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"I understand," she said softly, filled with compassion. "I can't imagine what you've been through. But I'm here for you, whatever you need."

Her words soothed the frayed edges of my nerves and eased the tension that had been coiled tightly within me. It's as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, the burden of my secrets finally shared with someone I trust.

But beneath Christy's words, there was something cryptic, a hint of sadness lurking behind her eyes that sent a shiver down my spine. It was as if she was running from something too, hiding her own pain behind a mask of understanding and empathy.

For a moment, I was tempted to press her for answers. But then she smiled at me, her expression bright and reassuring, and I pushed aside my doubts, choosing instead to focus on the comfort she offered in this moment of vulnerability.

"Thank you," I said, "For being here for me."

And as Christy reached out to squeeze my hand, I knew that no matter what lied ahead, I wouldn’t have to face it alone.

As the night unfolded, I watched as Christy interacted with Adrik, her initial apprehension melting away. She asked him about his life, his interests, his dreams, and he answered her with a genuine openness that drew her in, erasing any lingering reservations she might have had.

My thoughts drifted to the guard who had died protecting me, his sacrifice a weight I couldn't shake off. I couldn't hold it in any longer, so I asked Adrik about him, souring the mood slightly. His response was sharp, almost cutting through the air. "The police are after your sister," he said firmly, his words carrying the promise of justice. I understood what he meant, though he didn't say it outright: he'd take care of things without hurting my sister. Bringing up the police was his way of avoiding the topic in front of Christy, who didn't know about his influence

And with his promise, for the first time in what felt like forever, I could relax, knowing that I was surrounded by people who cared about me and that everything was going to be okay.

Chapter 18


?About a month later, Adrik and I made a big decision to permanently settle in the town. Now, every morning, we woke up to fresh air, stunning views, and a sense of peace that I never thought possible. I was still running the bakery, and to my surprise, it had become even more popular than before.

The townspeople had been incredibly kind to us, especially after everything that happened. They believed that the culprit behind my kidnapping and the guard's murder simply couldn't be caught by the police. But the truth was that Adrik had taken matters into his own hands. He arranged for Elena to be sent to a strict convent in Russia. She was safe there, but she was definitely facing her punishment.

It was a relief to know that she was no longer a threat to us or anyone else for that matter.

I harbored no hard feelings for Elena. Despite everything she put me through, I moved on. I wished that she would find peace, even though I knew the conditions in the convent were harsh.

Adrik told me that she was receiving mental health care there, which was something. But still, it wasn't easy. Maybe one day, I would muster the strength to face her again. But at that moment, it wasn't something I wanted to think about. For now, I was focusing on my own healing and my happily ever after.

It's true, what we went through was awful. But strangely enough, I wouldn't change a damn thing. Those events brought Adrik and me closer together in a way I never could have imagined.

Adrik always had this part of him that he kept hidden from me, his dark and twisted side. The events forced us to confront those sides of him, and in doing so, we became more open and honest with each other. It was something I never knew I craved, but now that it's here, I can't imagine life without it.

And as strange as it sounds, all those misfortunes led us to this town. Here, we've developed a great group of friends and found a sense of community that we never had before. I didn't realize how incredibly lonely I felt in the city until I came here. But now, I feel like I have a purpose. And for that, I'll always be grateful, no matter how difficult the journey was to get here.

About a week ago, Adrik officially cut all ties with the mafia. He sold off his underground empire piece by piece. He was out. He was done. He sold it to men who had nothing to lose, no people to miss them.

It was a relief to know that he was finally free from that life, even though it meant letting go of something that had been a part of him for so long.

This was the final piece of the puzzle for our perfect life.Finally, I felt safe, knowing that Adrik was no longer associated in the underground. It was a huge weight off our shoulders, and it came at the perfect time. My period was a week late. It was like everything was falling into place, and I couldn't have been happier.

I sat on the edge of the bathtub, clutching the pregnancy test in my hand. Beside me, Christy was practically vibrating with excitement. Though I felt a surge of anticipation, there was also a twinge of nervousness.

What if it came back negative? But then, I remembered Adrik's constant reassurance. He always made it clear that I was enoughfor him, no matter what. And that thought brought me a sense of comfort amidst the nerves.

Christy's enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile despite my apprehensions. Deep down, I knew that whatever the result, we would face it together, Adrik and I.

I fidgeted with the pregnancy test, my palms slick with sweat. The silence in the room felt heavy, the tension palpable as we waited for the test result. My breaths came in shallow, uneven gasps, and my stomach churned.

As the test displayed a positive result, a rush of disbelief washed over me. I blinked, struggling to comprehend the news. Christy's face lit up with a radiant smile as she exclaimed, "I'm going to be an aunt!"

My mouth fell open in astonishment, my mind reeling with the realization. "I'm going to be a mom," I whispered, my voice tinged with awe.

As Christy leaned in to press a kiss to my belly, I couldn't help but chuckle at the gesture. It felt surreal,knowing that a little life was growing inside me.

Already, my mind was racing with thoughts of names for the baby."All those baby clothes you knitted are going to look adorable!" Christy exclaimed.
