let's go to the kitchen," she urged. I didn't question her motives; I'd follow her anywhere, even into the depths of hell.

We made our way to the kitchen, where she seated me next to the fireplace. Luna hurried to switch on every light, her movements frantic yet purposeful. She rummaged through the cabinets, her hands trembling as she gathered an assortment of herbs.

"What are you doing?" I croaked.

"It's a calming tea," Luna replied, her tone steady despite the stifled energy in the room. "Good for anxiety."
