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“I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.”

She turned, which caused the cuffs to yank on him. She started towards the bathrooms. He staggered a little, going after her.

But he righted himself, and it was only a little awkward, moving single file over to the bathrooms. Then, the hallway was narrow and they had to maneuver a little to get into the mens’ bathroom.

It was tiny in there. There was a toilet and and urinal, catty-corner to each other. He decided to use the urinal. She turned around.

He used the hand that was not handcuffed to her to unzip. It was awkward, because it was not his dominant hand. But he figured it out.

Then, his cock out, staring down at the drain of the urinal, nothing happened.

He shut his eyes. Seriously? This was like the orgasm of last night all over again. Nothing wanted to come out of his penis in front of her, clearly. He tried to relax. He really did have to pee, but his body had suddenly gone shy. He imagined her hearing the sound of it and muscles in his groin tightened up.

“Decker?” Her voice was tiny, embarrassed.

“Uh… I’m just…”

“You want me to turn on the sink?”

“Would you?”

She stepped away, which tugged him a little, but the bathroom was small enough that she could do it without his needing to move, even though they were handcuffed.

The water rushed on and his body relaxed. He emptied his bladder quickly. “Okay, you can turn it off now.”

She did.

And then she turned around. “Briars! You’re still—”

“Well, give me a second. It’s hard to zip up with my left hand.”

“Oh, I didn’t even realize!” She moved closer, shaking her hand at him. “Here. Use your right hand.”

He did.

Then he started for the door.

“You’re washing your hands,” she said in a voice that brooked no argument.

“Totally,” he said. “Of course I was going to wash my hands.” He went over to the sink and did that.

“You’re splashing me,” she muttered.

“So, so sorry,” he said.

She glared at him.

He dried his hands with paper towels. Yanked one off with his left hand and waved it at her. “You want this?”

She snatched it away and began drying the splashes off.

Then, together, they managed to get out of the bathroom.

Someone was outside, leaning against the far wall, waiting for the women’s bathroom. She looked them over, laughing. “Kinky.”

“No, this is… an accident,” said Essence, very pained.

“Yeah, we’re waiting on someone to come get them off,” he said.
