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Over my shoulder, Lynx lies flat on his back, naked, glistening sweat-slicked skin, a muscular arm propped behind his head, other hand lazily stroking his cock. A dimple daggers his right cheek, eager smirk on his face as he watches Poppy, red-brown gaze dragging appreciatively down her bare body.

Twisting back around, I lick my lips from my place at the end of the bed. Legs spread wide, feet flat to the floor, elbows perching on my parted knees. Teeth dragging my lip into my mouth, I bite down on the flesh, pinching it hard between my teeth. Trying hard not to lift my fingers to my mouth, tap my lips like my brain constantly forces me to.

I stare at them together. King and Poppy. Standing like they're a newly wed couple on the first night of their honeymoon. Her cheeks flush. A glint in King's eye, protective hold on all that gloriously naked skin.

I reach out a hand, waiting. Being patient for the first, and possibly the only, time in my life. I've never fucked a girl slowbefore either. Not sure I know how, but I already know I'm gonna. Watching King, the way he held himself back, taut with tension, making sure he didn't hurt her. Not sure I've ever seen him with so much control before. He did it right. Didn't spook her.

She's afraid of the dark.

I blink as her hand slips into mine, stilling the unconscious movement of my fingers against the inside of my thigh. King at her back, plastered to her like they're stitched together. His dark gray eyes a warning as I gift our girl a smile.Don't hurt her,he tells me with nothing more than a look.

My fingers close around Poppy's clammy ones, pushing to stand as she steps between my thighs, bringing us face to face, her height only a couple inches less than mine, she lifts her chin, her lips parting, ready and wanting for my tongue.

Tongue bar clicking over her teeth, I push between her plump pout, licking over her mouth and groaning as her lips suck on mine. My hands smooth up her sides, skin smattered with goosebumps, my thumbs caress her nipples as I cup her breasts, running my hands higher, resting them on either side of her pretty little neck.

“I told you earlier how pretty you'd look crushed between us, didn't I, Kitten?” I breathe over her mouth, her soft, quiet pants making my cock scream. “Get on that bed and straddle our boy, yeah?” I draw back from plucking at her lips, her eyes blissed out and heavy lidded on mine.

She nods in my hold, gaze flicking over my shoulder. She swallows, eyeing Lynx, and then she glances back to me. Her hands coming to my belly, her gentle touch sending a tremor through me, she looks up at me, seeking reassurance.

“We're gonna be real fucking gentle, Kitten,” I tell her seriously, promising her, something I find strangely easy to do, like instinctually, I know I mean it. “Okay?”

She nods, just once, firm, and then she moves past me, King's eyes on her, my own following as her knees hit the bed, her splayed hands next, and then she fucking crawls.

“Jesus Christ,”I hiss, biting on my tongue as I watch the round globes of her ass flex, her hips swaying side to side as she crawls her way to Lynx on the oversized bed.

I don't think she even realizes she's doing it. Seducing us. Melting our brains out of our fucking ears.

It propels me forward, watching the rapture on Lynx's blissed out face as she climbs over his legs, long, thick curls dropping forward over her shoulder, curtaining them for that first kiss. Lynx rears up, biting into her mouth, grabbing the sides of her face with his big hands. She whimpers into the kiss, folding herself into his hold, and I'm moving.

Shifting at her back, settling myself between Lynx's calves, pushing up onto my shins, leaning forward on my knees, I curl my arms around Lynx's back, sandwiching her between us, pressing my lips to her cheek. Breathing the two of them in, sweet, sugary butter mixing with that familiar earthy cedar and sharp berry scent, as they consume each other's mouths.

Lynx's back ripples beneath my touch, Poppy's back heaving against my chest where I close her in between us.

“So fucking pretty,” I breathe in her ear, flicking my gaze onto Lynx, his eyes opening, focusing on me as his tongue twists with hers.

“Mhm,” Lynx hums, breaking off their kiss, her mouth chasing his before he grips her chin. “Be a good girl for us, Poppy. Rex is usually such a good boy for me,” he breathes over her mouth. “When he wants to be,” he says, glancing at me briefly over her shoulder, and a shiver rips its way up my spine, my pounding pulse hammering at the back of my skull. “Bet you can show him up, huh? 'Cause you, you're a real good girl, aren't you, Treasure?” he smirks wide, white teeth glinting blue underthe lights when she nods her agreement, my fingers carving divots in his back.

Tipping her head back against my shoulder, unusual lilac-blue eyes lifted onto mine.

“Let's get him inside you first,” I say, making her shudder. “You want that?” I flick my tongue over the tip of her nose, staring into her eyes. “Both of us inside you at the same time, Lynx in your pussy. Me in your pretty little ass, Kitten?” I move a hand from Lynx's back, scratching my nails down his skin, bringing my fingers up between where they're pressed together and clutching her tit. “I can be so careful with you,” I rumble against the sensitive skin below her ear, my gaze on Lynx. “Just ask our boy here,” I smile, hiding it in the crook of her neck as she trembles between us.

“King?” she whispers, an almost whine in her throat that makes me frown.

“He's here,” Lynx soothes, smoothing his hands over her sides, flicking his gaze over her shoulder as King moves up beside us, boxers on now, but failing to hide his erection.

“You look so fucking beautiful,” he purrs, pressing his lips to her sweaty temple. “Show me how crazy you can make 'em, Princess.” Then he drops to his ass, propping himself at our side with a mountain of pillows at his back.

Poppy turns her face towards me, still resting back against my shoulder, and I capture her mouth with mine. Lynx leans back, my other hand sliding from the hard planes of his back to the soft, smooth skin of her front, joining my other. Fingers running up her thighs, over the flare of her hips, dip of her belly, until I'm cupping her breasts, small, weighty handfuls, nipples tight between my fingers.

Lynx rolls a condom over his shaft, licking his lips as he eyes us both. Poppy's eyes shut tight, my own, half lidded slits to watch him with. I groan as Lynx reaches for Poppy, taking oneof her hands and tugging her gently toward him, the both of us shuffling on our knees to get closer.

Nudging her forwards, I tear my lips from her's, I reach around her, taking hold of Lynx's hard cock and giving it one nice long tug. He groans, his hips lifting from the mattress, chasing the touch as I guide Poppy higher up onto her knees, directing his cock to her entrance.

“You ready, Kitten?”

And without answer she slides her way down, taking Lynx inside of her with one slow glide. The look of euphoria on Lynx's face, the tightness in his features, tells me just how good she feels. His hands grab her hips, dragging her closer, before gripping the back of her neck, pulling her in for a heat filled kiss.

King tosses me a bottle of lube without even looking in my direction, his entire focus on Poppy's face. He looks like a man possessed, the way he watches her, like she's his missing piece. Maybe she is. Maybe she's all of ours.

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