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She continued to stare into the distance, a distant flicker of defiance in her gaze. She was inhaling the smoke with a carelessness that unnerved me. After a particular pull, she coughed, a raspy sound that grated on my nerves. My hands twitched involuntarily, an instinct to take the cigarette away, to shield her from its harsh effects. Yet, I held back.

The air was charged as I moved to kneel before her. I took her feet, dangling from the edge of the bed, in my hands, my touch gentle. "Milaya," I began, "I need you to believe me. Your sister framed me, set this whole damn thing up. She won't get away with it."

The words hung in the air, I desperately needed her to see the truth. She remained silent, her eyes still not meeting mine. She looked drained. The only response I got was her snuffing out her cigarette. "I would walk through hell for you. I’d kill for you, bleed for you. Don't let her poison this between us. “I continued, my tone gruff. “I won't let her tear us apart. You and me, we're stronger than her games."

Yet, even as I yearned for her trust, deep down, I knew it wouldn't change a damn thing. She was never leaving me. She goes where I go, and I go where she goes. There was no escaping the twisted link between us. The room crackled as Luna's eyes finally met mine.

Silently, I held her feet, placing gentle kisses on them. I had no shame when it came to her. I was willing to move mountains just so she could see how much I loved her. I loved her in ways that weren’t healthy. She studied me for a moment, her gaze searching. Then, a subtle shift — she patted on the bed next to her, a silent request for me to sit beside her.

Without hesitation, I moved to the spot she indicated, my eyes never leaving hers. The air between us carried unspoken words. I could tell that she wanted to believe me, but she was struggling to.

"Hold me," she whimpered, breaking the silence. I wasted no time, wrapping my arms around her, holding her close. Her vulnerability showed in those words, and my chest tightened in response.

"I do not know what to think right now. Just hold me for the night," she confessed. I grunted in agreement, my chest aching from the pain etched across her face.

Gently, I lowered her onto the bed, still cradling her in my arms. My fingers traced soothing patterns on her back. In the dim light, I leaned in, my lips brushing against her ear as I murmured sweet nothings, an attempt to drown out the chaos in her mind. Her body was an unfamiliar stiffness in my arms, a stark difference from the warmth and familiarity I was accustomed to.

Luna had never been like this with me before; her body used to relax at my mere presence, especially when I held her close. Every time I entered a room, her features would soften, and a calmness would settle over her. The weight of the world seemed to lift from her shoulders when she felt the reassurance of my presence. The contrast was glaring, and it tore through me. Aftera while, the sound of her soft snored filled the room, despite her unease. Only then, was I able to fall asleep.



?My eyes opened to find myself nestled in Adrik’s arms. I closed them again, enjoying his touch for a moment before I got up. He was usually hyperaware of my presence and would wake up the minute I left the bed. If what he told me was true, what Elena gave him must still have been affecting him. Rubbing my face with frustration, I took my phone and went to the balcony.

The cold air hit my robe-clad body like a slap. I needed it. I needed to feel something other than emotional pain and confusion. Sitting on the rain-soaked chair, I dug my nails into my palms in a form of self-punishment. I had a moment of weakness last night and gave in to Adrik’s touch. I shouldn’t have done that, especially when I still didn’t know if I believed him.

I hurt him too, slapped and punched him. This was unacceptable behavior for me. I knew he didn’t feel it, but I lost my cool. I promised myself that I would never cry over them again, but I almost mauled the man when he showed up in my room. I was too emotional. So much for being unaffected.

I felt so much confliction. On one hand, I felt guilty for not believing him. But on the other, I didn’t know if I could.

Nothing made sense to me. I could not wrap my head around Elena betraying me like this. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t notice her stare at him for longer than normal or act differently around him. But I always chalked it up to her liking him like a brother and wanting to impress him. Never in amillion years did I ever think she was capable of a thing like this. Whether actually drugging him or just sleeping with him. I was the one who raised her after our parents passed. I sacrificed so much for her. I should be the last person on earth she would want to hurt.

My thoughts gravitated back to Adrik. He never regarded her as anything more than my sister, at least around me. There wasn’t a moment when I was suspicious that he was doing anything or anyone behind my back. With a sigh, I checked my phone that I neglected yesterday. There wasn’t any message from Adrik. He knew that I wouldn’t respond. But I wasn’t stupid enough to think he wouldn’t find me.

He hated me being away from him, never mind not actually being able to reach me. I just didn’t expect for him to find me so quickly; I have no idea how he did. God knows how much he bribed the receptionist to get access to my room.

Sighing, I focused on my phone again. There were countless messages from my sister. When I opened them, I swear I felt my world crash as it is. The first thing she sent was an ultrasound picture. My hands shook as I read what she texted me.

-Luna, I am three months pregnant. It is Adrik’s. I know that this must be very difficult for you, and I'm sorry. But Adrik and I just have this connection that can’t be ignored. We were scared to tell you. I am sure that you will forgive us with time. I do not know what he told you, but I want to lay all the cards on the table.

-This thing started a couple of months into your marriage. Remember when I stayed over for the New Year? He snuck into my room that night. It was magical; we couldn’t stop.

-This isn’t the only thing he hid from you. He isn’t just an entrepreneur. He sells unauthorized weapons, among other things. It isn’t as simple as that too; he is rooted in the underground, just like our parents were. He has a lot more authority than our parents did.

-He didn’t tell you because he knew how you would react. You would have freaked out. He told me, though. He said I was fit to rule beside him. You aren’t, Luna. Please leave us be. You aren’t suitable for him.

-If you do not believe me, follow him tonight. There is this masked party going on in one of his clubs, and he will be there. It will show you all you need to see. Dress the part and be ready at nine. I will have one of the people that work for him take you. Do not tell him. He will deny. Come see the truth for yourself.

The phone slipped from my shaky grip, hitting the floor with a harsh crash. My sister's texts were a repeating loop in my mind. She claimed that she was knocked up. By my husband. While we have been trying for a damn year, she was the one bearing his child. According to her, they have been having this affair for half a year. He apparently had been touching her for that long. Was I not good enough? As soon as the thought came, I pushed it away. No one was going to make me feel unworthy.

I felt crazy. I didn’t know who to believe at this point. She claimed that Adrik was involved with the mafia. It felt like a punch to the gut. The images of our parents, murdered for trying to break free from this dark world, flashed before my eyes. It felt like history was repeating itself.

She understood that our parents were excised by the mafia when they wanted to escape it. They moved from America to Russia due to poverty and started doing illegal work. Once they realizedhow much of a danger we were actually in, they fled back to America. But they had already seen too much.

Elena and I came home one day from school, only to discover the bodies of our parents heavily mutilated. I was only sixteen, and Elena was only ten. From that moment on, our lives changed forever. I did things I wasn’t proud of, just for her. I considered her more of a daughter than a sister.

She wanted to rule the mafia now? With absolutely no consideration for what happened to our parents? No respect for them? I tried standing up, only to drop to my knees, the cold floor biting through me.
