Page 20 of Coming Home

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Emily placed her glass on top of the piano and started to play. Her fingers moved lightly over the keys, and it didn’t take long for Quinn to recognize the melody, the words coming to her in her head, ‘Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…’

“Can you sing?” Emily asked as she continued to play.

“No. Not at all. You?”

“Unfortunately no.” Emily’s hands drifted up and down the keys. “I was hoping we could’ve made it a duet.”

“We still can,” Quinn said, putting her glass down beside Emily’s, and placing her fingers on the keys.

“You play?” Emily asked, surprise in her voice.

“It has been a while but I should be able to manage this one.” Quinn’s fingers moved over the keys, a smile playing across her lips as she surprised herself by how easily it was all coming back.

Thankfully, the bar was nearly empty, and no one was paying them any attention. Warmth filled Quinn’s chest as she let herself enjoy this moment, even if a part of her wanted it to be more than this.

Quinn couldn’t ignore the jolt of electricity that ran through her when Emily’s bare arm brushed hers as she moved her fingers across the keys. It was an innocent touch, an accidental one, but it still set Quinn’s skin alight.

Maybe she did need to take Lucy’s advice and put herself out there. It had been a long time since she’d been with anyone, and clearly, her body couldn’t handle a simple, unintentional touch.

Emily played the last few notes, a small smile on her lips as she looked up at Quinn. They both slowed their pace together, and they each softly pressed down on their final notes before coming to a gentle end.

Emily’s lips slid into a smile as she held her gaze. “You’re full of surprises, Quinn.”

Quinn inhaled a shaky breath. That was the first time, that she could think of anyway, that Emily had used her first name.

“Ladies,” one of the bartenders said, coming over to them. “That was great and everything, but we’re getting ready to close up.”

Quinn reached for her wine glass and took a drink. The night had flown by, and she didn’t want it to end.

“I don’t suppose there are any late bars around here,” Emily said with a half-smile.

“You’re not in the city anymore.” Quinn finished her drink and stood up, wishing they’d had more time together at the piano.

“I don’t really feel like that was much of a present. One little Christmas song.”

“It was lovely. But yeah… I was going to see how much I could remember of some of my old favorites.”

“You don’t play much anymore?” Emily asked as she put on her red coat.

“Well, I have a keyboard, but I rarely play it. It’s in my guest bedroom. I guess, I should put it somewhere more prominent if I think I’m ever going to play it.” Quinn slid her arms into her jacket. “Do you… Never mind.” She shook her head, not quite believing that she’d nearly said that out loud.

“What were you going to say?”

Quinn held Emily’s gaze, her heart rate increasing. An invitation back to her house hung on the tip of her tongue. It was so tempting.

Emily smiled as if she could read Quinn’s mind. “I’m not ready to call it a night.”

Quinn locked eyes with Emily, feeling the attraction like a jolt of electricity between them. She could see in Emily’s eyes that she wanted her, and it sent a rush of heat through her body. There was an unspoken invitation in Emily’s expression; all Quinn had to do was take it. She felt her heart beat faster as they stared into each other’s eyes, both daring themselves to make the first move. The pull between them seemed almost irresistible.

“Do you want to come back to my place?” Quinn asked finally, barely able to keep her voice steady.

“I’d love to.”


When the taxi driver pulled up outside Quinn’s home, the snow had stopped falling, but it still lingered on the driveway and steps untouched by a plow or a shovel. It was only two or three inches, but under the moonlight, the place looked almost magical.

Emily followed Quinn through the front door of her home and looked around while Quinn turned on a few lights. The room was airy yet cozy, with glossy hardwood floors, and she spotted a few bookshelves in the corner of the room, creating an inviting reading nook near the window lit by a standing lamp beside it. A Christmas tree twinkled by the fireplace and the mantel over it was decorated with garland and white lights.
