Page 2 of Twisted Hunger

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I close my eyes to the sound of his voice coming up behind me as I face my locker. The first bell hasn't even rung yet, and already, Beau is starting in with his shit. Taking a deep breath, I put on my bitch face and spin around. "Goes to show what you know. I don't do coke. If you're going to accuse me of doing drugs, you can at least get my drug of choice right." I lean in with an amused smirk, "Maybe you should try some. It might loosen that stick in your ass."

His friends snicker, but Beau doesn't find it funny as he slams my locker door closed, catching some of my hair inside my locker. I glare, but it only amuses him. He crosses his arms and leans his shoulder against the locker in front of me.

"What are you going to do now, Ry-Ry?" I hate his little nicknames for me, especially when he means them as insults.

I go to open my locker, but he reaches over to hold it closed. "Let me go, Beau!"

"Not until you apologize for that remark." He smirks.

"Oh, so you can insult me, but I can't insult you?" I sneer.

"Maybe if we were on the same playing field, but we're not. You're so far beneath me; it's laughable." He tilts his head as he studies me. "Why do you do it, Ry-Ry? Why are you wasting your life away by using drugs and your body? Yeah, I know all about how you score." He bites his bottom lip and looks me up and down. "It's a pity that you've wasted your youth and good looks on drugs."

Wait a minute. Did Beau just admit that he thinks I'm pretty? I can't go by the way he's looking at me because most guys look at me the same, but all they want is a piece of me. Beau Huntley would never want me like that. He's bullied me since my first day as a freshman and hasn't stopped.

I'm not going to back down, and I certainly won't apologize. "Why do you feel the need to accost me every day, then? Aren't you afraid of getting your hands dirty with such filth?"

"She has a point, Beau," his friend Tanner agrees.

"Shut up, Tanner. Stay the fuck out of this!" Beau keeps his glaring eyes on me. "I will be here every fucking day—in your face—until the day I graduate. I want you to know how pathetic and what a waste of space you are."

His words hurt only because I feel them to my very core. I tell myself this every day, but then there is that voice in my head that reminds me that I was once loved and have a promise to keep. After I have fulfilled my promise, I can decide if I want to remain a waste of space, or free up that space so no one ever has to walk around it again.

The first bell rings and everyone starts to disperse. Beau doesn't make a move to leave, and when it's just the two of us left in the hall, he pulls out a pocketknife and flicks it open. "Please don't!" I cry out as he goes to cut my hair in order to release me from my locker.

"What will you do for me, Ry-Ry?"

"Just walk away, Beau. Go to class, and I will remain here until you are gone. Just please, don't cut my hair."

He steps closer, his eyes locked on mine. "Once again, what will you do for me?"

I whimper when he reaches up and grazes his hand over my breast. "Beau...don't."

"I will leave you alone if you meet me in the basement during lunch," he says as he squeezes my nipple painfully.

"O-Okay! I'll meet you at lunchtime!" I grind out.

Letting go of my nipple, he taps my cheek three times. "That's a good girl."

I watch him turn and walk away, waiting for him to round the corner before opening my locker and releasing my hair. My hand automatically comes up to rub my aching nipple. Damn, why did he do that? And why the fuck did I enjoy it so much?

Time passes so slowly on a typical school day, but not today. Today it's flying by, and soon I will have to meet Beau. I'm not ready to do that, though. Excusing myself from class, I rush to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I drop to my knees and start shoving two fingers down my throat. It takes a little bit, but I finally make myself vomit. Two girls walk in while I'm emptying my stomach, and one runs to the nurse to inform her of a sick student.

I play along, telling her that my stomach hasn't felt well all morning, so she sends me home, telling me not to return until I feel better. This is working out so well for me since tomorrow is also my eighteenth birthday, and I can sleep in. I will deal with Beau's wrath another day. He's going to be pissed for sure, but I don't give a fuck. I don't know who he thinks he is that he can just walk all over people, mainly me, and think I will jump when he tells me to. Sure, I'm taking the pussy way out, but again, I don't give a fuck.

My mother came into my room to check on me during her lunch; surprisingly. "The school called me and told me they were sending you home because you were throwing up. Are you okay?"

For once, she's showing her concern, something she hasn't done in years. "I will be. I just think it's a stomach bug."

And then, just like that, her concern is gone. "Well, I hope you didn't go and get yourself knocked up, Ryan."

I stare at my mother in disbelief. "It's hard to be knocked up when you have never had sex before, Mother!"

She scoffs, "Yeah, right. I don't believe that one, but whatever." She starts to leave but then stops at the door to my room. "I won't be home until late tonight. I have a date."

I'm shocked, to say the least, "A date? Since when did you start dating?"

My mother rolls her eyes at me. "Bain and I have been dating for over a year."
